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Welcome to the 2012-2013 cycle

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I had been thinking UNC was done with acceptances... Do you really think there will be more? (I.e. any reason to hope?!)


Well it looks like in past years they offer admissions right up until the rejection letters go out. So far people have heard through unofficial channels - e.g. POIs - so its possible that some people just hadn't received a letter from a POI, or their POI just hasn't gotten to it yet.

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Dear Mr. Apply Yourself,


I know you're just a system, you can't help what you are.  I have friends that are systems; the hydrologic cycle, I'm rather fond of my computer system, and I occassionally hear a System of the Down song that I like.  However, Mr. Yourself, sir, if I ever have the opportunity, I will throttle the existence out of you with my bare hands.  Having informed me at 7a on Monday that my status has changed, and as of now not informed me in what why my status has changed, you have caused me an estimated four dozen minor heart attacks in the last two days, four hours and twenty eight minutes.  You sir are cruel, and for that, I shall throttle you.


Warmest regards,

Your Nemesis


P.S. My condolences to the victims of the MIT blood bath.

Edited by Wemayet
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rejected by MIT as well. it was a poor fit and i wasn't even sure why i applied so i guess im not surprised or too bothered.

gotta say though, self esteem is going down as my dream schools are coming up soon and quickly starting to feel like im not qualified for anything. on that note, any insider info on yale?  :mellow:

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not too upset about MIT because it wasn't a great fit, but I'm just annoyed that the results page that was so lovely and green for some time has now taken on a much more ominous shade.

I was enjoying the green on the results page as well. Hopefully we can get some better news later today to get it back in shape!

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