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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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My biggest fear is that I'll get tongue tied out of nervousness and not be able to explain my research well, or that they will start asking me to explain concepts of techniques I use. It doesn't help that I'm naturally shy and my mentors have said they are worried how I will do. Commence freak out!

Edit* posted before I was ready, grrr. Haha biotexhie I'm sure you can be good for that long. I'll also be there for 4 days. I also leave on Thursday. We will do fine, I'm sure!

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Is anyone else finding themselves jealous/resentful that certain fields find out way before others? I understand it's frequently due to the need to interview, but nonetheless - how hard is it to just make a decision and put us out of our misery?

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Is anyone else finding themselves jealous/resentful that certain fields find out way before others? I understand it's frequently due to the need to interview, but nonetheless - how hard is it to just make a decision and put us out of our misery?


To an extent, yes. Though I'm conflicted. I liked that some of the deadlines for my programs went into mid-ish December (even one in January), but watching the invitations stream in for others sparks some worry. One or two invitations have gone out from the programs I've applied to thus far, but they seem like rare exceptions. So I tell me to be cool.


Jules: "We're all gonna be like three little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like? C'mon, Yolanda, what's Fonzie like?"

Yolanda: "Cool?"

Jules: "What?"

Yolanda: "He's cool."

Jules: "Correct-amundo!"


While I envy those folks getting acceptances sight-unseen from programs that don't do interviews, I actually like that all of my programs interview. The process isn't without anxiety, but it's an area where I shine, and it might make all the difference. That is, if I get that far.


And that's the rub isnt it? Waiting.waiting.waiting for that invitation that might not come while we help our fellows make travel plans.

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To an extent, yes. Though I'm conflicted. I liked that some of the deadlines for my programs went into mid-ish December (even one in January), but watching the invitations stream in for others sparks some worry. One or two invitations have gone out from the programs I've applied to thus far, but they seem like rare exceptions. So I tell me to be cool.


Jules: "We're all gonna be like three little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like? C'mon, Yolanda, what's Fonzie like?"

Yolanda: "Cool?"

Jules: "What?"

Yolanda: "He's cool."

Jules: "Correct-amundo!"


While I envy those folks getting acceptances sight-unseen from programs that don't do interviews, I actually like that all of my programs interview. The process isn't without anxiety, but it's an area where I shine, and it might make all the difference. That is, if I get that far.


And that's the rub isnt it? Waiting.waiting.waiting for that invitation that might not come while we help our fellows make travel plans.


What programs did you apply to Vicenzo? I applied to a few Biomedical Physics / Biophysics / Computational Biology programs and have not heard back from them. Most of mine were due mid December.

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So, both dreams I have had about acceptances have been about UT-Austin (including one last night!).  UT-Austin also happens to be the first program to notify out of those I applied to (probably why I am having the dreams...).  Today, I got my daily "travel deals" email, and the travel deal today is to AUSTIN.  Gah!  Leave my sanity be, universe!

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(I officially hate the Mac+Firefox combo now. I just typed a whole detailed response only to instinctively hit the CMD+Left-Arrow to highlight a line in the editor and it forced the browser to go back a page, losing my text. Ugh.)


So, now retyping...

Because I'm a masochist I actually split my applications between two fields: Biomedical Informatics and Cognitive Science (though these interdisciplinary fields have many names between programs). The last several months bouncing between researching programs, professors, papers, etc in both fields has been fun. And not fun. If I were a smart person (shh, don't tell the adcoms), I would have started a few months earlier and done everything for one theme and then gone onto the other so I didn't have to bounce back and forth... but I didn't... because I'm an idiot.


Applications went like this...

Cognitive Science/Neural Computation: Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Cornell, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC

Biomedical Informatics/Comp Bio: Stanford, Duke, UCSD, UNC Chapel Hill

(Along with all the big fellowships.)


There were several other programs I wanted to apply to, but my recommenders (though they tried hard not to show it) were getting annoyed.

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So, both dreams I have had about acceptances have been about UT-Austin (including one last night!).  UT-Austin also happens to be the first program to notify out of those I applied to (probably why I am having the dreams...).  Today, I got my daily "travel deals" email, and the travel deal today is to AUSTIN.  Gah!  Leave my sanity be, universe!

It's a sign from the universe!!! Similar to how every other episode of the first six this season on The Layover have been in cities where I applied. (Please don't tell me this isn't real. It's the only thing getting me through the next week and a half.)

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It's a sign from the universe!!! Similar to how every other episode of the first six this season on The Layover have been in cities where I applied. (Please don't tell me this isn't real. It's the only thing getting me through the next week and a half.)


I had a missed call from Oakland, CA yesterday.  I am applying to Stanford and Berkeley... so I took that as a sign from the universe, regardless of the fact that it was a credit scam.

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I had a missed call from Oakland, CA yesterday.  I am applying to Stanford and Berkeley... so I took that as a sign from the universe, regardless of the fact that it was a credit scam.

Obviously. The universe can't be blatant, so it cloaks its signs in the shadows of the mundane. Like credit scams. 

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(I officially hate the Mac+Firefox combo now. I just typed a whole detailed response only to instinctively hit the CMD+Left-Arrow to highlight a line in the editor and it forced the browser to go back a page, losing my text. Ugh.)


