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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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I am so jealous of everyone who has heard back. 


It is actually pretty terrible. I was blissfully oblivious of the decision-making process until I got a notification yesterday. Now I have to retrain myself into not thinking about schools again; I've wasted a lot of time since yesterday neurotically checking emails and such. Before yesterday I didn't have this problem, but once the flood gates are open ...

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Well...I'm one of the crazies who ALSO applied to 15 schools. Which..I DONT EVER recommend anyone do. I wanted to pull my hair out by the end. 


I just received my first rejection letter after coincidentally turning down another program. Karma?? Or just coincidence?? lol


The irony, it was the the school that inspired me to go into education in the first place lol...But all is well. At least I got something in the mail this week!! 

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Cookies and condolences to all the Berkley apps -- I loaded up the screen for history and just gaped at the results. 


I know this is probably a silly thing, but I am sort of annoyed that my super early acceptance happened...because now I'm just waaaiiiiiting for everything else while one offer is dangling front of me.  It's hard not to bite.  Even without funding. ><    I know I'm not under any pressure to accept yet, especially since they haven't finalized any financial help yet, but....now it's a matter of waiting weeks before I can make a real decision.  I hate not making decisions -- a state of limbo drives me crackers. 


I'm trying to write my thesis right now, but gaaaahhh the f5 button is not my friend. 

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With every day that goes by, I delve deeper and deeper into imagining my future life at my top choice (which I have yet to hear from). I'm feeling positive about it, and I think there's a good chance I'll get in, but there's always a chance I won't. I'm at the point of no return now - like, if I get rejected, it will be pure devastation. Can't stop. Every day makes it worse.

It also doesn't help that I've already told a bunch of people that I'm feeling good about my chances and setting up the inevitable "So did you hear back from X University?" questioning. Which would be a nightmare if I didn't get in. Ugh, why did I do this to myself.


I have the same dreams, but reality has slowly lately shown it's ugly head. I still hold on to the dreams I have left, for someone such as myself that is naturally pessimistic, I am being very optimistic:)


I'm a first-generation college student, and now I am applying to PhD programs, crazy, right? It is hard to explain to two parents with high school diplomas what it is like applying to doctorate programs!


Needless to say, I have carefully and diligently explained that it is a difficult process, and my chances are slim for most schools.


DON'T WORRY about what you have told people, all that matters is that you have put yourself out there like the rest of us!


GOOD LUCK with your apps!

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I have the same dreams, but reality has slowly lately shown it's ugly head. I still hold on to the dreams I have left, for someone such as myself that is naturally pessimistic, I am being very optimistic:)


I'm a first-generation college student, and now I am applying to PhD programs, crazy, right? It is hard to explain to two parents with high school diplomas what it is like applying to doctorate programs!


Needless to say, I have carefully and diligently explained that it is a difficult process, and my chances are slim for most schools.


DON'T WORRY about what you have told people, all that matters is that you have put yourself out there like the rest of us!


GOOD LUCK with your apps!

I have the exact same issue! What's worse is my long term boyfriend's parents also didn't go to college. I told him to keep my applying on the dl in case I didn't get in anywhere. So, in addition to wasting time and money and having to work at a lame job for at least another year, I'll have to deal with his family assuming I'm an idiot because they can't seem to grasp the concept that these programs have a 2-5% acceptance rate. No pressure...

Sorry for the late-night venting! Good luck all!

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With every day that goes by, I delve deeper and deeper into imagining my future life at my top choice (which I have yet to hear from). I'm feeling positive about it, and I think there's a good chance I'll get in, but there's always a chance I won't. I'm at the point of no return now - like, if I get rejected, it will be pure devastation. Can't stop. Every day makes it worse.

It also doesn't help that I've already told a bunch of people that I'm feeling good about my chances and setting up the inevitable "So did you hear back from X University?" questioning. Which would be a nightmare if I didn't get in. Ugh, why did I do this to myself.


