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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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There have been discussions in past years about whether or not forgoing in-person interviews hurts your chances of acceptance...I think is probably difficult to generalize...everyone's situation and reasons are different...I think the biggest downside is not meeting the faculty or getting a better sense of the program  before one has to make a decision to attend or not.


I'm also concerned about this! Yale and Pratt both seemed pretty open about skype interviews, but the email from RCA just assumes an in person interview. I've emailed them with a request for skype, but I'm worried about hurting my chances. In either case, flying to the UK from India for an interview is pretty much out of the picture. I'll need a visa on short notice, for one!

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Anyone has any experience with Glasgow School of Art?


I'm in the States, and I think they do things a bit different there. They seem really relaxed with their application process, guide lines with deadlines, formats and portfolio...etc. That makes me nervous. 


Wonder if anyone has any input on that? 

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Anyone has any experience with Glasgow School of Art?


I'm in the States, and I think they do things a bit different there. They seem really relaxed with their application process, guide lines with deadlines, formats and portfolio...etc. That makes me nervous. 


Wonder if anyone has any input on that? 


They do seem pretty relaxed!

I got this email meant for application assessors, with this link where I can now go and check out the portfolios of all those who applied!!

Unbelievable. This has made me concerned about their lax attitude!


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I'm also concerned about this! Yale and Pratt both seemed pretty open about skype interviews, but the email from RCA just assumes an in person interview. I've emailed them with a request for skype, but I'm worried about hurting my chances. In either case, flying to the UK from India for an interview is pretty much out of the picture. I'll need a visa on short notice, for one!


I wouldn't worry. RCA must have had other applicants from India and other countries where travel to interviews is impossible on such short notice, not to mention the distance, time and expense. More than likely, they will have already taken this into account when they were considering your application.

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I wouldn't worry. RCA must have had other applicants from India and other countries where travel to interviews is impossible on such short notice, not to mention the distance, time and expense. More than likely, they will have already taken this into account when they were considering your application.


Yes, that's what I'm hoping!

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Woah, um, did they send that to you by mistake? hahaha. I feel like I just clicked on something i'm not suppose to. lol. 


I've been communicating with the department, and everything they had told me sounded like a suggestion, or recommendation. It gives me the illusion that its easy to get in, but I know that is not the case. I wonder what their acceptance rate is. Obviously I didn't get into the one in Edinburgh. Makes me a bit less hopeful. 


I know!! I spent  one full afternoon going through all the competition :P

But seriously, I don't know about GSA. Random internet searches throw up some pretty scathing reviews too - although of course the reputation is great. I don't think it's very high up on my list, honestly.


Best of luck - though I don't know if you need it, the work on your website looks amazing!

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Nope... But based on past results looks like they often wait very late in the season to get back with applicants. 


Did you have your VCU interview yet? Who is it with? Just curious as that is one of my top school choices. Haven't heard anything yet. :/



Havent had my interview yet. It scheduled on Friday, February 21, 1:00-1:30pm EST.

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Hey guys, Anyone knows anything about the MFA graphics program at University of Wisconsin Madison?


I know they are # 2 for printmaking, and something like # 18 for fine arts in general (Ranking isn't everything, I know) But does anyone have any experience or heard any thing about their graphic design program? 


I've trying to reach out to some of their grad students, or simply trying to find more on their website, but with no luck. 


Since this is my terminal degree, I really want to make the right decision.  Thanks! 

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In my opinion you should immediately inform the school about their error in sending you this link (i have removed it from your post that I quoted) so that they can take it down.

People do make errors.


You can also make private the post you made and so can the person who quoted your post here.


This would be much more helpful to them than posting such a link on Gradcafe.


That said, all the best in your applications. Looks like you are doing very well.

Thanks helpful_little_elf I went ahead and hid my quoted text. Good call. 

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I know! I was wondering about the same thing! I applied for MFA Communications Design for Pratt, and just had an interview. 

 Hi JoJoYang,


Thanks for the info. Do you have any idea if the result for MA and MFA are different or are given on the same date?

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 Hi JoJoYang,


Thanks for the info. Do you have any idea if the result for MA and MFA are different or are given on the same date?


Sorry, I don't know about that. I was only interviewed for the MFA program, and the interviewer told me I should hear back from them some times in the first or second week of march. Good luck!

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In my opinion you should immediately inform the school about their error in sending you this link (i have removed it from your post that I quoted) so that they can take it down.

People do make errors.


You can also make private the post you made and so can the person who quoted your post here.


This would be much more helpful to them than posting such a link on Gradcafe.


That said, all the best in your applications. Looks like you are doing very well.


helpful_little_elf , I understand what you're saying. At the time I thought they sent it out to every applicant - I was just a bcc (found out only now that this wasn't the case). I got a bit confused then and when I didn't see my name there initially, I sent them an email. In any case, they know, but whoever has the link has it. I'll keep what you said in mind. Cheers!

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Still haven't heard yet...Now I'm feeling extra on edge. I can't believe they sent a response on a Saturday. 


Sorry you haven't had word yet, it can make for a looonng week-end. I think it is quite possible that interview invites were staggered alphabetically, or chronologically, or something like that. Hang in there.  (According to Pacific Time, it was sent out Friday night not Saturday—which could suggest a line-up of automated batches set up for after hours delivery)

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Woke up this morning with an interview invite from Parsons! Made sense to me that it got sent on a Monday morning, but it's still Sunday evening back there... Why would a school send out invites on a Sunday? Crazy world. In any case, hooray for interviews! It's really nice to feel like I might end up having options!

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