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The Waiting Game - Fall 2013 - Share your progress!


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Hey Panda,

I haven't received any decisions either :/


UCSD told me the adcomm was meeting this week and that they'd probably release decisions next week (fingers crossed!). I'm curious about Berkeley since there have been a few scattered responses posted in the results but so far, no updates on the website for me. No peep from UCLA either.


Good luck with your apps! This wait needs to end soon or else I fear I might have an anxiety induced medical emergency (not really but really).

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C'estLaVie, I'm curious about Berkeley too. I actually e-mailed the department but have not received a response. Sigh. 


panda_bear, you may want to check the results board to see what schools have notified already and the patterns for notification in the past. I think Irvine is a bit later in February (maybe mid-February). I don't know about your other schools, but doing a results search should help. 


Congratulations to all who received good news this week. Here's to more good news next!

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Hey guys... disappointing news but just want to let whoever applied to NYU know that they have compiled a short list as of today.  I received an informal rejection from one of my old professors/letter writers (I was an NYU undergrad) and he mentioned they have just finalized the short list and they are accepting only 4 bio anthro students. There was a total of just under 400 anthropology applications.......


Definitely bummed about this one  :( but good luck to those of you who applied!

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new here :)


i haven't heard from anyone yet! was wondering if anyone heard from NYU, UCLA, UCSD, UC Irvine, Berkeley, Minnesota, or Hawaii?


I know that the adcom for UCLA has already met and I received an informal acceptance from my adviser, but I think that's a special case.  Official decisions have not come out.

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hi majolie, sorry to hear the news :(


if i recall my pre-application meetings with various faculty at NYU, i think the admissions is different for different subdisciplines.


i was told 400 is pretty standard for NYU...talking with my advisor (who is on the anthro admissions committee at another institution with similar numbers) though, i feel hopeful, as about half of those are chucked right away for having no clear place in anthro (applying just for the institution name) and then another sizable amount eliminated for having no fit with the faculty. 


in other words, thinking positively about everything.

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new here :) 


i haven't heard from anyone yet! was wondering if anyone heard from NYU, UCLA, UCSD, UC Irvine, Berkeley, Minnesota, or Hawaii?

If you are talking about Minnesota twin cities, they made their decision at least a week ago. They did all subfoelds at the same time and pretty early compared to other schools.

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Just got an acceptance from two schools that are both tied for my second choice. The funding is fantastic for all these offers so far, which makes the decision not about money, and is a huge relief. Still waiting for my top choice, but still fairly excited for these offers.


Best of luck to everyone!

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Hello everyone, been following the thread for a while and finally thought of joining now that the stress levels are hitting the roof. :(

Congratulations to all who have received offers and best of luck to those still in the waiting zone...


Thanks radiomars for starting this thread- i think you've helped a lot of people come together and share their anxiety/hopes/defeats/celebrations.  B) Oh and, congratulations!


Do any of you know if the process for international students is different for any of the universities?

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Hello everyone, been following the thread for a while and finally thought of joining now that the stress levels are hitting the roof. :(

Congratulations to all who have received offers and best of luck to those still in the waiting zone...


Thanks radiomars for starting this thread- i think you've helped a lot of people come together and share their anxiety/hopes/defeats/celebrations.  B) Oh and, congratulations!


Do any of you know if the process for international students is different for any of the universities?


Hey nritya! welcome :)


though im applying as an american, many people assumed i am an international student.  the main difference seems to be permitting skype interviews rather than flying intl students out for interviews in person.  also, it is potentially more competitive for intl students to be accepted at public schools because of limited funding. for example, i was told by one school: 


"...there are several external and intramural fellowships for which you would not qualify as a foreigner.  Because of how expensive it is for the department to support foreign doctoral students who come with no funding, we can only accept one or two per year, which makes the admissions process all the more competitive for applicants from abroad."


hope this is helpful, though I'm sure actual international students can provide more insight than this!

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Hey nritya! welcome :)


though im applying as an american, many people i assumed i was an international student.  the main difference seems to be permitting skype interviews rather than flying intl students out for interviews in person.  also, it is potentially more competitive for intl students to be accepted at public schools because of limited funding. for example, i was told by one school: 


"...there are several external and intramural fellowships for which you would not qualify as a foreigner.  Because of how expensive it is for the department to support foreign doctoral students who come with no funding, we can only accept one or two per year, which makes the admissions process all the more competitive for applicants from abroad."


hope this is helpful, though I'm sure actual international students can provide more insight than this!


