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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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and ready to go by November 15 (which is when I'm trying to submit the applications so that my recommenders have enough time to submit their letters !

Hello, I'm no expert and have only been through one application round but in my experience (on all the applications I completed) you are able to send the email request to the recommenders before submitting. You only submit once you pay your application fee.

For example, once you insert your recommenders emails into the system you are able to send them the prompt before completing the application if you choose.

Again, this is my personal experience. Sorry I was not able to offer advice on the writing sample inquiry but I hope this helps.

Good luck!


Edited by Glamdoll
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Hello, I'm no expert and have only been through one application round but in my experience (on all the applications I completed) you are able to send the email request to the recommenders before submitting. You only submit once you pay your application fee.

For example, once you insert your recommenders emails into the system you are able to send them the prompt before completing the application if you choose.

Again, this is my personal experience. Sorry I was not able to offer advice on the writing sample inquiry but I hope this helps.

Good luck!



Hey, thanks! Yeah, I'm able to do that on a couple of the applications, but for at least half of the schools I'm applying to, I can't officially submit the recommenders until the entire application is completed. 

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Hey, thanks! Yeah, I'm able to do that on a couple of the applications, but for at least half of the schools I'm applying to, I can't officially submit the recommenders until the entire application is completed.

Dang, I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully some of the board veterans can assist you with your question then :)

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girlscoutcookies - I'm having the same problem. The solution I worked out was to put together a spreadsheet of the schools I'm applying to, including application due dates, and send it to my rec writers along with a draft of my statement of purpose well ahead of time (I gave one writer everything last week, the other two I will give this coming week). I explained to them that most programs won't send them a link to submit a rec until I complete my application, which I will do in mid-November. This way they have time to work on the recs even if they can't submit them until next month.

Profs have gone through all this before so I wouldn't worry about it.

As for the writing sample, I'm under the impression that the most important thing is it be the best piece of work you've written. Length isn't as significant as quality. Some programs want only 10 pages, others go up to 35. If your 17 pager is representative of your writing and research abilities, I would worry more about polishing than adding at this point. Maybe others will have different advice. Also, I'm in the middle of my applications so I'm no expert--take my advice with a grain of salt.

Best of luck!

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girlscoutcookies - I'm having the same problem. The solution I worked out was to put together a spreadsheet of the schools I'm applying to, including application due dates, and send it to my rec writers along with a draft of my statement of purpose well ahead of time (I gave one writer everything last week, the other two I will give this coming week). I explained to them that most programs won't send them a link to submit a rec until I complete my application, which I will do in mid-November. This way they have time to work on the recs even if they can't submit them until next month.

Profs have gone through all this before so I wouldn't worry about it.

As for the writing sample, I'm under the impression that the most important thing is it be the best piece of work you've written. Length isn't as significant as quality. Some programs want only 10 pages, others go up to 35. If your 17 pager is representative of your writing and research abilities, I would worry more about polishing than adding at this point. Maybe others will have different advice. Also, I'm in the middle of my applications so I'm no expert--take my advice with a grain of salt.

Best of luck!


Yeah, I'm not so much worried about the recommendation letters -- I did the exact same thing as you, actually, and my recommenders seemed okay with it! I'm hoping to really hold to November 15th as the day I submit everything (since one professor said she needed two weeks). It's just a pain since the December 1st deadline isn't really a December 1st deadline, then, and since my writing sample is a work in progress, those two weeks would be nice! 


That's sort of how I feel, though; I'd rather give them a really good 17 page sample then a so-so 30 page sample, if the last 13 pages are 13 pages I threw together in two weeks and didn't polish. What do other people think? Best of luck to you too!

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On the same topic of length, my SOP is currently hitting 1,400 words (3 pages single space). I am trying to cut down on as many words as possible but I feel like this drastic cut is making my SOP not the same anymore. Some of the schools I am applying for does not indicate on the website how long they want the SOP to be. Do you think it is a good idea to keep the SOP at this length? or I definitely must cut it? Thank you very much! 

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On the same topic of length, my SOP is currently hitting 1,400 words (3 pages single space). I am trying to cut down on as many words as possible but I feel like this drastic cut is making my SOP not the same anymore. Some of the schools I am applying for does not indicate on the website how long they want the SOP to be. Do you think it is a good idea to keep the SOP at this length? or I definitely must cut it? Thank you very much! 


Every place I'm applying to specifies. It ranges between 500 and 2500 words, so I have to prepare a unique draft for most schools. It's probably wise to do the same.

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Every place I'm applying to specifies. It ranges between 500 and 2500 words, so I have to prepare a unique draft for most schools. It's probably wise to do the same.


Yes definitely. I see that you are also applying to Toronto. It's always quicker to write a 500-word SOP from scratch than having to cut it down from a 1500-word one. Thanks and good luck! 

