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History of Art MA/PHD 2010


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Well, didn't get a phone call from Columbia, interview request from IFA, or shortlist email from Harvard this week. Definitely starting to panic now that 5/8 of the schools I applied to have made some sort of contact with other applicants and I haven't heard a word. I wish they'd all just send out rejections and put me out of my misery - knowing that notifications could arrive at any minute is making it completely impossible to concentrate on anything other than checking my email and refreshing the results page every 5 minutes.

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Well, didn't get a phone call from Columbia, interview request from IFA, or shortlist email from Harvard this week. Definitely starting to panic now that 5/8 of the schools I applied to have made some sort of contact with other applicants and I haven't heard a word. I wish they'd all just send out rejections and put me out of my misery - knowing that notifications could arrive at any minute is making it completely impossible to concentrate on anything other than checking my email and refreshing the results page every 5 minutes.

Same here... I wish they'd notify everyone AT THE SAME TIME so that I don't have to miserably wait on rejection letters, holding onto a slight hope......

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I'm right there with you jmb04!

Can we just make it a policy that if you get in somewhere and decide to post it on the results board, you come share your details with those of us who are still [impatiently] waiting?

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Hey guys. The "holy shitter" was me. I feel like it can't be real, which is why I haven't posted details. It must be a joke...

My hopes are still high for every art historian here! I know how terrible the waiting- the unknowing is- so here are some details:

Email this morning from DGS to set up a time to talk on the phone, official acceptance letter has not yet arrived. Unlike one of the other Yale admits, I haven't heard from the professor I applied to work with. And of course no word on funding.

I have an MA. Mainly I'm a modernist, but concentrate on Russian/Soviet art, theology, and critical theory.

This is my first AH notification- was rejected by a cultural studies program two weeks ago.

Good luck to all!

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Hey guys. The "holy shitter" was me. I feel like it can't be real, which is why I haven't posted details. It must be a joke...

My hopes are still high for every art historian here! I know how terrible the waiting- the unknowing is- so here are some details:

Email this morning from DGS to set up a time to talk on the phone, official acceptance letter has not yet arrived. Unlike one of the other Yale admits, I haven't heard from the professor I applied to work with. And of course no word on funding.

I have an MA. Mainly I'm a modernist, but concentrate on Russian/Soviet art, theology, and critical theory.

This is my first AH notification- was rejected by a cultural studies program two weeks ago.

Good luck to all!

Hey, congrats watersnake!

Did the DGS mention any stats as to how many applicants and how many they're admitting?

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Hey guys. The "holy shitter" was me. I feel like it can't be real, which is why I haven't posted details. It must be a joke...

My hopes are still high for every art historian here! I know how terrible the waiting- the unknowing is- so here are some details:

Email this morning from DGS to set up a time to talk on the phone, official acceptance letter has not yet arrived. Unlike one of the other Yale admits, I haven't heard from the professor I applied to work with. And of course no word on funding.

I have an MA. Mainly I'm a modernist, but concentrate on Russian/Soviet art, theology, and critical theory.

This is my first AH notification- was rejected by a cultural studies program two weeks ago.

Good luck to all!

Wow, that's awesome news. Congrats watersnake!!

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Hey guys. The "holy shitter" was me. I feel like it can't be real, which is why I haven't posted details. It must be a joke...

My hopes are still high for every art historian here! I know how terrible the waiting- the unknowing is- so here are some details:

Email this morning from DGS to set up a time to talk on the phone, official acceptance letter has not yet arrived. Unlike one of the other Yale admits, I haven't heard from the professor I applied to work with. And of course no word on funding.

I have an MA. Mainly I'm a modernist, but concentrate on Russian/Soviet art, theology, and critical theory.

This is my first AH notification- was rejected by a cultural studies program two weeks ago.

Good luck to all!

Congratulations watersnake!

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Congrats Watersnake! I'm incredibly jealous!

Also, from what I hear the IFA is not through notifying. They are interviewing over 20 candidates and taking 1/3 to 1/2 of them. I don't know if Michigan is contacting anyone else, but I know 11 people are being interviewed. Good luck everyone!

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Congrats Watersnake! I'm incredibly jealous!

Also, from what I hear the IFA is not through notifying. They are interviewing over 20 candidates and taking 1/3 to 1/2 of them. I don't know if Michigan is contacting anyone else, but I know 11 people are being interviewed. Good luck everyone!

Does that mean Michigan has already offered admissions, too? AAH...I haven't heard back anything. :(

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To the short-listed Harvard applicant, could you share any information, like how you found out you are short-listed?

I received an email from the Director of Grad Studies (also my potential advisor). Said I had made it to the final round. 250 applications for less than 12 spots.

Fingers crossed.

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Well, guess I can count out Yale, too! I had the 'holy shit, I really might not get in anywhere' moment today. Even though I always knew it was a possibility, after seeing results coming in from most of the schools I applied to, the reality is sinking in. However, still haven't received any official rejections, so I guess there's still hope.

Which leads me to my next question...to the person who got the UChicago rejection, I hate to ask, but do you mind sharing where you live (general region, i.e. how close to Chicago)? I'm about 99% positive that I didn't get in since they notified a bunch of acceptances a week or so ago, but I didn't get anything in the mail today so wondering if there's still hope (doubtful) or if I should just be expecting a rejection letter tomorrow.

