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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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Last week I got an email from a prof on the ad com of one of the schools I applied to telling me that they were starting to look at apps this week and he thought I was a very strong candidate. I'm still freaking out.

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I feel like the site needs to increase the number of available upvotes for a day if people are going to keep getting acceptances. I want to upvote everyone's messages about getting into their schools!
I agree! Me too!
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I've been (mostly) lurking on this thread, but I had to chime in to say: Congrats, PhDreams and kyjin!! :D

Thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats PhDreams!   :D


:D!!!!!!! Thanks! So happpyyy

Congratulations, PhDreams!!!!! I'm so happy for you! :D


Thank you thank you thank you :)

I have an acceptance!  Aaaaaa!  It's official - I am going to grad school... somewhere!   :D



I am no longer losing my mind! I got accepted to my TOP choice program today!!!!!! :D  :P I am sooo thrilled!


Awesome!!!!!! Stanford is incredible!!!! :)

I am so proud of you! Congrats! :) :)

 Thank you <3!!!!!!!!!!!!

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two rejections, one wait list and two interviews.   Freaking out for the last week and at least another week before I hear about the results of one of the interviews.   Freakouts commencing.

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This may sound weird, but I received 2 rejections this week out of 8 total schools, and I actually feel a little bit better, at least I've heard from someone FINALLY! 


Does anyone else feel this way??

I do! I got one rejection this week and felt relief because at least I heard something. LOL. :)

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Well, probability generally depends on all outcomes having an equal and random chance of occurring... so I'm not sure there is good math on this one. However, don't let that stop you if you can bad math your way to keeping your sanity until you're accepted somewhere.  -_-


Ultimately, this is what I have to tell myself.  There is no good math for these situations.  It is a human problem.  There are people that will get in because they said the right combinations of words, connected with the right people, or their file was placed in just the right place in the stack for the one person on the committee that would like them to grab it.


Maybe the better why to think of this is some version of the Multiverse Theory - in some alternate universe, I have been accepted to each of these programs.  I just hope I am experiencing one of these universes...

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Maybe the better why to think of this is some version of the Multiverse Theory - in some alternate universe, I have been accepted to each of these programs.  I just hope I am experiencing one of these universes...


Oooh. I like that one. 

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I think the problem with that math is that the outcomes from each school are, by no means, independent. So there will be a much larger percentage of people that get accepted to every school, or most schools that they apply to than by pure chance alone, and vice versa. 


That means that while you start with no information, and can assume a random distribution where you get into each school 5-10% of the time, with each acceptance that you get, the expected outcome at your remaining schools gets better, and with every rejection it gets worse. 

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The Resuluts database shows that one of the schools I've applied to started to send out acceptances on January 28th for the past two years...  So far, no one's posted anything from them this year... I might be wearing out my F5 key. 

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One of my applications' status changed from "App Forwarded for Review" to "App forwarded: Interim Review", which i am obviously overanalyzing because the application isn't even actually due until Feb 15.


Also, maybe this is just me, but I never really bothered to unsubscribe from emails (mostly of shopping websites...), I just ignored/deleted them. But now that I'm actually expecting emails that matter, I've been unsubscribing from these like crazy. There's nothing worse than seeing a new email, praying for an admission decision, and instead seeing something about Spring Trends from Forever 21...

I made the fortunate decision a few years ago to make an email address that I would use for "junk" mail, then I made an email that would be used for real purpose, such as applying for jobs, corresponding with professors, etc


Thank God I did that before applying to grad schools, I would be losing my mind if I kept getting random emails everyday!


Then again, kind of sucks to check my email everyday and see NOTHING! :)  uggghh

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According to the database, I won't hear from anymore schools for at least a month.


So far 2 were rejections, 6 to go.


I'm starting to regret only applying to 8, but I couldn't afford all of the application fees, ideally I wanted to apply to 10-11.


I had a friend who applied several years ago, he applied to 20 SCHOOLS!! how insane is that!?


He ended up getting into 2 programs, one acceptance and one waitlist, he lucked out and got into the waitlist school. 18 rejections!!!!!


Does anyone out there know people that have applied to 12-15 or more schools, that just seems insane and kind of counter-productive, I mean, I was losing my mind just applying to 8 schools, I couldn't imagine applying to more!

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