I'm in the exact same place, and it's gotten to the point where people are like "Oh, so you're going to X next year, right?!" I wish I had kept my mouth shut about it. And my parents are acting like this is a Definite thing, and it'll all be very, very devastating if that doesn't pan out...

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I'm in the exact same place, and it's gotten to the point where people are like "Oh, so you're going to X next year, right?!" I wish I had kept my mouth shut about it. And my parents are acting like this is a Definite thing, and it'll all be very, very devastating if that doesn't pan out...



I definitely agree here. I have family members asking where I'm living next year and a boyfriend, who, when I lament my worries, tries to console me by saying that I have to have gotten in somewhere. Then I have to get annoyed telling him (umpteenth time) about the dreaded "odds" of it all. 


I seriously was okay forgetting about applications until I got my Hawai'i letter in the mail. Getting a rejection right off the bat has made me feel like this year is not my year, and it's made me hyper aware of the impending news.


But hey, at least my back up plan is going pretty well, since I have an interview with the JET program. Something is looking positive at least! 


Anyways, good luck everyone! We can do this!

Edited by aec09g
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I'm a first-generation college student, and now I am applying to PhD programs, crazy, right? It is hard to explain to two parents with high school diplomas what it is like applying to doctorate programs!


Same for me.  I'm the "genius" of the family (I use that term very loosely), and of course everybody assumes I will get in anywhere.  It's hard to really express my concerns or frustrations about the programs because I always get the same thing back: "You have good grades.  You'll get in!"  I'm like, "...Sure, yeah."  In my head, though, I'm screaming, "It's not about GPA!  It's about essays, LORs, experience, and money, money, money!"

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I definitely agree here. I have family members asking where I'm living next year and a boyfriend, who, when I lament my worries, tries to console me by saying that I have to have gotten in somewhere. Then I have to get annoyed telling him (umpteenth time) about the dreaded "odds" of it all. 


I seriously was okay forgetting about applications until I got my Hawai'i letter in the mail. Getting a rejection right off the bat has made me feel like this year is not my year, and it's made me hyper aware of the impending news.


But hey, at least my back up plan is going pretty well, since I have an interview with the JET program. Something is looking positive at least! 


Anyways, good luck everyone! We can do this!

Try this one...


My whole family knows I've applied this year. A couple college graduates here and there, but first in my family to pursue graduate studies, so its a big deal for them.


Well I go home over the holidays and my mom and sister-n-law are waiting at the airport for me holding a freaking sign that says "Welcome home Dr. Last Name" !!  :o


I was so embarrassed, flattered, and scared all at the same time. I said  "What?! I've only applied to PhD programs guys, I'm not even IN yet!" 


God what if I don't even get in? In a way I appreciate the bode of confidence, but now I really feel the pressure. I guess I can only use it to steel my resolve because now I truly know how important it is to my family.

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Had an acceptance from my favorite program on Monday and now I'm questioning it. In the US, the ALA accredits all MLS/MLIS degrees. My fav program is in the UK and accredited by CLIP. I thought that wouldn't be a problem for jobs but... the LinkedIn Society of American Archivists' page said it is next to impossible to get a job in the US without a degree from an ALA school.

Which leaves me a few choices- ask more people whom I actually *know* in the field if UK Archives degree will hold up in the US 2) Scratch (sadly) the program off my list 3) Realize I might have to live in the UK to get a job or 4) Say to hell with it and know my CV will help since I've interned at probably the world's most prestigious museum institute.

Any suggestions?

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We're all in the same boat, just with different variations. I hope things work out for you.  :)


This is such a great thread! Thanks, Ruby, and everyone else, for sharing your stories so none of us feel like we're alone in this!

Edited by Pericles II.ii.48
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I definitely agree here. I have family members asking where I'm living next year and a boyfriend, who, when I lament my worries, tries to console me by saying that I have to have gotten in somewhere. Then I have to get annoyed telling him (umpteenth time) about the dreaded "odds" of it all. 


I seriously was okay forgetting about applications until I got my Hawai'i letter in the mail. Getting a rejection right off the bat has made me feel like this year is not my year, and it's made me hyper aware of the impending news.


