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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Programs Fall 2012--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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@Saviya- thank you!

@Iamhere -awesome! I have to wait on funding too. I don't have the kind of money to pay for it on my own (I mean, who does...) I get the impression from the stats pages (accessible through the portal where you check your status) that they only fund about half of their students. So...fingers crossed.

Anyone else waiting on funding info from a program before they can make a decision?

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@Saviya- thank you!

@Iamhere -awesome! I have to wait on funding too. I don't have the kind of money to pay for it on my own (I mean, who does...) I get the impression from the stats pages (accessible through the portal where you check your status) that they only fund about half of their students. So...fingers crossed.

Anyone else waiting on funding info from a program before they can make a decision?

Hi! I got the same email as well :) It is indeed great news but the funding is a big thing for me. I have already been accepted into U Penn Annenberg, so now the weighing process really begins...

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Anyone else waiting on funding info from a program before they can make a decision?

Yup - funding will be a huge part of my decision. Still waiting for funding info from one of the schools were I was accepted, and waiting for a decision from another school (which I hope will be an acceptance that includes a funding offer!).

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Congrats to all who have received acceptances in the last few weeks. And for those of you who haven't... hang in there.

For folks accepted in UW-Madison J-School, anybody knows whether they offer campus visit opportunity? I am thinking about going there and meeting faculty members and graduate students in person...

For those accepted to UW-Madison, I was told that they would have a visit day on Friday, March 23rd. Unclear as to whether it is funded.

If anyone is currently considering an offer from any of the schools to which I've been accepted, give me a shout in personal email. I'd love to chat.

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Just posting where I'm at with all my schools in case anybody also applied to them!

Accepted with funding:

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Accepted without funding:

University of Utah-Salt Lake City

Accepted with funding pending:

Portland State

Attending a recruitment weekend, but no decision yet:

University of Cincinnati

Phone interview, but no decision yet:

University of Illinois-Chicago


University of Texas-Austin

University of Washington-Seattle

No word yet:

University of Memphis

University of Colorado-Boulder

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I got into GW but no funding so pointless really. :(

George Washington has an MA program in Comm, right? I applied to the PoliSci Ph.D program there and mentioned I would like to work with people from Communications, after one of the professors there told me they were looking for students who want to do that. I still haven't heard from them.

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@lamhere, @mintless, @mrpbn7, @commphilly, congrats to all of you on your acceptances! :) To everyone still waiting to hear, I know it's hard. I had a season of all rejections for FY08, and watched a friend go through 12 last year. Try to stay positive, and remember that if this is your goal and what you want to do with your life, then nothing can stop you from achieving it--not even a year of setbacks. But the game isn't up yet for FY12....

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George Washington has an MA program in Comm, right? I applied to the PoliSci Ph.D program there and mentioned I would like to work with people from Communications, after one of the professors there told me they were looking for students who want to do that. I still haven't heard from them.

Yes I applied for the PoliSci PhD as well, figured SMPA could help fund me, with a TAship or whatever. But they havent given me any money- I suppose I could speak to someone at SMPA and try see if they can rustle up some money for me but I don't know why I feel like its pointless looking for funding if they already told you they dont have any money for you.

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I got waitlisted at UVA- so that's one rejection, one acceptance sans funding and one waitlist. I really need some good news now. What's taking Northwestern and Madison so long- I know we've said this before. Is no news good news?

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@Mediaphile, I can share your sentiment. I just had an interview with the admissions committee of a DrPH Program in Social Marketing and Health Communications at GWU as well. I really like their program which gears towards professionals, strong focus on applied research and collaborative projects with international non-profits, CDC and other federal agencies. Will most likely go there if I get accepted with funding. However, I learned that most doctoral students in this program won't get full funding. Unless you're planning to work in a high paying job in DC while attending the school, nothing should justify getting a loan of a couple hundred thousand dollars to pay for tuition and living expenses for the next 4-5 years. GWU's tuition fees are ridiculously expensive.

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Ville, yes and the problem is since I'm an international student I'm not sure if I'm allowed to work off campus, also, I'm pretty unlikely to get a high paying job. Still, I'm going to wait and see if I get in anywhere else, otherwise I'm going to poke the professors whose interests fit mine.

