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2014 SLP Admissions Thread

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I feel like I should have heard from more than just 2 schools by now... :( this waiting game stinks!


I feel the same. I've only heard from two. I applied to ETSU and ASU also though, and haven't heard from either. last year I heard from App on 3/15. they're on break right now I assume it'll be soon. i went there for undergraduate and majored in Comm. Dis

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I feel like I should have heard from more than just 2 schools by now... :( this waiting game stinks!

I know how you feel! I still haven't heard from any schools except for an interview from one. You're not alone!! It's so frustrating though! I just wanna know already!

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Same here! I am leaning towards CU because I am from CO but it is such a tough decision. Have you heard anything about funding? I heard they send out that info at the same time as the decision letters so that is a little worrisome... But I will be attending the open house! And congratulations on your acceptances and to everyone else as well!

I was wondering about funding as well! I emailed CU and asked when we would hear about funding and what was available and this is what they said: 


"All fellowship funds are awarded by merit, but to be honest we do not have very much fellowship funds for MA students.  

All students are sent an announcement for any available teaching assistantships, which they can apply for. All TA are awarded on a merit basis.
All research assistantships are managed by faculty who have grants, so you would need to contact individual faculty after you start the program. 
You can also go the the following links for more information about financial aid:
I am not sure if this means they have already offered the fellowships or what, but it sounds like assistantships are not offered until you are actually in the program. 
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I checked the portal and it said: Status: Decision made / Please contact Admission office.  So called and denied.

Could you send me the link to the portal page? THANKS! This is the one school I'm waiting on to make my final decision!

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anyone still waiting to hear from radford, east stroudsburg, and western carolina?  is it bad news that I haven't heard yet?

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anyone still waiting to hear from radford, east stroudsburg, and western carolina?  is it bad news that I haven't heard yet?


I'm still waiting to hear from Radford and Western Carolina as well. I think Radford notified their top choices this week, and will be contacting everyone else next week. Don't give up hope! No news, could be good news! 

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I'm still waiting to hear from Radford and Western Carolina as well. I think Radford notified their top choices this week, and will be contacting everyone else next week. Don't give up hope! No news, could be good news! 


I can't handle the wait!  I was told letters would be sent this week so that stinks it's a week later.  I haven't heard/seen anything about Western Carolina though.  I only saw about 5 people were accepted at the beginning of the month.  Hoping no news is good news!

Im still waiting to hear from Radford too...the wait is killing me!

I know the wait is killing me!   I was told letters would be sent this week so that stinks it's a week later.

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Hi there. University of Oregon was the only school to accept me and they had been my back up. To the point that I really don't know anything about their program except for what is on their website. I have asked people around my campus but no one seems to know anything. I was hoping someone on here would have something to give me so I'm not completely clueless and so I can feel better about going into the program.


Anything you know would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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Also, has anyone noticed that there haven't been any rejections for Portland State University. There has been speculation that they wait listed everyone who they didn't accept.. that would make a mighty long wait list. I'm wondering if anyone hasn't heard back from Portland State yet...

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Also, has anyone noticed that there haven't been any rejections for Portland State University. There has been speculation that they wait listed everyone who they didn't accept.. that would make a mighty long wait list. I'm wondering if anyone hasn't heard back from Portland State yet...


I noticed the same! They did send out a second email regarding everyone's "ranking" on the wait list though. I read that people on the "lower" spectrum of the wait list were told that their chances are slim. Maybe Portland just has a nicer way of "rejecting" applicants? Or perhaps they send out waves of acceptances instead of all at once so many are still under review?

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Also, has anyone noticed that there haven't been any rejections for Portland State University. There has been speculation that they wait listed everyone who they didn't accept.. that would make a mighty long wait list. I'm wondering if anyone hasn't heard back from Portland State yet...

Yes, I noticed that too.  If they dont reject anyone then I assume if you received an email with a low "ranking" that would equate to a reject.  It appears from the search page, that last year they did not send out ranking emails.   

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Has anyone heard from LSU Baton Rouge about anything? I saw in the results page someone said that they were meeting to send out letters today. Any truth to this? This is my top school!! I noticed on the email that our paws information came on said that housing, financial stuff, and scheduling should pop up as options on our pages once we're accepted. They're on mine, but with limited access and I don't remember if they were there before.

When can this be over??? Hahaha I'm killing myself with anxiety!

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I noticed the same! They did send out a second email regarding everyone's "ranking" on the wait list though. I read that people on the "lower" spectrum of the wait list were told that their chances are slim. Maybe Portland just has a nicer way of "rejecting" applicants? Or perhaps they send out waves of acceptances instead of all at once so many are still under review?


I don't think so... No one has said anything about not hearing back and although they claimed to be sending out acceptances in waves they sent them all out the same day... And I personally don't think it's very nice because it gives a lot of people false hope... then people have to play the waiting game even longer.. and that just sucks!

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anyone still waiting to hear from radford, east stroudsburg, and western carolina?  is it bad news that I haven't heard yet?

This is what I received from WCU when I emailed today asking if all acceptances have gone out and if we will be notified of wait-list status...Not much but hope it helps.


As long as you haven’t received a letter of denial, your application is still under consideration for admission.  The program doesn’t have a formal waitlist that I have been notified about.   Some offers have been made, but some of those have declined the offer, so the program will go back to the pool of applicants to select from.


Keep your eye on your email for more information.  The CSD program may have more information about their timeline for admission if you would like to contact them.

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If you get a chance, could I also get the link to the portal page for the University of No. Colorado? It's one of the schools I'm waiting to hear from. Thank you!

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This is what I received from WCU when I emailed today asking if all acceptances have gone out and if we will be notified of wait-list status...Not much but hope it helps.

As long as you haven’t received a letter of denial, your application is still under consideration for admission. The program doesn’t have a formal waitlist that I have been notified about. Some offers have been made, but some of those have declined the offer, so the program will go back to the pool of applicants to select from.

Keep your eye on your email for more information. The CSD program may have more information about their timeline for admission if you would like to contact them.

Thanks for this info!! Fingers crossed for everyone!

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