geographyrocks Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Not sure if anyone on this thread brought this one up yet, but one thing I have to vent from my recent experience - groups of people walking VERY SLOWLY and taking over the entire sidewalk. And CLEARLY they noticed that someone walking behind them is in a bit of hurry, and could have moved over to one side to let me through. But nope, they decide to continue on sluggishly and I eventually had to step off the sidewalk and run past them, and get off the road before I am smacked by an oncoming car. Some people just don't read cues that well... sigh... That happened to me yesterday except I was in a grocery store trying to leave. This woman had her child walking beside her. They were walking slower than most 95 year olds. No big deal except I had about a thousand things to do and needed to get home to my sick boyfriend. She kept looking back at me like I was doing something wrong. I don't know why I don't just tell people to move when they're behaving like @sshats. It was obvious I was in a hurry. I also got stuck behind her vehicle when leaving the parking lot. She drove almost as slowly as she walked.
.letmeinplz// Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Not sure if anyone on this thread brought this one up yet, but one thing I have to vent from my recent experience - groups of people walking VERY SLOWLY and taking over the entire sidewalk. And CLEARLY they noticed that someone walking behind them is in a bit of hurry, and could have moved over to one side to let me through. But nope, they decide to continue on sluggishly and I eventually had to step off the sidewalk and run past them, and get off the road before I am smacked by an oncoming car. Some people just don't read cues that well... sigh... I use to have to deal with people on running trails walking hand-in-hand, taking up the entire space. It was fine though, nostalgic even. I really did miss playing red rover. EelPoweredHovercraft 1
Shiji E. Moji Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 When you're in a public restroom, and a person jiggles the handle the minute you lock the door. I mean, seriously. You had to be right behind me to attempt to open the door SO SOON after I went in. No, dear person, I did not apparate out of this bathroom with the door still locked. Please stop trying the handle! I've been in here for 2 seconds, so please do yourself a favor and find another restroom! when and .letmeinplz// 2
when Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Not sure if anyone on this thread brought this one up yet, but one thing I have to vent from my recent experience - groups of people walking VERY SLOWLY and taking over the entire sidewalk. And CLEARLY they noticed that someone walking behind them is in a bit of hurry, and could have moved over to one side to let me through. But nope, they decide to continue on sluggishly and I eventually had to step off the sidewalk and run past them, and get off the road before I am smacked by an oncoming car. Some people just don't read cues that well... sigh... Yes, SO frustrating. Similar to this is when several people are walking the opposite way on the pavement, and when they approach you they make absolutely no effort to limit the amount of space they take up so that you can all walk past. This sometimes fully happens to the point where if **I** don't move out of the way, and fast, they would totally have shouldered me. In fact, I've tried being just as nonchalant as others, and this indeed did happen. Thing is, I realized when walking with my best friend that SHE'S ONE OF THESE PEOPLE! When we walk together, I dart out of the way when I see someone coming, but she resolutely stays right in the middle of the path, as though the oncoming pedestrian is invisible. Several times I've asked her why why why why why why. .letmeinplz// 1
wuglife427 Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 My upstairs neighbor blasts music with so much bass the walls in my apartment shake. Headphones can't block it out. Why does anybody need music that loud?
VulpesZerda Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Not sure if anyone on this thread brought this one up yet, but one thing I have to vent from my recent experience - groups of people walking VERY SLOWLY and taking over the entire sidewalk. And CLEARLY they noticed that someone walking behind them is in a bit of hurry, and could have moved over to one side to let me through. But nope, they decide to continue on sluggishly and I eventually had to step off the sidewalk and run past them, and get off the road before I am smacked by an oncoming car. Some people just don't read cues that well... sigh... Biggest pet peeve ever! Hands down. Also applies to hallways.
maelia8 Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 When the person next to me or across from me in seminar or at a library carrel is JIGGLING their foot endlessly. When that's happening, I have an insane urge to reach out and just grab their knee to get them to stop, because usually they have no idea that they are doing it. When I'm near a jiggler, I can't work, I can't think, and it drives me absolutely crazy, especially when I'm in a situation where I can't politely ask them to cease and desist. The worst thing is when you ask them to stop and they say, "why? It helps me to think." WHY GOD WHY mseph 1
Sarochan Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 When the person next to me or across from me in seminar or at a library carrel is JIGGLING their foot endlessly. When that's happening, I have an insane urge to reach out and just grab their knee to get them to stop, because usually they have no idea that they are doing it. When I'm near a jiggler, I can't work, I can't think, and it drives me absolutely crazy, especially when I'm in a situation where I can't politely ask them to cease and desist. The worst thing is when you ask them to stop and they say, "why? It helps me to think." WHY GOD WHY Such repetitive movements are actually very important for some people; see the Wikipedia article on Stimming for a short introduction.
