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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Did the University of Washington really send out notifications today?


That is how I felt with the Yale admits came out on Friday.  But hey, there are only two so far.  Maybe there are more coming.

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Question for those who  applied to UPenn, what does the status of your application say?  Mine says "Ready for Review" when I look at the checklist but it's a recent thing since they thought I was missing documents previously.  Just curious.

Mine says the same.  Did you have an interview?

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I've been accepted into the North Carolina State University Public History MA program!! It is dependent on my submitting my official transcripts. I was not expecting to hear back so soon!!

Congratulations! I was just accepted into North Carolina State as well, for the History MA program, on the same conditions! Have you heard anything about funding yet?

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first time posting here. I'm from Japan and I finished up history BA and MA in 2012 and 2014 respectively in (Washington College) MD and (CSUN) CA. As i'm reading thru, your guys' comments are keepin me feel calm coz honestly right now, i'm soooo nervous for any notifications. My main field of focus is the Pacific War and Public history, specifically collective memory of atomic bombing and the war. I applied to Indiana Univ, Northwestern Univ, UCSC, Univ Hawaii at Manoa, SUNY at Albany, Washington State Univ, and Claremont Graduate Univ. So far the past two tries of ph.d apps didn't go so well so i honestly just wanna get in to whatever-ranked programs lol. 

I saw some members who are also applying to the same schools so whoever applyin, hit me up coz we may become colleagues this Fall! :)

Edited by wacyeah
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Congrats U of Washington admits and all the North Carolina State folks!!

And welcome wacyeah! I think for your interests Alice Yang and Alan Christy at UCSC are ideal advisers. I see you applied there. If you have any questions about the history department at UCSC, I did my BA there and would be happy to chat :)

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Congrats U of Washington admits and all the North Carolina State folks!!

And welcome wacyeah! I think for your interests Alice Yang and Alan Christy at UCSC are ideal advisers. I see you applied there. If you have any questions about the history department at UCSC, I did my BA there and would be happy to chat :)

ashiepoo72, thnx for the comment! Yea i applied to UCSC coz of those profs. (but i know that Christy's gonna be on leave from fall to spring i think) What's the hist. dept. like there? Have you had any class w/ Yang, Christy, Aso, or Lonetree before? btw, i realized that 3 of our prospective schools are the same lol

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So many acceptances happened overnight! (Well, our night.) That's amazing! 



Man, when I did this the first time around, I only applied to LSE. (Well, LSE and culinary school. Life could've been very different.) It's way easier waking up to the good news than tossing, turning and checking your apps till 2 am! On the bright side, the amount of coffee I've had so far today bodes well for the future :)

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Congratulations! I was just accepted into North Carolina State as well, for the History MA program, on the same conditions! Have you heard anything about funding yet?

Oh congratulations!!!! What's your focus?

Not yet! But once they get my official tranacripts processed I'm hoping to hear then.

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I'll send you a PM wacyeah

Congrats tingdeh!!!


Thanks!!! Congratulations on your acceptances, too. I'm just so happy--absolutely elated. The West Coast is SUCH a better prospect than the disgusting weather we're having here.

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History and Philosophy of Science going out it seems from Indiana. Could we see Indiana's History Department proper announce today?

Not sure about that. History and philosophy of science is a completely separate department here so the admissions processes won't be connected. Hoping for your sake they do announce though!!!

Wishing everyone the best.

Edited by catsandscarves
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Congrats to all the admits the past couple of days  :)   Now that I have my first admit the waiting (on funding decisions and other schools) is killing me.  I check the survey page a few times a day (probably a bad idea), and I also look at the past cycles, and one school I really want into (Arizona State) seems to be all over the board from Feb-March the past few years.  If I have to wait another month I might crack up.  Here's to a good day!

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Thanks for the info catsandscarves!

Congrats on the acceptance AZMoose! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get an awesome funding package!

And Heimat, my professor told me that state schools are more likely to have 2 waves, one funded on fellowships (university, diversity etc) and one on TA/RAships, though this really depends on the program. She also said that many state schools will likely have a wait list they actually end up pulling from (unless they purposely over-admit knowing this will probably result in a good cohort size) because they usually can't provide as much funding as private top programs, so if admits choose by size of funding package the state school usually loses out. Again, this all depends on the programs.

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