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That said supplicant, they may reject you on the basis that you did not get external funding - so it may NOT be the best news in the world (if the school indeed waits to offer admissions based on external funding decisions). I wish you the best of luck though on getting in, hopefully it is the case that they just wanted to see if they NEEDED to give you extra internal before letting you in :). You should also keep in mind that because OGS is decided upon by each department/university now, that if they're awarding OGS to applicants - those are obviously the people they're going to let in initially (as they had the strongest applications across the board). 

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Oh, I got rejected by a different department at Carleton last Friday. I figure either they knew they weren't going to accept me, so they didn't bother waiting for the OGS results, or they already knew about the informal results and that's why they rejected me, in which case the other department I'm applying to also has the results and hasn't rejected me yet. Or the FGPS didn't tell the department that rejected my application that I was applying to OGS.

From what I remember (and based on the rejection e-mail I got), OGS applications are ranked by the department and then forwarded to the FGPS, which makes the final decision. I was competing with students from other departments and students at the Masters' level and current students, so the OGS competition is probably not representative of the PhD admission.

In any case, I'm taking the silence as a positive sign. Don't have much choice at this point.

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Can anybody give me some advice about choosing between McMaster and Western?  I've been accepted for MA in English programs at both schools, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out which school is a better fit.  UWO is offering me 17,000, while McMaster has promised 15,000, and there are a few people at both schools that I'd love to work with.  Currently, I'm living in Taiwan, so I can't really hop on the 401 or 403 to make a formal visit (though I wish I could).  If you know anything about either school (or both of them), I'd love to hear what you have to say.  All the best.


Well since my undergrad is from McMaster, I'm highly inclined to suggest it (of course, I'm heavily biased! ;) )..rent is pretty cheap in Hamilton though and it's a nice campus.

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I feel silly asking this, but is there anywhere online I can check my ogs status? I applied at the very last minute directly to Carleton.  I heard very late in the application process that Carleton had extended the application deadline to Feb.1, and I don't really understand how it works.

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I haven't heard anything back yet either, thunderchunky! I e-mailed a contact at Carleton to see if we can find out information - will let you know if I hear how to go about finding out.

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I'm being awarded an OGS from Carleton, but have yet to hear if I've been accepted into the program. It's weird how these things work. Congratulations to all those who've received the award, and to those who haven't - best of luck for internal scholarships!

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Here's my offer:


4yrs TA

4yrs scholarship

1 entrance scholarship


...I'm wait-listed for OGS. Someone decline ;) lol


Gotta figure out overall $$ before my hubby, baby and I make the move to Ottawa. 


I know people would kill to be in my position for acceptance, so I should just shut up and thank my lucky stars I got in! 

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Anyone hear from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University (specifically for the Sociology MA)? I know that the Sociology MA selection committee met this past Monday, but the folks at Postdoctoral and Graduate Studies aren't giving me much to go on in terms of final decisions.


I've  received an unofficial offer from the Department of Sociology at York U. They seem interested (I received personalized e-mails with Faculty and a PhD student CC'd!), but I want to hear from Carleton before committing to anything.


Any Sociology MA candidates seriously considering Carleton?


I've applied to Carleton's MA Sociology program and the wait is killing me!  My status says "Recommended for Assessment."  It wasn't my top choice, but now it's my only hope.  I was rejected by McGill a few weeks back, which came as no surprise.  It seems like a good program, I just don't care for Ottawa so much.

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Just out of curiosity, what are scholarships based on? Is it purely academic and if so, what sort of average would you need to qualify? 


I think the scholarship is based on grades. My masters GPA according to Carleton's 12 point scale is 11. 


Hopefully I can keep it up in the 85% range going into a PhD. I'll definitely be looking for a RA job too. 


Pretty sure we're moving! Going to try and pay off as many bills as we possibly can! 

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Congratulations! That is an awesome gpa.  What is even more impressive is that you managed to get that done with a child?! Not easy by any stretch. 


Enjoy Ottawa...I haven't been (except a drive-by to Montreal) but I hear it is nice. Not 'youthful fun'...more like vanilla and your mom's tea party kinda fun..perfect environment for school!  :P  :D   I'm totally kidding..enjoy! 

I think the scholarship is based on grades. My masters GPA according to Carleton's 12 point scale is 11. 


Hopefully I can keep it up in the 85% range going into a PhD. I'll definitely be looking for a RA job too. 


Pretty sure we're moving! Going to try and pay off as many bills as we possibly can! 

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Heard from Ottawa U's MPA program today. Accepted with 16k in funding!

I won't be attending, as I plan on accepting an offer of admission to UofT's MPP program, but it was nice to finally hear from Ottawa. Last of four schools I applied to to contact me. Also hadn't seen a lot of news about UofO on here, so thought I would pass it along that admissions seem to be (finally) rolling out!

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Congratulations! That is an awesome gpa.  What is even more impressive is that you managed to get that done with a child?! Not easy by any stretch. 


