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  jasper.milvain said:
Looks like I lost the pool.

Looks like I also lost the pool... Pretty sure the results arent going to arrive tomorrow.

  ashleyv said:

Looks like I also lost the pool... Pretty sure the results arent going to arrive tomorrow.

You are getting ahead of yourself ashleyv, today is *my* day to lose the pool...better luck tomorrow. :lol:

I am assuming that OGS notified schools today. I am close friends with my graduate coordinator, so I think I found out a bit before most people, I anticipate the 'official' notification tomorrow. I find it very bizarre that I did not receive the OGS but I (apparently) have a very good chance of getting the SSHRC. Does anyone know if SSHRC knows about the results of OGS and if this can effect the results of SSHRC?

this response is a few days late, but here it is anyway: many departments have a policy of dividing applications between SSHRC and OGS as a way of ensuring that _THE DEPARTMENT_ benefits financially. in other words, if you get a great ranking for the SSHRC application, you will get the opposite for OGS. i think the reverse is true as well, which is bad news for me. but then again, since OGS does notify applicants of their rank, one can never now if one was at the top or bottom of the list. in theory, it is possible to be given a mediocre ranking (just above the cut-off) for both awards and be offered both. but perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part--somehow i have a feeling that my department is far more "efficient" in sorting out applications.

by the way, the above applies only for PhD funding applications; departments tend to be more lax about MA applications, so many MA's will receive both awards but will also have to give up one.

  none said:

this response is a few days late, but here it is anyway: many departments have a policy of dividing applications between SSHRC and OGS as a way of ensuring that _THE DEPARTMENT_ benefits financially. in other words, if you get a great ranking for the SSHRC application, you will get the opposite for OGS. i think the reverse is true as well, which is bad news for me. but then again, since OGS does notify applicants of their rank, one can never now if one was at the top or bottom of the list. in theory, it is possible to be given a mediocre ranking (just above the cut-off) for both awards and be offered both. but perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part--somehow i have a feeling that my department is far more "efficient" in sorting out applications.

by the way, the above applies only for PhD funding applications; departments tend to be more lax about MA applications, so many MA's will receive both awards but will also have to give up one.

Thanks! This allows me to pretend that my lack of success in OGS is actually an indicator of success in SSHRC! Unfortunately, I have to leave for a seven week course in Germany beginning Friday. If SSHRC has not notified me by then, I'll be a nervous wreck for my trip.


I think there might be something to this theory. I know a few past SSHRC-winners in my program who got a rejection letter from OGS only to get SSHRC a couple of weeks later. By the way, these students also told me that they got their SSHRC letter last year on April 24th so we're not necessarily "late" yet - though certainly past "mid-April."

But if this rumour about late-April/early-May is true, my suspicion is that Harper's "addition" to the system has created some complications requiring more scrutiny of the process (e.g., determining what is "business-related"). I've heard that there is somewhat of a revolt amongst some of the panelists who are stretching the definition of 'business-related' as wide as possible to undermine Harper's intention.

Nonetheless, I'm about to blow my head off.

(It is 1:30am and my wife just poked her head in my office trying to figure out why I was still up. "Oh, you know, just reading through SSHRC chatrooms...do you mind?")

  mt1 said:
Nonetheless, I'm about to blow my head off.

(It is 1:30am and my wife just poked her head in my office trying to figure out why I was still up. "Oh, you know, just reading through SSHRC chatrooms...do you mind?")

It's like you have a window into my life.

I have also heard that there is a revolt against Harper's call for funding business related degrees: afterall, 'experts' are supposed to determine where funding is suposed to be going and they would literally have to pass over better applicants to choose more mediocre ones in order to fulfill Harper's wishes. To me it demonstrates his hopeless ignorance of both the funding process and the purpose of research. Any 'business-related' degree funded today will not effect the economy (if it does at all) for several years.


I agree about this whole business-related degree issue, but that only affects CGS applications not regular SSHRC fellowships, so I dont see why there would be THAT much delay in the results

It's at least good to know that we're all going crazy together!

Indeed!--I wish I had found this website earlier...


So last night I was getting ready to go to sleep with my dear, sweet, dim husband, and I told him that a mutual friend had heard 'no' on NSERC, but at least there were still a handful of us in the running for federal money from SSHRC. He looked confused for a second, then said,

"Oh, there's still a chance that you won't get SSHRC? I thought that at this point you were just waiting to hear the amount."

You will all be glad to hear that I did not kill him, or even get all that snippy. I explained my schools' past success rates, how many of the awards are the big ones, etc. But COME ON! Even assuming that you've been smiling and nodding for the past eight months as I obsessed over all things SSHRC (understandable), why on earth would I have negotiated my non-SSHRC packages so carefully if I already had one? What the hell did you think I was talking about when I went over my non-SSHRC packages in detail with you while we were making a decision on which school I should attend? I am baffled. We have clearly had several conversations where he wasn't having the same talk I was.

I'd be more inclined to forgive him if this hadn't followed right on the heels of "Oh, you got into that school? Congratulations! Hey, that means you went four for four!" He was actually in our tiny apartment when the acceptance phone call came. How the &R%#$*& did he miss that one?

  jasper.milvain said:
How the &R%#$*& did he miss that one?

