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hello! long time lurker here. anyone know anything about stanford? it seems about time soon and it's getting really hard to sit still from a general all-around nervousness..

Hey! Stanford told me, I forget in what medium, that it would be about the middle of February... and last year it seemed people heard around the 16-19th of February. West Coast seems to take its time! I'm nervous too, but with low expectations.

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I did not get any funding information in my package. Did yours come in a big white envelope from the department, saying we are given an adviser and 3 weeks to decide? No funding would be a deal breaker for me. 

 Sheesh, that seems a little unreasonable to me (the 3-5 weeks). It's so early on! I've never heard of that policy- I hope they wind up giving you plenty of wiggle room to figure it out.

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It seems ridiculous to be honest. I could understand if they were worried about yield and wanted you to make your mind up quickly on a generous offer, but no funding and 3 weeks, pfft, seems very unreasonable to me.

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It seems ridiculous to be honest. I could understand if they were worried about yield and wanted you to make your mind up quickly on a generous offer, but no funding and 3 weeks, pfft, seems very unreasonable to me.


Even with funding, three weeks is seeming a little.....short, to me.

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It seems ridiculous to be honest. I could understand if they were worried about yield and wanted you to make your mind up quickly on a generous offer, but no funding and 3 weeks, pfft, seems very unreasonable to me.

Right... why would they expect you to decide so quickly on an unfunded offer when you may not have heard back from other schools yet...? And if it's unfunded, what's the urgency on their end when nearly every other program gives until 4/15?

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Right... why would they expect you to decide so quickly on an unfunded offer when you may not have heard back from other schools yet...? And if it's unfunded, what's the urgency on their end when nearly every other program gives until 4/15?

My thoughts exactly...i mean if they were paying for a move, early classes or something...then fine. if you need to know by March 1 (essentially 5 weeks) I could understand it.but u know people are going to drop GMU for other schools...so where does that funding go?

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Hey! Stanford told me, I forget in what medium, that it would be about the middle of February... and last year it seemed people heard around the 16-19th of February. West Coast seems to take its time! I'm nervous too, but with low expectations.


thanks for this! i guess i can try to play it cool for at least another week. 

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Any thoughts on the earliest admitted students weekends will be? And how late they will run? (Not counting chickens, just trying to keep options open!)

The admitted student reception at UCD is March 6-8, not sure about UNC yet. I think you can probably assume anytime during the month of March is fair game.

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Any thoughts on the earliest admitted students weekends will be? And how late they will run? (Not counting chickens, just trying to keep options open!)

At Iowa it's March 8-10.

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Does anyone have any guess as to when the UC schools will start getting back to people, specifically UCLA, Berkeley and Santa Cruz? USCS seems to be later, and historically the two others seem to be early February but was wondering if anyone had had any communication with those programs about this year's release dates

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Long time lurker as well. They started reviewing applications on January 14th. Here is the link that I keep on checking (I am out of school and have no job therefore I really have nothing better to do) - https://socialsciences.uchicago.edu/announcement/applications-currently-under-review

Judging by previous years, acceptance letters should be out in 1-2 weeks. 

Hey, thanks for the link. I called them this morning before I saw your post, and they also confirmed they'll be sending them out in the next two weeks. Fingers crossed!

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I GOT ONE!!!! I got one of the Pitt acceptances! I can hardly believe it! For all of you waiting, it was a phone call from the graduate director followed by an email. I LOVE ALL OF YOU THANKS


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what happens at admitted students weekends?

If I'm not mistaken, they usually have a welcome dinner, meet and greet with faculty and other grad students, and a tour of campus. Not sure what else is involved.

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I actually have a question that I think might be broadly applicable to a lot of people. Do you think it more worthwhile to attend a better-ranked program with great general fit to your interests (a few professors generally in your line of work), or a slightly farther down program (like 25th versus 18th) with decent fit and one guy that is 100% a match (and you know that guy won't leave soon or anything)?



This is a difficult question for a direct answer. Is the professor at the slightly farther down program well known in the field? If so, that can help make up for the difference in ranking. Although, 18 to 25 is not that big of a difference between the two, so it likely doesn't matter that much for future job prospects.


In terms of the higher ranked school, most of the time it is okay to not exactly match up with a POI because 1) you are not going to be doing the exact same work, and 2) your interests might change. Being at a higher ranked school allows you to potentially work with a group of better professors and graduate students. You training and connections might be better. In addition even if you know that the POI you have a 100% match with isn't likely to leave, it is still advisable in my opinion for you to have multiple professors to work with and bounce ideas off of. Remember that there is more than one professor on your dissertation committee. 


I feel like I didn't explain this very eloquently, so feel free to ask me to clarify anything.

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