Enjoy Ottawa...I haven't been (except a drive-by to Montreal) but I hear it is nice. Not 'youthful fun'...more like vanilla and your mom's tea party kinda fun..perfect environment for school!  :P  :D   I'm totally kidding..enjoy! 




Yep... baby was 3 months preemie, so I finished my thesis while she was in the NICU. She's 5 months old now, so thankfully I'll have the summer to just 'relax'... this will be my first summer in 8 years that I have NO SCHOOL! It is crazy! 


I'm going to try to publish parts of my thesis and work on scholarship apps. $$ is a beautiful, much-needed thing in grad school, as I'm sure you and most of the people on here know, lol. 


I've only been to Ottawa once? twice...maybe? I know I was there when I was 7, which was 18 years ago... I just remember the accordian-like buses. My hubby has lived there before. We're going to go check out the campus once my TA duties this year are done. 

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I have to say - in defense of Ottawa, it really is what you make of it! As a disclaimer, I'm not from Ottawa, but ended up here for school after doing some university in Toronto (also not where I'm from - I've moved a lot including internationally, but was born in Montreal). Ottawa may actually be my favourite city that I've lived in so far.  When I first moved here, I thought it was beautiful but a bit boring, and definitely more for the suburban family than university students. That being said, having now been here for 7 years (goodness, already!?), it's got SO much to offer. The arts scene is really improving, the food and drink scene as well (still no Montreal or Toronto, but many delicious options if you know where to look), it's beautiful, friendly and clean, and you're really close to great bike trails throughout the city, skating, skiing, anything you want to do in the country, etc.


Hahaha, all that to say - don't be afraid that it's going to be underwhelming, just be willing to put yourself out there and find out what it has to offer! You have to discover Ottawa, whereas I find Montreal and Toronto present themselves to you.


Congrats to all those with acceptances and upcoming moves! :)

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Indeed, Ottawa has its charms.  I currently live in Montreal, am from Toronto and lived two years in Ottawa.  It was quite an adjustment for me moving there from Toronto.  It is a government city and a family city.  Perfect for raising a family, not so perfect for me.  However, if accepted into Carleton I will make the best of it and take advantage of its "quietness" to focus on my studies  - with the occasional weekend trip to Montreal of course.  ;)

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i got this message today from McGill: "your application is being considered by the Graduate Training Committee"

LOL> That's a new one. What does that mean? I wish they'd all have the same/similar codes/terms. I hate having to wonder.

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LOL> That's a new one. What does that mean? I wish they'd all have the same/similar codes/terms. I hate having to wonder.


I know right??? I don't even know what to say... I dont even know what that really means :P

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Wow! I cant fathom the amount of energy and focus you would need to complete your schooling AND care for a baby. It is so mentally and emotionally exhausting when your baby is so small--even more so when they are preemie.  A relaxing summer is well deserved. Best wishes for a great experience in Ottawa :)




Yep... baby was 3 months preemie, so I finished my thesis while she was in the NICU. She's 5 months old now, so thankfully I'll have the summer to just 'relax'... this will be my first summer in 8 years that I have NO SCHOOL! It is crazy! 


I'm going to try to publish parts of my thesis and work on scholarship apps. $$ is a beautiful, much-needed thing in grad school, as I'm sure you and most of the people on here know, lol. 


I've only been to Ottawa once? twice...maybe? I know I was there when I was 7, which was 18 years ago... I just remember the accordian-like buses. My hubby has lived there before. We're going to go check out the campus once my TA duties this year are done. 

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I am LOSING my damn mind here. Anyone applying to Anthropology/archaeology programs? I'm waiting to hear from U of T and Alberta.


I'm out of the country this month so I'm paranoid that I'll miss a phone call or acceptance/rejection letters in the mail. I know that U of T only sends a snail mail letter if you've been rejected. Urghhhhhh. I'm feeling very nervous even though I know I'm in great standing.

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I got a rejection from UofT Centre For Medieval Studies. I wasn't surprised. It seems they accept about 10-13 MA students per year. As one of the few medieval schools I'm sure there are hundreds of applicants from all over North America and Europe.

Still waiting to hear fr UofT History, York U history and queens history. Not too hopefull for UofT because ai get no extra consideration as a UofT grad and last year there were 20 MA Spaces and 220 applicants.

My early offer from McMaster really took a load off my chest!

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I got a rejection from UofT Centre For Medieval Studies. I wasn't surprised. It seems they accept about 10-13 MA students per year. As one of the few medieval schools I'm sure there are hundreds of applicants from all over North America and Europe.

Still waiting to hear fr UofT History, York U history and queens history. Not too hopefull for UofT because ai get no extra consideration as a UofT grad and last year there were 20 MA Spaces and 220 applicants.

My early offer from McMaster really took a load off my chest!


Congrats on McMaster!


I check my status online for both schools I've applied to 20 x a day. Sigh.

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