You have my sympathy. It's hard for partners not involved in academics to 'get' just how important and how elusive all of this stuff is. I'm lucky because be husband is also an academic so he's familiar with the granting agencies and their processed, but most of my friends who brilliantly left school eons ago to go out and get real jobs and kids and mortgages have no idea why I'm so caught up in this. Their world simply isn't as cut-throat. Anyway, hang in there. You can make him take you out when you get your award!


Just got the mail (April 22) and nothing from SSHRC.

I just stood there in the rain, holding a PizzaPizza coupon, and cried out: "Why God? Whyyyy?" I thought academia was supposed to be a dignified pursuit.

  mt1 said:
Just got the mail (April 22) and nothing from SSHRC.

I just stood there in the rain, holding a PizzaPizza coupon, and cried out: "Why God? Whyyyy?" I thought academia was supposed to be a dignified pursuit.

Did you hear your cry echo about five minutes ago? That was me.


I am grateful that living in central standard time on the Prairies means that by mid-morning I can check the posts to determine whether or not I should even bother checking my mail that day. It seems to be an easier let down than the taunting of the empty mailbox . . .

  Snasser said:

You have my sympathy. It's hard for partners not involved in academics to 'get' just how important and how elusive all of this stuff is. I'm lucky because be husband is also an academic so he's familiar with the granting agencies and their processed

You're lucky. Sometimes having a partner in academia only makes it worse. This time last year we were anxiously awaiting scholarship results for him. Our faculty of grad studies waits for SSHRC results before announcing their internal competition results (he's an international student and ineligible for SSHRC), so SSHRC results became ridiculously important in our lives (considering neither of us had applied). This year, we are waiting anxiously for my results and he keeps making fun of me for my haunting of different SSHRC forums and threads. When I tell him that he would have done the same thing last year if there were any forums on the internal scholarship, he reminds me that stalking SSHRC info would have amounted to the same thing... and he didn't bother with that. So, just because I am just slightly more obsessed in a similar situation, he feels that he has the right to feel morally superior. Boo.

On another note, I am wondering how long everyone here has been waiting since being informed that they were A-listed. Because I am obsessed, I checked my inbox and realized that I have been waiting on these results since January 13th. No wonder I am going crazy.


i was notified by SGS on Feb 11th, but only started going crazy by the end of march. i was also stupid enough to re-read my SSHRC statement recently, which resulted in me telling myself over and over again that i am unworthy... if anyone else is debating re-reading the statement, please take my advice and refrain from doing so. a faulty memory will make things you wrote almost 8 months ago seem sooo much better...

  none said:
i was notified by SGS on Feb 11th, but only started going crazy by the end of march. i was also stupid enough to re-read my SSHRC statement recently, which resulted in me telling myself over and over again that i am unworthy... if anyone else is debating re-reading the statement, please take my advice and refrain from doing so. a faulty memory will make things you wrote almost 8 months ago seem sooo much better...

*sigh* in the same boat. SGS emailed me in February and then re-read my proposal a few weeks later. What was I thinking????

  suhayla said:

*sigh* in the same boat. SGS emailed me in February and then re-read my proposal a few weeks later. What was I thinking????

I got my acknowledgment from SSHRC on Jan 27th... I did not want to ever see my statement again, so I never bothered :roll:

Looks like we've all been waiting for quite some time now.. I have a feeling we won't be hearing until first week of May.. I did email SSHRC a few weeks ago, and was told that the letters won't be sent out until the end of April (not mid-April).. In fact the response I got back was the following one-liner:

"The results will be sent by mail around the end of April. "

  mt1 said:
Just got the mail (April 22) and nothing from SSHRC.

I just stood there in the rain, holding a PizzaPizza coupon, and cried out: "Why God? Whyyyy?" I thought academia was supposed to be a dignified pursuit.

That's hilarious... I called SSHRC yesterday, guys - we're not going to hear anything til the first week of May.

  none said:
i was notified by SGS on Feb 11th, but only started going crazy by the end of march. i was also stupid enough to re-read my SSHRC statement recently, which resulted in me telling myself over and over again that i am unworthy... if anyone else is debating re-reading the statement, please take my advice and refrain from doing so. a faulty memory will make things you wrote almost 8 months ago seem sooo much better...

My statement sucks and I am disappointed at all the people who I'd asked to read it who did not catch the MOST OBVIOUS mistakes on the statement. Yes. Do Not read your SSHRC statements. I have read mine at least once a week since I found out I was A-listed. Bad Idea. I am now absolutely convinced that there is no way in hell any intelligent person would give me money for my research. No way. In hell.


My proposal begins with an opening quote that I did not provide in-line citation for. That's haunting my dreams, lemme tell you. But a good friend of mine got a CGS despite the fact that she spelled the name of a major critic in her field wrong. Like, really wrong. So maybe there's hope...

  jasper.milvain said:
My proposal begins with an opening quote that I did not provide in-line citation for. That's haunting my dreams, lemme tell you. But a good friend of mine got a CGS despite the fact that she spelled the name of a major critic in her field wrong. Like, really wrong. So maybe there's hope...

My MA SSHRC application (for which I received an award -- this was a couple of years ago) had a typo in the first sentence. Try not to fret about the missed citation too much. You've got to save up that fretting for the generalized, all-consuming variety.

I suspect we'll hear early next week. My understanding is that we'll find out one way or another before we receive the letters (either by pestering our grad studies offices or by pestering our departmental secretaries).

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