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Linguistics 2013

Des Grieux

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Congrats to those of you who've gotten positive responses from your schools!! I am still waiting to hear from mine... They claim decisions come in March, but according to the results page, they've all come during the last two weeks of February. <_< I am obsessing big time and refreshing all of my applications and the results page every five minutes, even though it's Saturday. Sigh.

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Congrats to those of you who've gotten positive responses from your schools!! I am still waiting to hear from mine... They claim decisions come in March, but according to the results page, they've all come during the last two weeks of February. <_< I am obsessing big time and refreshing all of my applications and the results page every five minutes, even though it's Saturday. Sigh.

No bad news IS the good news. Believe me, you feel much better with a non-pronunced wait list than a direct rejection.

I would like to share my tips for suppressing the obssession to refresh the web pages. There are only two simple steps. First, set a reasonable quota for the number of times you can visit these sites, say 5 times a day. Second, *curse* yourself that if you vist these websites for the sixth time on the same day, you will lose an offer. Although this sounds silly, it works miraculously for me. My quota is over today, I'm returning to my lovely thesis now ;-).

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No bad news IS the good news. Believe me, you feel much better with a non-pronunced wait list than a direct rejection.

I would like to share my tips for suppressing the obssession to refresh the web pages. There are only two simple steps. First, set a reasonable quota for the number of times you can visit these sites, say 5 times a day. Second, *curse* yourself that if you vist these websites for the sixth time on the same day, you will lose an offer. Although this sounds silly, it works miraculously for me. My quota is over today, I'm returning to my lovely thesis now ;-).


Wow, that is actually the best idea! When I was waiting for results, I was checking this site like once an hour or something ridiculous.


Good luck to those who are still waiting! I agree; I think it's better to be waiting than flat-out rejected. A spot might open up for you anytime!

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So... What does it entail that MIT has been releasing acceptances/rejections but I haven't heard anything from them? Is anyone in the same boat?


I've got an email today. So, this means that I'm on a 'short waiting list.'

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Haven't heard from Georgetown (Sociolinguistics), either... My friend is also waiting to hear from SUNY Buffalo. I know some people got accepted/an invitation to go to the Open House... What does it mean if you haven't heard anything? Has anybody gotten rejected yet?

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Haven't heard from Georgetown (Sociolinguistics), either... My friend is also waiting to hear from SUNY Buffalo. I know some people got accepted/an invitation to go to the Open House... What does it mean if you haven't heard anything? Has anybody gotten rejected yet?

I haven't heard anything from Georgetown (Socio) either.  I don't have my hopes up, since at least one person has been notified of acceptance and invited to campus already, but a faculty member there told my adviser (who then forwarded the email to me) that they were still reviewing and would notify applicants in the next few weeks. 

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Applied: Texas Austin, UMich, Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, Chicago, Maryland, Washington, Northwestern, Arziona, UIUC, Cornell, UMass, McGill


Accepted: Cornell, UMass



Rejected:Johns Hopkins, Austin, UMich

Interviewed: Brown, McGill, somehow UIUC

waiting: chicago, maryland, washington, northwestern


I'm really confused on choosing between Cornell and UMass. On one hand Cornell itself has a very strong reputation and i have interests in the computational linguistics lab and phonetics lab there. On the other hand i think UMass's linguistics program is more recognized as a top program and i'm interested in computational phonology works there. I'm coming with my spouse. The amount of funding for Cornell is 23000 for 9 months and 4500 for summer. UMass offered me 19000 for a year.


I have lived in a big warm city with a population of more than 10M. 

I need to get academic jobs as a teacher in good universities and i don't know whether the reputation of the program is more important or the reputation of the university.


Confused, Help me please.

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I dont know much about cornell's program or Ithaca but heres what i know about UMass. Joe Pater at UMass is very good at the kind of thing you are interested in, and I know at least a few students who are doing similar things. There's also Kristine Yu who is a phonetician. But you probably knew this kind of stuff already. 19000 is plenty to live comfortably in Northampton (20 mins from Amherst, where most grad students live) for one person. Is your spouse planning on working as well? In terms of the weather, both Ithaca and Amherst can get very cold in the winter. UMass is a 2 hour drive to Boston and a 3 hr drive to NYC if that sort of accessibility makes a difference. Are you planning on visiting the two schools? That might be what will ultimately help you decide.

Edited by funchaku
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Thank you for your detailed response.

I'm international and i can't visit. yes, Dr. Pater's work is really interesting. My spouse won't have the work permit while we are in U.S. so we are totally dependent on the university fund for the two of us.

The research in both universities completely matches to my research interests. I'm waiting for Northwestern and UChicago.  Up to now my ranking is (in case i get admission from UChicago and Northwestern):

1-UChicago 2-Northwestern 3-Cornell 4-UMass


The four completely match my research interests and have strong work on computational linguistics, phonology/phonetics.