So, now retyping...

Because I'm a masochist I actually split my applications between two fields: Biomedical Informatics and Cognitive Science (though these interdisciplinary fields have many names between programs). The last several months bouncing between researching programs, professors, papers, etc in both fields has been fun. And not fun. If I were a smart person (shh, don't tell the adcoms), I would have started a few months earlier and done everything for one theme and then gone onto the other so I didn't have to bounce back and forth... but I didn't... because I'm an idiot.


Applications went like this...

Cognitive Science/Neural Computation: Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Cornell, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC

Biomedical Informatics/Comp Bio: Stanford, Duke, UCSD, UNC Chapel Hill

(Along with all the big fellowships.)


There were several other programs I wanted to apply to, but my recommenders (though they tried hard not to show it) were getting annoyed.


Sorry for the trouble Vincenzo!!

I can completely relate, as I also started the process late in the game (because of previous commitments, but I guess we can't really use that as an excuse).

My research interest is also mostly in Computational Neuroscience (or Systems Neurobiology), so I specified that research interest in a few Computational Biology programs. I applied to some of the schools you applied to and have not heard back yet. At least we didn't get any rejections yet!


And I think, or rather am certain, that I got one recommender annoyed because of the amount of schools I applied to . Don't feel bad... it's part of the process. Those programs are really tough to get into and all we can do is apply to many and hope for the best!

Good luck with the schools! I will post updates as time goes along!

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Well I get something new to obsess over.  Just notified that they had not recieved one of the forms they needed from the specific department.  So just sent that out.  Was this just a regular check and they do it for everyone?  Did I make it past some selection process where they now need it? 


Wonder freakout powers activate!!!

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Obviously. The universe can't be blatant, so it cloaks its signs in the shadows of the mundane. Like credit scams. 
It's a sign from the universe!!! Similar to how every other episode of the first six this season on The Layover have been in cities where I applied. (Please don't tell me this isn't real. It's the only thing getting me through the next week and a half.)
I love this type of optimism!
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I just got an acceptance to my first-choice program. :lol:  More info will come with the "official" acceptance, but they're providing a bunch of money as travel support to come out for their welcome weekend and the prof who wants to work with me (I think? She's the one that emailed me) is going to try to be there to meet up with me that weekend - she's on Sabbatical!!!


I am on top of the world. My mentor is BEYOND excited, as is my Mom. Oh my gosh!!! I'm going to graduate school!!!!!


Mentor is talking about possibly multiple acceptances, etc... B)  I feel so cool.

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I just got an acceptance to my first-choice program. :lol: More info will come with the "official" acceptance, but they're providing a bunch of money as travel support to come out for their welcome weekend and the prof who wants to work with me (I think? She's the one that emailed me) is going to try to be there to meet up with me that weekend - she's on Sabbatical!!!

I am on top of the world. My mentor is BEYOND excited, as is my Mom. Oh my gosh!!! I'm going to graduate school!!!!!

Mentor is talking about possibly multiple acceptances, etc... B) I feel so cool.

Congratulations!!! That's such great news!!!!!

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Congratulations @nohika! That's so exciting!


I really hadn't imagined I'd make it through this week without hearing anything from anywhere. Luckily, I have DATA! I finally have data from my research to process and I'm using that as a distraction

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I'm sitting here eating ice cream to celebrate. B)  Can't wait to see my profs on Monday. My mentor was so excited she could barely speak.


Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome. I love good news. Makes me wanna dance in my living room.

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Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome. I love good news. Makes me wanna dance in my living room.


Impromptu living-room dance parties are the best :P

Also, congrats, nohika! :D

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I had a missed call from Oakland, CA yesterday.  I am applying to Stanford and Berkeley... so I took that as a sign from the universe, regardless of the fact that it was a credit scam.

I got one of these from Missouri. I ignored the call because I was driving, but when I got home I saw that it said MO and freaked. I decided to google the number and low and behold - a credit scam.

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Congrats nohika! I'm doing a happy dance in your honor!

So I was insane and looked up past acceptances for the programs. Last year they all seemed to go out the 15th of February. Which kind of terrifies me...that weekend I'm in London for a Model United Nations conference where I HAVE to focus and not constantly check my email. And what if there's no Wi-Fi we can use at Imperial College? Or they let me know via post (back in Iowa and I'm in Wales) like Indiana did? Suddenly that conference just got 10x more stressful.

There's a black tie ball on Saturday night. Fully expect me to be the girl in the corner, checking her email every 5 minutes.

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Congrats nohika! I'm doing a happy dance in your honor!

So I was insane and looked up past acceptances for the programs. Last year they all seemed to go out the 15th of February. Which kind of terrifies me...that weekend I'm in London for a Model United Nations conference where I HAVE to focus and not constantly check my email. And what if there's no Wi-Fi we can use at Imperial College? Or they let me know via post (back in Iowa and I'm in Wales) like Indiana did? Suddenly that conference just got 10x more stressful.

There's a black tie ball on Saturday night. Fully expect me to be the girl in the corner, checking her email every 5 minutes.

I'll be there too!

Congrats Nohika, you must be so excited!

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