shadowclaw Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 I love it when professors don't show up for their hours at the tutoring center. I was slammed with freshman studying for their lab exam, and when my tutoring hours were up, students were still pouring in. 45 minutes later, the professor still wasn't there. I left and headed over to said professor's office, and he was just chilling in his office. I asked if his posted tutoring hours were correct, and he said yes. He just didn't go and hadn't been there at all so far this semester. Sigh.
mockturtle Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 When the person next to me or across from me in seminar or at a library carrel is JIGGLING their foot endlessly. When that's happening, I have an insane urge to reach out and just grab their knee to get them to stop, because usually they have no idea that they are doing it. When I'm near a jiggler, I can't work, I can't think, and it drives me absolutely crazy, especially when I'm in a situation where I can't politely ask them to cease and desist. The worst thing is when you ask them to stop and they say, "why? It helps me to think." WHY GOD WHY Oh god, I recently took an exam with a guy sitting directly behind me who did this, incessantly.... With his feet shaking the back of my seat. And his awful plasticky pants squeaking. Even when I'd turn around to give him a look, he'd only give it a rest for about 30 seconds before starting up again. Stimming or not, seriously??? mseph and maelia8 2
katsharki3 Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) When the person next to me or across from me in seminar or at a library carrel is JIGGLING their foot endlessly. When that's happening, I have an insane urge to reach out and just grab their knee to get them to stop, because usually they have no idea that they are doing it. When I'm near a jiggler, I can't work, I can't think, and it drives me absolutely crazy, especially when I'm in a situation where I can't politely ask them to cease and desist. The worst thing is when you ask them to stop and they say, "why? It helps me to think." WHY GOD WHY I do this, and I'm sorry. It really does help me to relax. I'm a very anxious person in general, and being able to let out some of that anxious energy in the form of actual physical movement is very helpful. I know it can be annoying, but it really is very helpful to me and many other people. I usually do try to stop if I notice it is becoming excessive or if I notice someone glaring at me at least. I'm not trying to distract anyone when I'm doing it. I do make sure that my leg/knee/foot isn't in contact with anyone else's desk or chair or whatever, because I'm definitely not trying to make your writing surface also shake along with my foot/leg. EDIT: I should also note that I really try to NOT do this during class as I know it is distracting not only to other students around me, but also possibly to the lecturer who has to look out at the class and possibly at my jiggling leg.. And if anyone in a class/seminar asked me to stop, I absolutely would do so. So I mostly do it when I am studying/doing homework. And I would appreciate it, if I am doing the jiggling the library but it isn't directly causing your study carrel to vibrate, please don't tell me to stop. There's no reason you should be staring at me studying anyway, if watching it is what distracts you... Edited February 18, 2015 by katsharki3 Sarochan and Page228 2
juiceboxrampage Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 When the person next to me or across from me in seminar or at a library carrel is JIGGLING their foot endlessly. When that's happening, I have an insane urge to reach out and just grab their knee to get them to stop, because usually they have no idea that they are doing it. When I'm near a jiggler, I can't work, I can't think, and it drives me absolutely crazy, especially when I'm in a situation where I can't politely ask them to cease and desist. The worst thing is when you ask them to stop and they say, "why? It helps me to think." WHY GOD WHY My university has a lot of those chairs that are all glued together in a row, so if one person jiggles, the entire row jiggles. In one of my classes a guy shook his leg so hard that I was literally bouncing up and down in my seat. Can I point out how much I love that all of our pet peeves are about people interrupting our studies? I feel like a lot of non-academics would be complaining about very, very different things.