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A fellow GA of mine got accepted to USC's program with full funding (found out last week). Has anyone heard anything out of Northwestern's Rhetoric and Public Culture program? I haven't seen anything on the Results Search. Saw two posters had interviews with UIC, still waiting to hear from them :o( turned in my application after the deadline with the permission of the Dean of the Graduate School, but still feel like that was $60 down the drain.

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FWIW, I just declined one of my offers from a communication program. Here's hoping that trickles down to an offer for one of you!

I am blessed to be faced with the problem of having to choose between five programs. I went shopping while I was freaking out yesterday about making the right choice, and came home with:

  • two tubs of ice cream
  • two packs of raw cookie dough
  • two boxes of dove ice cream bars

*wry grin* I guess I'll just have to find people to share my yummies with.

Anyone else struggling with making the right choice? Do we want to start a new thread for that, since it might be a little rough on those who haven't heard from anywhere to listen to us angst?

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FWIW, I just declined one of my offers from a communication program. Here's hoping that trickles down to an offer for one of you!

I am blessed to be faced with the problem of having to choose between five programs. I went shopping while I was freaking out yesterday about making the right choice, and came home with:

  • two tubs of ice cream
  • two packs of raw cookie dough
  • two boxes of dove ice cream bars

*wry grin* I guess I'll just have to find people to share my yummies with.

Anyone else struggling with making the right choice? Do we want to start a new thread for that, since it might be a little rough on those who haven't heard from anywhere to listen to us angst?

Yes, I have the same kind of issue. I am currently choosing among U Penn Annenberg, UW-Madison (J-school), and UIUC (department of comm). I think I need some suggestions on this perhaps toughest and arguably most important decision I have to make so far. I am cool with starting a new thread on this sweet-bitterness.

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Anyone else struggling with making the right choice? Do we want to start a new thread for that, since it might be a little rough on those who haven't heard from anywhere to listen to us angst?

I am cool with starting a new thread on this sweet-bitterness.

I started a thread for this purpose. Feel free to hop on over!

Edited by LaBrunaFurba
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Wow, I am definitely not a big fan of USC Annenberg's admission decision notification policy... Most of the other schools manage to notify admitted students, wait listed students and rejected students as soon as possible. Seems like USC likes to keep all of its options open and not mail (!!!) admission decisions until mid March. This could mean they won't notify me of my rejection until April because it sometimes takes snail-mail up to two weeks. I mean it's 2012, postal service, srsly?

Sorry... I would have loved to go to USC. I think Annenberg is a great school and they have many professors I would have been thrilled working with but they don't treat their applicants as fair as they could...

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Wow, I am definitely not a big fan of USC Annenberg's admission decision notification policy... Most of the other schools manage to notify admitted students, wait listed students and rejected students as soon as possible. Seems like USC likes to keep all of its options open and not mail (!!!) admission decisions until mid March. This could mean they won't notify me of my rejection until April because it sometimes takes snail-mail up to two weeks. I mean it's 2012, postal service, srsly?

Sorry... I would have loved to go to USC. I think Annenberg is a great school and they have many professors I would have been thrilled working with but they don't treat their applicants as fair as they could...

Agreed- and they charge a pretty hefty app fee don't they? That's what prevented me from applying, I had run out of money and chose two schools with lower fees instead of the one with a high fee.

Meanwhile, Northwestern and Madison- what the heck is taking them soooo long? I keep getting paranoid that they've informed the accepted candidates and everyone's being real secretive about it.

Yale too, I know they've sent their acceptances out last month but cant be bothered to let the rejects know.

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@ mediaphile: I did not really care about the fee because I'd really like to go there but still it's a bit weird how they can't simply send emails (seen from an ecological perspective, sending a one page letter via airmail is definitely not ok...)

As I get from the conversation in the weighing decisions thread Madison did make some offers. Northwestern seemed to have made one unofficial offer via phone for TSB. I applied to MTS and still haven't heard from them. Since someone said they would be making Skype interviews with international applicants I don't feel to confident but it's not over until it says rejected !

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I was just accepted via phone at UAlbany with funding. Only a small number of accepted applicants are being offered GAships and I certainly don't want to hold up anyone else's money, so now I want to make my decision really quickly. Still waiting to hear about funding at RPI, but I have a visit scheduled for Thursday and hopefully that will give me all the info I need to make a decision by the weekend.


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