You've just confirmed my fears about the funding situation :( but it helps to realistically evaluate my position. So, thanks anxiousanthro. Currently, I am confused about whether the applications are processed at the same time or not. And if offer/rejection decisions are declared for both groups together... Anybody??

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Hey nritya! welcome :)


though im applying as an american, many people assumed i am an international student.  the main difference seems to be permitting skype interviews rather than flying intl students out for interviews in person.  also, it is potentially more competitive for intl students to be accepted at public schools because of limited funding. for example, i was told by one school: 


"...there are several external and intramural fellowships for which you would not qualify as a foreigner.  Because of how expensive it is for the department to support foreign doctoral students who come with no funding, we can only accept one or two per year, which makes the admissions process all the more competitive for applicants from abroad."


hope this is helpful, though I'm sure actual international students can provide more insight than this!


Hey nritya,


Unfortunately I can confirm what anxiousanthro said about funding at public schools. 


I had a skype interview with Berkeley two weeks ago and it was really nice. Bu at the end my POI wanted to know whether I had any external funding options (fellowships in my home country etc.). He said that it is incredibly difficult for them to finance international students and that therefore they only take 1-2 a year. 


He also said that if it were up to him he would accept me right away but that there is so much internal department politics and that they have so many international applicants this year (many of whom are good) that he can't say.


So I don't know where you applied but I am assuming that the funding situation is similar at most public universities. 


Kind of a bummer but I hope it helps:)

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NYUs full funding fellowship can be applied to international students. I'm only aware of this because I got my Masters in the UK and when we were told about NYU and NYCEP it seemed to be a big selling point to recruit international applicants.

Additionally if you're international and haven't heard anything from NYU don't write them off yet. NYU is doing campus interviews this week but my POI said they did not necessarily invite international people (due to funding flights) but that they are still being considered.

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I know the UC's have it rougher than most. I feel bad for this round of people if the post office stops delivering mail on Saturday's soon. I remember while applying, I hated Sundays because of no mail. I'm not sure if this will affect this round of applicants or next years applicants but I couldn't imagine this when I was going through the process

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Has anyone heard back from Berkeley or Stanford for Cultural Anthro? I looked a few years back on the results posts and it seems that Berkeley and Stanford pretty much send out their results all at once. I see a few acceptances for both schools up there now, and a "waitlisted" posted for Stanford--and was wondering if those who posted, or those who received their news but haven't posted, could let us in on what's going on. Has anyone called or otherwise contacted either school to get an update?

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danthro, I e-mailed both departments (Berkeley and Stanford) on Thursday and haven't heard anything in response. Nor has my application status changed for either. Maybe they've both made offers and are waiting to get some acceptances before sending out rejections? Or since there's at least one Stanford waitlist on the results board, maybe they are just slow to send out the rejections. Just making it all that much more pleasant to receive . . . Ugh. 

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Has anyone heard back from Berkeley or Stanford for Cultural Anthro? I looked a few years back on the results posts and it seems that Berkeley and Stanford pretty much send out their results all at once. I see a few acceptances for both schools up there now, and a "waitlisted" posted for Stanford--and was wondering if those who posted, or those who received their news but haven't posted, could let us in on what's going on. Has anyone called or otherwise contacted either school to get an update?


According to last year's thread Berkley sent out its rejection letters in early March, but they informed everyone who had gotten accepted long before.


So, I guess, except for the rare exceptions if we haven't heard yet, we are probably out of the Berkley game. Although I am kind of reluctant to accept that :(.

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anxiousanthro, I agree.  I think this week is going to bring quite a bit of news.  Could be completely wrong though.  Some schools I applied to there's beed no word of anything anywhere so I guess as long as I don't hear otherwise I'm still in the game.

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im calling tomorrow "results monday" in my mind.  haha really hoping to have some of these dreadful uncertainties resolved, although it will likely be just another day of frantic email refreshing!  hope everyone is holding strong!

I've been feeling the same! I really hope this next week brings some good news. This has been the longest month of my life.

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Mmmaaargh! Thanks for the responses. Hope everyone is staying sane and in good spirits. I have this forum and you guys to thank for helping me endure this lonely process. 

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it's strangely comforting to know that everyone's getting antsy about this week, too- i hope we all get to see some results on or by friday, especially good ones! at this point, for me, it's more about just having a clear answer that puts an end to the waiting than getting an acceptance.

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