FoggyAnhinga Posted February 2, 2015 Posted February 2, 2015 (edited) Somewhat unrelated to Superbowl (well, I guess it kind of is since this involved Superbowl results between some people and I) are GROUP TEXTS Gah... I appreciate it when my friends text me, but when one good friend decides to group text me along with ~30 other people, some of who I might know but most I don't, and my next few days are followed by a slew of reply-all texts from numbers I don't even have... yeah, it's kinda annoying when I'm expecting a reply from my girlfriend or my family member lol (but instead when my phone is buzzed I get "yah let's do it!" "awesome" "sooo cool" "yes" from strangers). Edited February 2, 2015 by FoggyAnhinga FoggyAnhinga 1
busybeinganxious Posted February 2, 2015 Posted February 2, 2015 (edited) That commercial was awful. Nothing like using dying kids to sell insurance. I wish I could upvote this more than once. Awful, awful commercial. If it was about how to stop the fatal accidents I could almost tolerate it. This just felt wrong on multiple levels. Nationwide may be on my side, but I'm certainly not on theirs after this. Edited February 2, 2015 by busybeinganxious
Page228 Posted February 2, 2015 Posted February 2, 2015 Edit: Pete Carroll should have been MVP for calling that play :'D Haha, he should have. The only thing I have to vent about is a random local number repeatedly calling my non-local cell phone. Legit people leave messages. I return to calls to people who leave messages (usually). Stop calling me without leaving a message. (I didn't apply to any local schools, so it shouldn't be related to applications.) ERR_Alpha 1
dr. t Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 I hate the Patriots and Tom Brady so much. The guy who caught the damn interception was the real MVP!! Not Brady who threw TWO of them... Sigh. well, I'm happy he finally got that fourth SuperBowl win the Giants took from them twice ERR_Alpha 1
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 The only thing I have to vent about is a random local number repeatedly calling my non-local cell phone. Legit people leave messages. I return to calls to people who leave messages (usually). Stop calling me without leaving a message. (I didn't apply to any local schools, so it shouldn't be related to applications.) Haha this happens to me from time to time... over the years I've had calls from telemarketers (most of us did at some point I'm sure), debt collectors (they thought I was someone else for a LONG time, I was amazed at how persistent they were - they were leaving automatic voice mails), an old man who thought I was his long-lost friend (yeah he kept calling me for a whole month), various craigslist users who were trying to buy a shiny Toyota truck (someone posted a truck ad with a phone number typo, which ended up as my number), and... kinda goes on lol. Page228 and FoggyAnhinga 2
Page228 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 It ended up being the Red Cross. They want my blood. They want it so much they called six times in two days. :/
shadowclaw Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 Haha this happens to me from time to time... over the years I've had calls from telemarketers (most of us did at some point I'm sure), debt collectors (they thought I was someone else for a LONG time, I was amazed at how persistent they were - they were leaving automatic voice mails), an old man who thought I was his long-lost friend (yeah he kept calling me for a whole month), various craigslist users who were trying to buy a shiny Toyota truck (someone posted a truck ad with a phone number typo, which ended up as my number), and... kinda goes on lol. Oh man, when I was 17, my parents and I moved to where we live now. Almost as soon as we got our new phone number, we started getting collection calls for some guy. 13 years later, we still get calls for him. Sometimes a lady with a gorgeous British accent calls (maybe they're trying to fool him somehow). I remember a few years ago, there was this week where the collectors called about 5 times a day. On this particular occasion, I answered the phone and someone asked for him. I was in a bad mood, so I started yelling at the woman on the phone that we've lived in our house for X number of years, that he did not live here and never lived here, and to stop calling this damn number. I think I terrified the poor woman and she apologized profusely and hung up. The phone immediately rang again and I answered it. It was the same woman, but this time she asked for me. Turns out she was calling people on a list of registered voters and was reminding everyone to get out and vote the following week. Then I felt bad for yelling at her. It ended up being the Red Cross. They want my blood. They want it so much they called six times in two days. :/ The Red Cross used to harass me all the time. Then I changed my phone number at some point, and they never found me again. I would be happy to donate my blood if they actually had people who knew what they were doing working at the blood drives. There's always one person who has a clue, and I'm pretty sure the rest must be students getting practice in, because they suck sooooo bad at taking blood. One of the last times I donated, the lady stuck me wrong and I stopped bleeding after a minute or so (plus it hurt really badly). She then proceeding to twist and turn the needle, and when that didn't work, she stuck the blood pressure cuff on my arm in an attempt to squeeze it out of me (while slamming the cuff into the needle as she put it on). I still didn't bleed, so she let me go. I then proceeded to sit at the cookie table and ball my eyes out for five minutes or so. About 2 years later, I decided to give it another try, and a very stereotypical ditsy blonde tried to find my veins. I told her the good spot to draw blood, and she randomly poked my arm with her index finger and told me she couldn't find it. After some more random poking and me repeating over and over in my head, "please don't let this girl stick me with a needle," she had to leave and get someone more experienced. That lady did a perfect job, but I decided I was done with blood donations for a while.
