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The wait is driving me nuts!!!!


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This is just a ramble, feel free to add! My applications are long submitted, (December 15th) but with the Holidays being over and school being out till the end of the month, I have nothing else to think about; especially when I'm at work. It's easy to say, "Do something to distract yourself." and I do lots of things to try to avoid thinking about it....but it always creeps into my mind again.


The schools I applied to (according to results from here) should get back to me between February 6th-16th, so I have about a month. My birthday is February 5th, so it would be great to have at least one acceptance haha.


I'm just worried about what I'll do if I get rejected by both. I want to do something that will add experience so my application will be stronger for the next application season. I'm interested in Fulbright, but I missed the deadline for that and didn't know much about it until this year. So, I need to find a job or some other relevant experience to the German language.


I can't wait for this month to be over!


*end rant*

Feel free to complain, whine, be depressed and annoying.  :wacko:  

Edited by meganmay
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I'm with ya. I submitted my applications early (I don't like rushing things at the last second) and now I'm realizing that means I have too much time to wait. *sigh*


I want the semester to start (last semester before graduation) so that I'm more concerned with all those duties than I am with acceptances/rejections. 

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I, too, hate waiting, but along the lines of what Reinhard said, I'm basically using this time to stave any hard feelings that may arise once rejection comes.  I've applied to 9 Master's programs for Fall 2014 without the security of "safety schools".  So rejection is inevitable. :unsure:  I actually wonder how I'll take it (of course it'll depend on the school).



Good luck!

Edited by AWall2014
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Same here. I still have to hear from 2 schools, but even those that have already accepted me haven't said anything about funding. I probably won't find out until March. That seems so far away!

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I completely understand, and I'm sure pretty much everyone else on here does, too! It's so painful not to know, and the emotional rollercoaster is intense... Some days I'm fairly confident, others I'm 99% sure I'll be going with my backup plan. But the pessimist in me is grateful to have some time to sit with the possibility that I could in fact get into a good program - and finally say goodbye to a job that is a bad fit for me. It feels good to commiserate :)

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I completely understand, and I'm sure pretty much everyone else on here does, too! It's so painful not to know, and the emotional rollercoaster is intense... Some days I'm fairly confident, others I'm 99% sure I'll be going with my backup plan. But the pessimist in me is grateful to have some time to sit with the possibility that I could in fact get into a good program - and finally say goodbye to a job that is a bad fit for me. It feels good to commiserate :)

I, too, am stuck in a job at present that is a terrible fit. I can't wait to get out of here and give them a big middle finger (at least in my mind) when I bounce out of here.

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I'm with ya. I submitted my applications early (I don't like rushing things at the last second) and now I'm realizing that means I have too much time to wait. *sigh*


I want the semester to start (last semester before graduation) so that I'm more concerned with all those duties than I am with acceptances/rejections. 


It's my last semester too, and it starts January 24th! I'm working about 20-28 hours a week, but I wish I was working MUCH more. I've been making some money online too, doing random jobs.  I've been reading more....but not as much time as I spend examining acceptance rates and statistics, checking app. status, reading these forums, etc. 

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I am also trying not to go insane over the idea of being rejected (okay I'm being dramatic), I know I have to do something to gain relevant experience in my field during the next year so I can reapply the next application period. I only applied to TWO schools  :unsure:  that have great programs, but my program is also very small.....so I hope my application is good enough. I need to really start thinking about what I'll do if I am rejected by both.

I, too, hate waiting, but along the lines of what Reinhard said, I'm basically using this time to stave any hard feelings that may arise once rejection comes.  I've applied to 9 Master's programs for Fall 2014 without the security of "safety schools".  So rejection is inevitable. :unsure:  I actually wonder how I'll take it (of course it'll depend on the school).



Good luck!

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I rode this ride last year as well - it was miserable, especially when I ended up wait listed.  The upside - it gave me more time to think about what I wanted and adjust my course a bit.  I feel as though I am in a much stronger position now.


That said, I'm incredibly grateful that I have schoolwork to distract me this time around and that classes started today.  I should start hearing back in a month, so here's hoping it flies by.

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I have been feeling the anxiety every day since I finished my applications. My family isn't a great support system and this holiday season was just too much of them around that I couldn't get my needed head space.

Having said that, today I started my final semester. My classes were nothing but spectacular today, absolutely dynamite. Part of the relief, too, came from seeing friends and being able to focus on that senior thesis.

Here's to our good health and persistence!

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I feel you. I do have a classroom full of 4th graders to keep me occupied, but it's during my down time that I start to think about what's going to happen this fall. I also only applied to two programs...it's feeling like a roller coaster.

I haven't told anyone at work that I've applied but it's like my kiddos can already sense something is going on. I've gotten a few "are you going to be here next year?" and "are you going to go somewhere different?"


If I do get in, I'll miss these kiddos but it'll be for the best. I'm ready to grow some more!

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I feel you. I do have a classroom full of 4th graders to keep me occupied, but it's during my down time that I start to think about what's going to happen this fall. I also only applied to two programs...it's feeling like a roller coaster.

I haven't told anyone at work that I've applied but it's like my kiddos can already sense something is going on. I've gotten a few "are you going to be here next year?" and "are you going to go somewhere different?"

If I do get in, I'll miss these kiddos but it'll be for the best. I'm ready to grow some more!

...I just remembered that I might be leaving the kids and teens I teach at the martial arts gym.

If you get in, I would love to hear about your transition out, especially as a fellow instructor!


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I have applied to UIUC for ece mASTERS FALL 2014. i APPLIED TO THE SAME PROGRAM LAST fall and got rejected. But this time I have funds. Contacted professors of interest but no reply. The wait is just terrible. Agree to all of the above

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I have applied to uiuc ece masters program for fall 2014. Applied to the same program in the last fall. But this time I have my own funding. I have to wait for at the the most two months and a bit. The wait is indeed driving me crazy. I still feel that I have much greater chances of rejection as compared to acceptance

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I hear ya! At this point, I just want to know what city I'll be moving to so I can start looking at apartment listings  :) (or warn my parents that I'll be moving back home!)


I have to think about the moving thing too! If I go to U of M I'll stay where I am or stay with family in an area closer to the University (I live 35 miles away, family lives 16 miles away). Otherwise I'm moving 242 miles to Madison! I need to find a roommate if my boyfriend doesn't come with me (which is a whole other story). Too much to think about whether or not I'm accepted!

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I, too, am stuck in a job at present that is a terrible fit. I can't wait to get out of here and give them a big middle finger (at least in my mind) when I bounce out of here.


Haha, exactly. I was going to say "terrible fit" but I was typing that at work, so I felt like I should be slightly more diplomatic... not that "it's a bad fit" isn't also a pretty damning thing to say.

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I was getting frustrated with the wait and called one of my schools to ask if they had any more interviews going out. They told me my status and now I feel dejected and sad and would just like to curl up with a pint of sorbet. -.-

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I was getting frustrated with the wait and called one of my schools to ask if they had any more interviews going out. They told me my status and now I feel dejected and sad and would just like to curl up with a pint of sorbet. -.-

Curl up indeed! Life isn't always fair - find any excuse you can to treat yourself.

I hope you get accepted and I hope it is everything you could wish for.

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I am both certain I will be accepted and certain I will be rejected at all of my schools. That about sums up where I'm at, at the moment.


This is too true.

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