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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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My mood changes drastically throughout the day: one minute I'm all self-confident, thinking that my chances are rather high, and the next I'm sure that nothing good will come out of this applications. I guess it's a common feature here :)


story of my life right there! and ditto to all the comments about significant others putting up with our mood swings- my better half is a blue collar guy who couldn't get his AS fast enough and thinks i might as well be queen of the nerds, so it's hard for him to understand where i'm coming from when i'm having my moments of stress and doubt! plus, we both do seasonal work with the forest service (it's how we met), but he has an injury that could make it hard for him to get hired again. the BLM and USFS have started reviewing applications for summer temps today, so, on top of the stress about my grad apps, now we're both stressed about jobs, too! 

c'mon, universe.. gimme some good vibes!

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Berkeley comp lit has begun informing. this means that they're only slightly late (I applied to english and not comp lit, but they are related of course).


I've noticed that news tends to come later in the week. I wouldn't get too excited over mondays if I were you.......... :unsure:

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I've noticed that news tends to come later in the week. I wouldn't get too excited over mondays if I were you.......... :unsure:

You never know. I got my Princeton interview invite on a Monday, and my USC admit on a Tuesday. They're all over the place.

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I've gotten one rejection so far, and just found out through grad cafe that two of the other places I applied have already let their acceptances know.  One of them was my top choice so right now I am really really far from feeling ok about this whole thing.  I am losing my damn mind.  I just got a call from an unknown number and nearly through it across the room out of sheer frustration when it was a telemarketer (not that I'm a violent person, just a very grumpy one).  I just want February to be over! 27 days to go.

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I've gotten one rejection so far, and just found out through grad cafe that two of the other places I applied have already let their acceptances know.  One of them was my top choice so right now I am really really far from feeling ok about this whole thing.  I am losing my damn mind.  


sending you hugs, good vibes, and tasty beers through the interwebs! 

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I almost feel like this forum is the only place where people TRULY understand my anxiety and neurosis, even though everyone in my cohort is going through the same exact thing. Maybe they're just better at hiding it?

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sending you hugs, good vibes, and tasty beers through the interwebs! 

Hahaha coming from a fellow archaeologist I know the beer is extra special! And I am finishing off a beer as I type this so I'll just pretend I got it from you. :D

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My mood changes drastically throughout the day: one minute I'm all self-confident, thinking that my chances are rather high, and the next I'm sure that nothing good will come out of this applications. I guess it's a common feature here :)


You nailed it sister!  That's about how a typical day goes...


I honestly feel so terrible for my boyfriend. I am a moody, anxious mess while waiting to hear back. Definitely no fun to be around. 


I'm actually so happy to not be in a relationship right now.  Worse thing would be that my "happiness" is currently pegged to a plan to leave... that can't be healthy for a relationship.  A wonderful person has been pursuing me recently, and it takes all my strength to resist because I know she'll be devistated when I leave (if I get in anywhere).  How maddening.  And how much worse it must be for those of you who are in relationships; you have my sympathy.

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Thank you!  You've made me feel better. It's somewhat disheartening to see people getting decisions from the same schools and programs that you applied to and not hearing anything for days... and days...

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Seeing all these posts makes me feel a lot better about my own mood swings and bouts of nuttiness whenever I get a phone call or email. My mom has gotten into the terrible habit of texting "call me ASAP" for things that aren't important, every time I hear from her I think I got a message on the home phone or an acceptance. She thinks I am a maniac so being here is a wonderful place to normalize my behavior. relationship stress does make this whole process worse! My fiancé and I are both applying to grad school, phD for me, architecture for him. So hoping that it works out geographically is another stress. For those of us in relationships, hopefully we will find out that love conquers all I guess!

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Hahaha coming from a fellow archaeologist I know the beer is extra special! And I am finishing off a beer as I type this so I'll just pretend I got it from you. :D


great minds think alike.. i'll pretend my beer is from you too! part of me wishes all the weekends this month would hurry up and be done, but part of me is so happy that i have time scheduled into my life that i have to use for relaxing and not thinking about this stuff.

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I was informed that I was waitlisted for an interview today. .-. So close yet so far away! I'll should find out next week if I get to go because someone rejected. It sucks knowing that (since most POIs bring in ~3 people for a lab spot in my field)  I'm just number 4! Couldn't they squeeze me in too? Haha.







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I just want to hear back from anybody.  Anybody!  I feel like the only person who has yet to hear something from a single school. D:
Don't feel alone. I share your misery. Well, not completely true, I got one rejection. But it was the one I expected so, in some way, I'm not counting it. I'm almost welcoming a rejection at this point. I'm like a little kid tempted to misbehave....any attention at this point.
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My first decision was a rejection, and now I feel as if I'm not getting in anywhere.


Oh god, this. I didn't get a rejection yet, but one of my two top choices notified about the acceptances yesterday. And, yeah, I didn't get a phonecall.


<drama> Everything is over, and my life is ruined forever. </drama>

Edited by The Whistler
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