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I'm always lurking on this site and thought it was about time I posted. I am a History major, Anthropology minor; and my research area is modern German history. I'm very interested in the development of fascist movements in twentieth century Europe, especially Nazism; as well as being very fascinated with the history of Communism. I am applying to Dalhousie, UVic, the Tri-University History program in Ontario, and possibly UBC (still undecided).   :)

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Welcome, we're glad to have you! I am also an historian of modern German history, and coincidentally, we're reading about Fascism and Communism in 20th century Europe in my intro modern Europe seminar right now ;) Good luck on your applications, and feel free to ask me if you have any questions about programs or fellowships related to modern German history or German studies.

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Thanks Maelia8, I appreciate that. Although my questions pertain more so to the application process, such as things to list on my CV, and how to structure my SOP. I am also Canadian, and plan to stay in Canada for my M.A., otherwise I would be a plague in regard to requesting info on American programs and fellowships! 

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My first time posting here. I apparently had an account so I must've used it when I applied to Master's programs (don't remember though!) 


My path is slightly unique. I have a background in Anthro & an interdisciplinary Arts & Humanities degree. I'm currently doing my MPH in Health Behavior & Health Education. 

However, my passion has always been for history and that's clear through my research and course selections (though not from my degrees...). Since I started my MPH program, I have been working on a eugenics project under a medical historian. My interests are in early to mid 20th century US. I am interested in the intersection of gender, sexuality, and medicine- especially with young people and broadly defined queer populations. This year, I am only applying to University of Michigan because I want to continue to working on both the eugenics and an outside project housed here in Ann Arbor. If I'm not admitted, I'm going to continue working on the projects for a year and then apply to a more broad range of programs. 


I'm all set on everything but the writing sample- and we're getting close to deadline territory. Oy! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone applying to UChicago know what's up with their online application? It was supposed to be ~available by early Autumn~, but I'd say we're past early Autumn now and they still haven't put it up. Or am I looking at an out-of-date page on their website?

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So I'm editing my writing sample, a seminar paper I wrote last semester on an understudied topic with fairly untouched primary sources (needless to say, it was an exciting term). I got an A and my professor raved about it, but I'm still finding so many weak spots, like vague language here and there, and even a few silly grammar mistakes. I'm cringing so hard! Definitely glad I didn't wait til the last minute to edit before submitting applications.


How is everyone else doing? Anyone stressing out yet? 

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So I'm editing my writing sample, a seminar paper I wrote last semester on an understudied topic with fairly untouched primary sources (needless to say, it was an exciting term). I got an A and my professor raved about it, but I'm still finding so many weak spots, like vague language here and there, and even a few silly grammar mistakes. I'm cringing so hard! Definitely glad I didn't wait til the last minute to edit before submitting applications.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone stressing out yet?

Hey! I know what you mean, I waited until the last minute last year and it wasn't good. I am not stressing as bad this year. I have already submitted my first app this week (early, to get a few waiver) I feel much better this year! Is this your first year applying to programs ?

I am in awe that the board isn't as active this year (or maybe not to me--I could be wrong).

I do hope everyone's editing and writing is going well.

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Glamdoll - Congrats on finishing your first app! That must be a huge relief. I hope all the rest go smoothly now that the first is done.


This is my first year applying to PhD programs. I know a bit about applying to grad school because I'm finishing up an MA, at least enough to get started early and have a bunch of people look at my written work. Even so, this year is way different. Way more work and stress, for sure! 


The board does seem dead this year! Not that I've gone through previous years multiple times or anything...

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Glamdoll - Congrats on finishing your first app! That must be a huge relief. I hope all the rest go smoothly now that the first is done.


This is my first year applying to PhD programs. I know a bit about applying to grad school because I'm finishing up an MA, at least enough to get started early and have a bunch of people look at my written work. Even so, this year is way different. Way more work and stress, for sure! 


The board does seem dead this year! Not that I've gone through previous years multiple times or anything...


Happy to see that you're applying at IU! It's a great place with amazing faculty and grad students. 

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I had the pleasure of talking to my POI from IU last week on the phone, and we ended up talking for alittle over an hour. She told me alot of fantastic things about the program! Im kinda hoping that our phone conversation will give me some bonus points when she (and the rest of the adcoms) look over my application. 


Also, this website : http://www.writersdiet.com/WT.php ... is really fun to play with  :D. I copy/pasted my SOP into three distinct parts and kept getting 'fit&trim' results, so hopefully my SOP is as toned as Daniel Craig. 

Edited by LeventeL
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You guys...I think my SOP is done. I edited it a tiny bit today, saved the document, then had this odd moment of calm. I feel good about it...and that makes me feel like something is terribly wrong haha

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You guys...I think my SOP is done. I edited it a tiny bit today, saved the document, then had this odd moment of calm. I feel good about it...and that makes me feel like something is terribly wrong haha

:-D must be a great feeling ? Ha. I think I know mine by heart because I've read it a thousand times. Lol. One step closer !
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