scarvesandcardigans Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) My upstairs neighbor blasts music with so much bass the walls in my apartment shake. Headphones can't block it out. Why does anybody need music that loud? This happened to me over the weekend. I was staying in an apartment with my boyfriend in a very quiet section of the neighborhood and the next-door neighbor was blasting music, so loud that we couldn't hear what was on TV, but very clearly what the words of every song were, even though the volume on the TV was way up. We knocked on the walls a few times and eventually the guy yelled back. It was rude as ever. Conversation was kind of like: Guy: QUIT KNOCKING ON MY WALLS! Us: Then turn your music down! Guy: Not gonna do anything unless you ask nicely, buddy boy! Us: PLEASE turn your music down! Guy: Thank you! As if we were being the inconsiderate ones... Also kudos on the wug reference. Edited February 18, 2015 by lmchandl
maelia8 Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 @katsharki3 thanks so much for being considerate and stopping if you're too close to somebody else who finds this behavior unbearable for study. For me, the problem is that I can feel the vibrations through the floor and up through my chair, even if they are actually making no noise at all, so even if I can't see it, I can feel it and it's awful. Of course, if the person is too far away for me to feel their gyrations, it's fine by me if they continue. I also don't mind someone doing this in a social situation, such as at the bus stop or at a party - as long as I'm not trying to actually get anything done, I don't mind the jiggles at all
Cheshire_Cat Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 It is really hard for me to stop jiggling my foot. And it annoys me just as much as everyone else, but sometimes it feels like if I stop then my leg will explode. I try not to hit anything with it though, and usually it is my foot, not my entire leg. I know how annoying it is though because it annoys me when someone else does it, haha. katsharki3 1
busybeinganxious Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 I'm another jiggler that can't really help it...I'm quite frequently not even aware I'm doing it. It drives my husband up the wall, especially if we're relaxing and watching a movie or something. He lays a hand on my knee and I stop...only to start again 5 minutes later.
avflinsch Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 Snow. F*ckin' snow. Can't they do anything about all the damned snow?! Signed, Everybody on the Eastern Seaboard. I don't mind the snow all that much, but my gripe is that my township plows all of the secondary streets in the same order for every snow storm, and mine is way down at the bottom of the list. If I could get out of my local street and the 1/4 mile to the main road everything is fine, but it really sucks driving a Mini thru 6+ inches of snow.
Cheshire_Cat Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 It's COLD outside! No snow though. But I don't think I've ever had the weather this cold when it is daylight outside.
katsharki3 Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 While we're on the topic of things people do that annoy us when we're trying to study: Today when I was in the library, the guy in the carrel across from me kept slamming things down on his surface, making our entire connected carrel shake obnoxiously. Why??? What are you slamming down? Are you that angry at your homework? He also decided he absolutely needed to stretch out at one point, and in doing so managed to kick my foot. Bleurgh. Certainly not the worst person I've been near when studying, but it was very obnoxious. I don't need my table to shake violently every few minutes because you are apparently so angry at your books.
busybeinganxious Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 Loud breathers, especially in an otherwise quiet room. Most of the time I can ignore this particular annoyance but my tolerance level is near nil at this point. GhostsBeforeBreakfast and gk210 2
Cheshire_Cat Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 Ugh, supervisor giving review notes for workpapers did months before. "Well, the instructions are in that file" Well, they weren't in that file when I was actually doing the workpapers. That file has been continuously updated for the last five months, and I was only told it was being updated after substantially all of my work was done. If you would have reviewed our work sooner, then we wouldn't be in this mess. Plus a lot of the wording for the file is ambiguous. It works there because they can point out exactly what is going on and how it relates to a particular instruction, but being 1,000 miles away, you can't do that with ours. I want to point this out to him, but I know I shouldn't. But it is hard considering I know we have way too much work to get done for them to considering firing me, and I know I will be leaving in 6 months. But, my dad says I should get used to clueless reviewers because it happens all the time in Academia.
Guest Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 (edited) Oh mah gawd. I feel as if I applied to all the programs with the latest admission decisions compared to many people on this site, lol.... Edited February 20, 2015 by Guest
grad_wannabe Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 this is going to sound silly, but I'm a little pissed that I finally met a really great guy, after two years of dating around this town, with just a few scant months before I move away, probably to the other side of the country. I know I should just enjoy the time we have together, but it does feel like some sort of cosmic tease. I'm hoping-hoping-hoping I get into the one NYC school to which i applied. Their whole application felt oddly ... right ... somehow. It was the only app that had no hiccups, hurdles, or issues whatsoever. Everything just fell beautifully into place, like "oh yes of course this one is easy." It feels like everything is going according to some plan, but is that just my mind searching for some narrative thread to make sense of the mad chaos that is this application process? I'm a sucker for fairy tale endings.
mseph Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 What's up with all the ads about skin products in these forums..? I simply ignored them until now, but it's becoming more prevalent that it's getting a little annoying...
Mr. Impatiently Waiting Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 I'm pretty tired of nearly getting hit by a car everyday while walking in the crosswalk in front of my apartment. These a-hole drivers alway come around the corner going like 45 mph and get within about 5 feet of ending my life. It's not like I'm crossing against the signal or something... I wait until it is my turn to cross and yet I still end up nearly getting clobbered. Today I kind of got some revenge though, I almost got hit by a guy driving a red convertible BMW and the jerk had the nerve to honk at me as if to tell me to "hurry up and cross" So I threw my plastic coke bottle at the guy's windshield. Small victory, but it felt kind of good. End rant. Taeyers and ss2player 2
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