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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Asleepawake is so right. We're all playing roles in the ebook "2013 PhD Applicants." I'm clearly the Supervillain. But who's the hero?


The question is, is it a comedy or a tragedy?


... we find out next month!


(Just as long as it's not a romcom)

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No, you guys! I think I might be the tragic Eponine-figure. The hero has to be Two Expressos, I think, because he has been in the prequels. 




"She," no?

Nope, we've already done the gender-spotting in a different thread. Two Espressos is male


Damn, so much for gender ambiguity!


Now I'm curious as to why JeremiahParadise thought I was female: do I write "feminine"?  did I somehow convey information in another thread that led her/him to conclude I was female?


Important application season update: my partner made grapefruit-hibiscus gin from scratch. It is delicious, I will guzzle so much of it as I wait.


That sounds fucking amazing.

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Damn, so much for gender ambiguity!


I just assume that everyone has ambiguous genitalia until its been proven otherwise.


That sounds fucking amazing.


ikr, I want to drink some right now even though it is kind of early in the morning (no I'm not an alcoholic, it just is fucking delicious and is much more appealing than the oatmeal I just ate).

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Two of my recommenders from last year wrote recommendations for me again this year. I wrote them really long, heartfelt thank-you cards last year. Can I just send them cards that say "see thank you card 2012 for expression of my current gratitude"?

Edited by dazedandbemused
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I am writing thank you notes to my recommenders - I have the worst, child-like handwriting ever, and I am so nervous they are going to see it and think "I recommended this guy?!" I wish you could just e-mail personalized thank you notes...


When have you EVER, in the history of time, received handwritten notes from a professor that were legible? Chicken scratch is the norm. Embrace it.


One the other hand, you could type them up up and print, or better yet, compile them ransom-note-style. 

Edited by asleepawake
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When have you EVER, in the history of time, received handwritten notes from a professor that were legible? Chicken scratch is the norm. Embrace it.


One the other hand, you could type them up up and print, or better yet, compile them ransom-note-style. 


Hahaha. My writing isn't even illegible though, it is big and uneven like a 5 year old's writing. Oh well, they're done. But yes, all of my professors have chicken scratch handwriting.

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I just got an email from my department, directed to the faculty in my department, giving the dates and times for the meetings to discuss grad admissions. Apparently the final decisions are due Jan 31. I guess if I really want to I could ambush them at their meeting and beg for admittance. OMG OMG OMG I'm freaking out.

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