Also, darts -- congrats! that's great. Just wondering, did the person who contacted you say if they were notifying all short-listed candidates or if this was just a potential advisor giving a heads up?

Edited by georgica2
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Well, guess I can count out Yale, too! I had the 'holy shit, I really might not get in anywhere' moment today. Even though I always knew it was a possibility, after seeing results coming in from most of the schools I applied to, the reality is sinking in. However, still haven't received any official rejections, so I guess there's still hope.

Which leads me to my next question...to the person who got the UChicago rejection, I hate to ask, but do you mind sharing where you live (general region, i.e. how close to Chicago)? I'm about 99% positive that I didn't get in since they notified a bunch of acceptances a week or so ago, but I didn't get anything in the mail today so wondering if there's still hope (doubtful) or if I should just be expecting a rejection letter tomorrow.

Also, darts -- congrats! that's great. Just wondering, did the person who contacted you say if they were notifying all short-listed candidates or if this was just a potential advisor giving a heads up?

No indication whether it was a blanket form email or potential advisee notification... Got a very personal response to a response. Best of luck.

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Well, guess I can count out Yale, too! I had the 'holy shit, I really might not get in anywhere' moment today. Even though I always knew it was a possibility, after seeing results coming in from most of the schools I applied to, the reality is sinking in. However, still haven't received any official rejections, so I guess there's still hope.

Which leads me to my next question...to the person who got the UChicago rejection, I hate to ask, but do you mind sharing where you live (general region, i.e. how close to Chicago)? I'm about 99% positive that I didn't get in since they notified a bunch of acceptances a week or so ago, but I didn't get anything in the mail today so wondering if there's still hope (doubtful) or if I should just be expecting a rejection letter tomorrow.

Also, darts -- congrats! that's great. Just wondering, did the person who contacted you say if they were notifying all short-listed candidates or if this was just a potential advisor giving a heads up?

I hear you georgica2. About half the schools I applied to have contacted applicants with admission decisions and I have yet to know my doom. As a northern California resident, I'm less than an hour away from Stanford and I am pining to receive a decision letter (be it good or bad) in the mail. I also recently moved and I'm guessing that the mail forwarding service may be a factor for the delay. Le sigh!

Also: Greetings, fellow applicants! I've been hanging around this message board and following the results (in OCD fashion) since the beginning of this month. I am one of the many wannabe modernists. Though I am growing less and less optimistic with each day that I come home to an empty mailbox (and empty email inbox), I am glad to know that I am not the only one experiencing the somatic effects of the waiting period.

Good luck, everyone! And congratulations to those who have been accepted!

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I've applied to the PhD programs at NYU, Columbia, and Princeton. No word from any of them, but from obsessively checking the results board it seems that people have started getting responses from all three schools. Can I call the departments to inquire about whether I'm in or not, if for no other reason than to put me out of the misery of not knowing?

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This is a suggestion to all the people who are wondering if they should email a school/department/DGS about admissions when some have already sent out offers or rejections.


There could be many reasons why some are hearing in first and others aren't but it basically boils down to: THEY ARE MAKING DECISIONS.

The ones who have been notified early may have been in constant contact with their POI, or they could be in the department (as a MA) already know within their department, etc. Every school is different and you shouldn't be presumptuous about your status. Actually, if I was a DGS I would find it quite rude to "check up" on your status if it doesn't relate to making sure all materials in, especially since they have told you they will notify you.

Also, the results page CAN lie. This is my favorite example:


Please be patient guys! It'll be ok!


Desperately Seeking Grad School Applicant who had to stop going online. lol.

Edited by fullofpink
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Okay, Chicago is seriously starting to mess with my head. I came home today fully expecting to find a rejection letter waiting for me after seeing a bunch of them posted today/yesterday and...didn't. Nothing. Again, really hate to ask, but are any of you who got letters from Chicago by any chance based in the general NYC area? I'm giving it until the end of the week before I allow myself to be hopeful...

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Well, guess I can count out Yale, too! I had the 'holy shit, I really might not get in anywhere' moment today. Even though I always knew it was a possibility, after seeing results coming in from most of the schools I applied to, the reality is sinking in. However, still haven't received any official rejections, so I guess there's still hope.

Which leads me to my next question...to the person who got the UChicago rejection, I hate to ask, but do you mind sharing where you live (general region, i.e. how close to Chicago)? I'm about 99% positive that I didn't get in since they notified a bunch of acceptances a week or so ago, but I didn't get anything in the mail today so wondering if there's still hope (doubtful) or if I should just be expecting a rejection letter tomorrow.

Also, darts -- congrats! that's great. Just wondering, did the person who contacted you say if they were notifying all short-listed candidates or if this was just a potential advisor giving a heads up?

I got an UChicago rejection yesterday. I live in Chicago. Postmarked 2/22. I'm bummed and now even more nervous because everyone seems to be waiting for Northwestern.

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Okay, Chicago is seriously starting to mess with my head. I came home today fully expecting to find a rejection letter waiting for me after seeing a bunch of them posted today/yesterday and...didn't. Nothing. Again, really hate to ask, but are any of you who got letters from Chicago by any chance based in the general NYC area? I'm giving it until the end of the week before I allow myself to be hopeful...

I'm in NYC too, and after seeing all those Chicago rejections on the board, I had mentally prepared myself for a slim envelope in my mailbox when I got home from work, but nothing yet. I think today or tomorrow they'll come, if they were mailed at the same time as the others.

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