Page228 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 The last time I donated, the guy assigned to me had similar troubles. My blood was coming out slowly, so he put the cuff around my arm and twisted the needle inside my vein multiple times. Ow.
ERR_Alpha Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 I have O- blood so I get called once every two days... But donating blood usually makes me pass out and be nonfunctional for the rest of the day which usually makes blood drives impossible.
maelia8 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 @ERR_Alpha yeah, I'm the same, I pass out within seconds of them inserting the needle and then they stop collecting because they aren't supposed to keep doing it when you're out cold, so I can never complete a blood donation Even when I go to the doctor's and get my finger pricked for white blood cell count, I faint almost every time. It's really obnoxious.
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 Ah needles... to all those who fear needles, you are not alone, because I too have a crazy fear of them (I don't mind finger pricks, but blood draw from arm veins... *shudders*). Seeing how I actually passed out the last time I had my blood drawn (which was far from pleasant), I don't think I'll have my blood drawn again for a long time...
maelia8 Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 @FoggyAnhinga no, it's really weird, I have zero fear of needles! I can get shots no problem, just the feeling of blood being squeezed out of my body makes me feel really really faint and I can't do anything about it (except put my head between my knees). It has nothing to do with fear, it's just a weird reaction that I can't seem to control. I'm not even afraid of fainting since I've done it so many times (a couple of times just watching other people get injured in movies or first aid videos), the recovery is just so awful that I'd prefer to avoid it.
DaDocStruggle Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 I really wish the one schools that accepted me (with funding) wasn't being such a prick about making me decide whether or not to go in there in 6 days. I think funding works weird there so I'd be risking loosing it. I dont wanan burn bridges but it's not my 1st choice, so it's possible i'd end rescinding the acceptance in the end.
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 @FoggyAnhinga no, it's really weird, I have zero fear of needles! I can get shots no problem, just the feeling of blood being squeezed out of my body makes me feel really really faint and I can't do anything about it (except put my head between my knees). It has nothing to do with fear, it's just a weird reaction that I can't seem to control. I'm not even afraid of fainting since I've done it so many times (a couple of times just watching other people get injured in movies or first aid videos), the recovery is just so awful that I'd prefer to avoid it. Haha for me, my fear starts to sink in as soon as they give me a squeeze ball to make my veins bulge (that's when I am thinking "oh dear, here comes trouble"). I used to fear vaccination/shot needles too but nowadays I'm okay with those since I found many shots nowadays (including flu shot) enter your skin rather shallowly instead of jabbing it all the way in (thinking about shots back then, ouch, lol). Speaking of blood draw / shots, etc, another thing I'll vent is EXTREMELY long wait at hospitals' urgent care department (or even worse, the nurse takes you into a room, do a quick checkup, and says "the doctor will be with you shortly", but that "shortly" turns out to be another hour and a half wait).
jujubea Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 I have no idea how much a UCSB central fellowship is and no way of knowing whether my family can afford living there until I get that information.... My family is waiting in agony wanting to know where we'll be moving, and I feel powerless to help them...
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 3, 2015 Posted February 3, 2015 I really wish the one schools that accepted me (with funding) wasn't being such a prick about making me decide whether or not to go in there in 6 days. I think funding works weird there so I'd be risking loosing it. I dont wanan burn bridges but it's not my 1st choice, so it's possible i'd end rescinding the acceptance in the end. Six days?!? That sounds extremely rushed! And unreasonable too... how are your admission prospects looking for your others applications?
.letmeinplz// Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 Walked up to my car and realized the driver side mirror housing (cover I guess) was dented and scratched. It is weird because it couldn't have been a car due to where I was parked. Car has less than 1100 miles on it too :-(. I went from being stressed about admissions to just feeling dejected about everything. Going to have to pay money to fix something some jerk did.