I'm still thinking about the importance of university reputation and that of program's (aside from my work which is the most important factor) in getting an academic job in a good university.

Edited by afraymi
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I can't really speak to the schools' job placement rate, but you might be able to get a gauge of that from the department website? As for the funding issue, I want to say it will be difficult, but feasible for two people to live off just university funding. If I were to guess, I would say living costs will be around the same for UMass and Cornell, but a lot higher for Chicago. That's something you might want to take into consideration as well. I know these are really hard decisions-- all best!

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Haven't heard anything from Penn and Georgetown. When is it appropriate to ask?



Any time - it makes you look serious and interested


Can anyone else speak to this? I'd like to email my remaining programs, but I really don't want to be annoying.

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I'm really WAITING for the Chicago and Northwestern.

I saw on ACCEPT and one WAIT in the list for Northwestern but no rejection. I got nothing so there is a high chance that i'm going to get a REJECTION.

UChicago has just an accept in the list. So i can keep myself happy on that.

Good luck for everyone.

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I'm really confused on choosing between Cornell and UMass. On one hand Cornell itself has a very strong reputation and i have interests in the computational linguistics lab and phonetics lab there. On the other hand i think UMass's linguistics program is more recognized as a top program and i'm interested in computational phonology works there. I'm coming with my spouse. The amount of funding for Cornell is 23000 for 9 months and 4500 for summer. UMass offered me 19000 for a year.


Well, I'm at Cornell so I may be biased... ;-)   But one thing I did was look at the list of graduates from the program and see where they ended up. But when all is said and done, it'll depend on you - the research you did and what you have published.

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Any time - it makes you look serious and interested


Penn just hit reply on my email inquiring about the status and said I was rejected... I think that's a super lame way to do it (it costs us a lot of time, effort, and cash to apply! don't they know?)

The other uni said they'll get back to me in a few weeks and thanked me for being patient.

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Applied: Texas Austin, UMich, Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, Chicago, Maryland, Washington, Northwestern, Arziona, UIUC, Cornell, UMass, McGill


Accepted: Cornell, UMass



Rejected:Johns Hopkins, Austin, UMich

Interviewed: Brown, McGill, somehow UIUC

waiting: chicago, maryland, washington, northwestern


I'm really confused on choosing between Cornell and UMass. On one hand Cornell itself has a very strong reputation and i have interests in the computational linguistics lab and phonetics lab there. On the other hand i think UMass's linguistics program is more recognized as a top program and i'm interested in computational phonology works there. I'm coming with my spouse. The amount of funding for Cornell is 23000 for 9 months and 4500 for summer. UMass offered me 19000 for a year.


I have lived in a big warm city with a population of more than 10M. 

I need to get academic jobs as a teacher in good universities and i don't know whether the reputation of the program is more important or the reputation of the university.


Confused, Help me please.


Also, I heard that it might be possible to get schools bid on you, if you are worried about money. At least, my advisor said if a school really wants you, they can find ways to fund you more. You can tell them that there is this other school that offered more money, but you really liked their department, etcetc. On the other hand, I also heard that in linguistics this is for some reason more difficult to do.


Since I am also just applying now, and not in graduate school yet, I am not sure how this works, and maybe others can tell more about it.


BTW, congratulations for your acceptances, I really wanted to get into Cornell, and got rejected :(.

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Thank you all for your comments and responses. I'm going to check where graduate students ended up. It is a hard decision to make. Just a few minutes before i received an informal email from POI in McGill about my acceptance there. Canada is has a better chance if i want to stay after my graduation. Furthermore my spouse  can work there.


More parameters, More confusion.


Good luck for everyone.

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Also, I heard that it might be possible to get schools bid on you, if you are worried about money. At least, my advisor said if a school really wants you, they can find ways to fund you more. You can tell them that there is this other school that offered more money, but you really liked their department, etcetc. On the other hand, I also heard that in linguistics this is for some reason more difficult to do.


Since I am also just applying now, and not in graduate school yet, I am not sure how this works, and maybe others can tell more about it.


BTW, congratulations for your acceptances, I really wanted to get into Cornell, and got rejected :(.



Re: bidding, there's this thread here: 


Also, the impression that I have from my university, after having discussed it (hypothetically) with people (including profs), is that, if a school really wants you they might actually offer to fund you a bit more if they hear that you're considering another school, but it is generally not okay to actually try to get schools to bid on you.  So the department can take the initiative, but you can't.

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The problem is each day i think about one of these options and the more i think about it the more confusion. I wish i had not applied to all these universities specially the Canada and the U.S. options are more confusing for me.


Never thought i'll be unhappy with my admissions!

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