But hey, at least my back up plan is going pretty well, since I have an interview with the JET program. Something is looking positive at least! 


Anyways, good luck everyone! We can do this!


aec, are you from HI originally? If not, I would take a rejection from UH with a grain of salt. There are some very interesting upper-level policies that make it tricky for non-residents/former locals to get in. 


Either way, I totally feel your pain! The first notification being a rejection does absolutely nothing for one's confidence!

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/sorry for the thread hijack. Maybe we should start a new thread, who expected all of these Japanese speakers?

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やった!もと日本語が話せる人! 今カナダに住んでいるけど、二年前横浜に住んでいた。そして、去年の夏、東大に研究をしている間、池袋に住んでいた。ay761さんは今日本にいる?

/Yes, we probably should start our own Japanese thread. Also, ignore my awful grammar. I hardly write in the language anymore, only reading ^^;

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But hey, at least my back up plan is going pretty well, since I have an interview with the JET program. Something is looking positive at least!

Congrats on the JET interview!  If I remember correctly, IUC should let you know by mid-March, so I hope you get into there too!

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First reject for me- just happy that I don't have to think about that school anymore. (I'm still on a high from my acceptance on Tuesday anyway :) ) Back to waiting on the others~

I feel ya, kyjin!  Thankfully, my acceptance from UNC came a few hours before my rejection from Berkeley.  I was (and still am) in such a state of euphoria, I was able to completely shrug it off. :) It's an IMMENSE relief to have gotten in somewhere!



Cookies and condolences to all the Berkley apps -- I loaded up the screen for history and just gaped at the results. 

 Man, seriously.  It was a day of horror and pain in the History forum. :P Bloody Berkeley...just kidding - great school, and I wish the admits all the best!  I'm sure you'll love it there! :D

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Try this one...


My whole family knows I've applied this year. A couple college graduates here and there, but first in my family to pursue graduate studies, so its a big deal for them.


Well I go home over the holidays and my mom and sister-n-law are waiting at the airport for me holding a freaking sign that says "Welcome home Dr. Last Name" !!  :o


I was so embarrassed, flattered, and scared all at the same time. I said  "What?! I've only applied to PhD programs guys, I'm not even IN yet!" 


God what if I don't even get in? In a way I appreciate the bode of confidence, but now I really feel the pressure. I guess I can only use it to steel my resolve because now I truly know how important it is to my family.

Man, that's a lot of pressure!  I have the reverse form of that in my family.  My dad has a PhD (in Physics, though - heh!), and he's always telling me how he got accepted to all his programs (including Berkeley, Cornell, etc.).  I keep trying to explain that History is a completely different ball game and that times have changed since he went back to grad school in the early '90s.  He just acts like it's a no-brainer that I'll get in everywhere, and I don't want to let him down!


Had an acceptance from my favorite program on Monday and now I'm questioning it. In the US, the ALA accredits all MLS/MLIS degrees. My fav program is in the UK and accredited by CLIP. I thought that wouldn't be a problem for jobs but... the LinkedIn Society of American Archivists' page said it is next to impossible to get a job in the US without a degree from an ALA school.

Which leaves me a few choices- ask more people whom I actually *know* in the field if UK Archives degree will hold up in the US 2) Scratch (sadly) the program off my list 3) Realize I might have to live in the UK to get a job or 4) Say to hell with it and know my CV will help since I've interned at probably the world's most prestigious museum institute.

Any suggestions?

That's a tough one, annieca...I don't know too much about working in archives.  I think you may have to follow a combination of all four of the options you listed.  Advice from folks in the field would give you a lot of guidance, and a lot will depend on whether or not you are set on working in the US (or UK!).  Best of lucking making this decision - I know how much you love Aber, so you must be torn! :) Hang in there!

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If the email subject says "admissions decision," the decision is a rejection.  Lol.  Can't they just put "Rejected!", rip the bandaid right off...


What e-mail subject would they put for an acceptance?

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