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 (edited) Walked up to my car and realized the driver side mirror housing (cover I guess) was dented and scratched. It is weird because it couldn't have been a car due to where I was parked. Car has less than 1100 miles on it too :-(. I went from being stressed about admissions to just feeling dejected about everything. Going to have to pay money to fix something some jerk did. Sorry to hear that about your car. Sounds like it's super new! Gah, that brings in another thing to vent: hit and run drivers did anyone leave a note? If not, what a coward... Edited February 4, 2015 by FoggyAnhinga
jujubea Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 I once slammed into the back of a parked car, when no one was around. I wrote them a note and gave them all my details. Turned out to be a rental car so it would've been covered even if I hadn't left a note! Years later I witnessed a hit-and-run..... and decided to chase the jerk myself while on the phone with 911. Not my smartest moment, no, but it sure felt good to do the right thing! gk210, geographyrocks and -hermes- 3
.letmeinplz// Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 Sorry to hear that about your car. Sounds like it's super new! Gah, that brings in another thing to vent: hit and run drivers did anyone leave a note? If not, what a coward... Of course they didn't leave a note. Personal responsibility isn't taught in schools anymore.
FoggyAnhinga Posted February 4, 2015 Posted February 4, 2015 I once slammed into the back of a parked car, when no one was around. I wrote them a note and gave them all my details. Turned out to be a rental car so it would've been covered even if I hadn't left a note! Years later I witnessed a hit-and-run..... and decided to chase the jerk myself while on the phone with 911. Not my smartest moment, no, but it sure felt good to do the right thing! Haha wow! I wonder how that ended up? Did the jerk get pulled over by the cops? Of course they didn't leave a note. Personal responsibility isn't taught in schools anymore. People evading responsibilities... *shakes head*
shadowclaw Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Sorry to hear that about your car. Sounds like it's super new! Gah, that brings in another thing to vent: hit and run drivers did anyone leave a note? If not, what a coward... Several years ago, I was putting together a plant collection for a class, and there were these beautiful sunflowers growing on the side of the road (I believe they were Pale-leaved Sunflowers). I pulled completely off the road and into the grass. I was at least 3 feet from the white line on the side of the road. Some asshat managed to hit my side mirror with his/hers, and they never even stopped. Luckily, the mirror folded back and the only thing that actually broke was the glass (a cheap fix), but still. One of my coworkers at my last job almost did a hit and run. He was parked about 5 spaces away and decided to back up without looking and managed to do about $2500 in damage. I still don't know how he managed it. I was inside the building doing paperwork, so I didn't see it happen. He actually said to my face that he thought about just driving away. To make matters worse, he didn't have a license (just a permit, so he was technically driving illegally) and at the time, I wasn't sure he had insurance. He begged me not to turn it into insurance and said he'd cash in some bonds he had. Told me he'd give me $1000 to start and if the estimate was higher, he'd give me more. Stupid me took him at his word. He apparently did cash in some bonds, but between the bank and work, he decided to spend the cash on pot and a cell phone. After a few weeks of him saying he'd have the money in a few days, I just made an insurance claim. I was concerned that because I didn't have his insurance info that I'd get screwed over by my insurance company somehow, but the nice insurance man told me it wasn't necessary since I had his contact info and license plate number. Thankfully he didn't deny doing it when the insurance company called him, so everything ended up fine, it just took a long time.
.letmeinplz// Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 ... Stupid me took him at his word. He apparently did cash in some bonds, but between the bank and work, he decided to spend the cash on pot and a cell phone. After a few weeks of him saying he'd have the money in a few days, I just made an insurance claim. I was concerned that because I didn't have his insurance info that I'd get screwed over by my insurance company somehow, but the nice insurance man told me it wasn't necessary since I had his contact info and license plate number. Thankfully he didn't deny doing it when the insurance company called him, so everything ended up fine, it just took a long time. Insurance companies are always great because they will just take care of you and then worry about the whole 'whose fault is it' and 'who do I have to sue' problems for you. I don't think I would ever just accept a cash payment to not get insurance involved. It could turn out really bad if what you thought was just a little damage turned out to be a lot more later on in the shop.
ERR_Alpha Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Proctoring is awful. Also, my biochem 2 class in undergrad had 10 people. This one had 200+.
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