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Fall 2015 Applicants!

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I know I've been accepted somewhere while others are still waiting, but the University of North Dakota wants me to do another 5 courses of pre-reqs when I've already done 31 semester hours (11 courses). With that condition, I will likely be declining their offer even if it is my only option. Is that crazy of me? I would rather wait another year, improve my GRE math (my Verbal was 89%) and apply again. Has anyone out there said "no" to the one school they were accepted to before? I'd much rather give up my spot to someone who really might want it. 

I have! It was for personal problems though and I regret it...kind of. It would have saved me from the stress I'm experiencing now, but I got to work/travel abroad for the last few years. I feel like a much stronger applicant now experience wise. I feel more confident and focused. 


Hopefully, one of these schools feels the same way!

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I received the notice via a letter in the mail today. Good luck to you both! Do you guys know if CSUN holds interviews?

I received my letter today. Although I knew it was coming it still hurt. Holding on to hope though. I am a second year applicant.

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Yea, that was me. Very unfriendly letter, I thought. I hope that means you're in the winning pile, and you will receive a letter from the Department directly. I received my letter from the Dean of Students office. 


That sucks, dude. It's been interesting to see the varying tones in rejection letters so far. University of Washington's was pretty nice in my opinion, but the one I got today from CSU Chico was extremely short and to the point.

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I know I've been accepted somewhere while others are still waiting, but the University of North Dakota wants me to do another 5 courses of pre-reqs when I've already done 31 semester hours (11 courses). With that condition, I will likely be declining their offer even if it is my only option. Is that crazy of me? I would rather wait another year, improve my GRE math (my Verbal was 89%) and apply again. Has anyone out there said "no" to the one school they were accepted to before? I'd much rather give up my spot to someone who really might want it. 


Wow, 5? What all do they want you to do? That would definitely be a pain to do but if it were me I think I'd bite the bullet and do it. I've found this application process to be so torturous, I don't think I could stand to go through it again. BUT if you feel like the school is really not a good fit for you that's understandable.

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Yea, that was me. Very unfriendly letter, I thought. I hope that means you're in the winning pile, and you will receive a letter from the Department directly. I received my letter from the Dean of Students office. 

That's kinda random. The dean of students? I just got waitlisted there but the email was from the Academic advisor, one of the people I talked to during the interview. I just saw your post. That's ridiculous that you didn't get a waitlist even after an interview! Apparently the waitlist has 3 'tiers.' I really wonder how many people are even on it. I only saw about 30 slots for interviews. 


Just in case any of you also applied to the University of Utah, I thought I would let you know that I heard we will find out on either Friday or Monday. 

Good to know. I was hoping to hear this week. It's my last school that I have any slight interest in so I'm just ready to know yes or no. Good luck.

Edited by jpiccolo
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Apparently the waitlist has 3 'tiers.' I really wonder how many people are even on it. I only saw about 30 slots for interviews. 


I think they actually did somewhere in the range 60-70 for interviews because of how brief they were, there were slots for about 4 an hour over the course of a day and a half. Interesting that they have a tier system - I wonder how many people end up making it off of the waiting list. Still nothing for me, this wait is so frustrating.

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5 - rejections, 3 - interviews (have yet to hear back from any of them), 1 - wait-list


I applied to 28 schools, and I am starting to feel like its just not going to happen. :(

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5 - rejections, 3 - interviews (have yet to hear back from any of them), 1 - wait-list


I applied to 28 schools, and I am starting to feel like its just not going to happen. :(


That has to be a record. At $50 per application, that comes out to $1,400. Yikes...

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That has to be a record. At $50 per application, that comes out to $1,400. Yikes...


I am sure it is a record! :( 

Including taking the GRE, sending out scores, transcripts, app fees, etc. I kept an ongoing spread sheet with everything and I spent over 3000$, not including a trip to Boston to interview at Emerson, from whom I have not heard back yet.


I will be really upset if I don't get in. 

Sadly my overall GPA is a bit low, decent GRE scores and second degree in speech with GPA of 3.63 so fingers crossed. :/


Congrats to everyone that got in, impressed with all of you! :)

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5 - rejections, 3 - interviews (have yet to hear back from any of them), 1 - wait-list


I applied to 28 schools, and I am starting to feel like its just not going to happen. :(

A girl I work with applied to 23 so you are not alone! Remember, all you need it 1! Stay positive

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Just in case any of you also applied to the University of Utah, I thought I would let you know that I heard we will find out on either Friday or Monday. 

Just out of curiosity, who did you hear this from?! I've been hoping to hear from them all this week. Thanks in advance.

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5 - rejections, 3 - interviews (have yet to hear back from any of them), 1 - wait-list


I applied to 28 schools, and I am starting to feel like its just not going to happen. :(


Take the interviews as a little victory in-and-of themselves! That means you made the short list of potential admits! That is a wonderful sign and puts you one step closer to admission. Also, waitlists are a victory too. Sounds like you still have many more to hear from, so I would still keep the optimism up! You should be a long way from desperation yet since there are plenty of decisions to be made!

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I know I've been accepted somewhere while others are still waiting, but the University of North Dakota wants me to do another 5 courses of pre-reqs when I've already done 31 semester hours (11 courses). With that condition, I will likely be declining their offer even if it is my only option. Is that crazy of me? I would rather wait another year, improve my GRE math (my Verbal was 89%) and apply again. Has anyone out there said "no" to the one school they were accepted to before? I'd much rather give up my spot to someone who really might want it. 


I hear you...UND also wants me to take 5 more undergraduate courses while in the graduate program if I accept. I am hoping I can get in any of my other programs so I can avoid that. That is a lot of extra money to be spending on courses that aren't a necessity, per se. They are my only option at the moment. I don't know if I can justify spending thousands of dollars more to take courses that I wouldn't have to take in different programs. I'm all for learning and love it but money is the bottom line for me here...

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got two more wait lists yesterday and today...still waiting on that one acceptance! fingers crossed....I saw people heard back from Montevallo.  anyone else apply there?  also does anyone know when we will be hearing back from Fort Hays?

I applied to Montevallo and I have not heard back either :(

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I hear you...UND also wants me to take 5 more undergraduate courses while in the graduate program if I accept. I am hoping I can get in any of my other programs so I can avoid that. That is a lot of extra money to be spending on courses that aren't a necessity, per se. They are my only option at the moment. I don't know if I can justify spending thousands of dollars more to take courses that I wouldn't have to take in different programs. I'm all for learning and love it but money is the bottom line for me here...

That's exactly right. It's unnecessary and just a financial burden especially out of state. I'm very confused by the practicum course and psychology. Why?

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5 - rejections, 3 - interviews (have yet to hear back from any of them), 1 - wait-list


I applied to 28 schools, and I am starting to feel like its just not going to happen. :(

I kinda hope that 2 was a typo and you will get into one of those 4 schools. Out of 28 certainly there must be a place for you!

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I hear you...UND also wants me to take 5 more undergraduate courses while in the graduate program if I accept. I am hoping I can get in any of my other programs so I can avoid that. That is a lot of extra money to be spending on courses that aren't a necessity, per se. They are my only option at the moment. I don't know if I can justify spending thousands of dollars more to take courses that I wouldn't have to take in different programs. I'm all for learning and love it but money is the bottom line for me here...

Neuronparty, I had a thought. Maybe factoring in the cost of another application season is something to think about. $$ is important to me, but I also know I don't want to take 5 more classes. If you don't mind the coursework, maybe considering the cost of applying again is something you should factor in.

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That sucks, dude. It's been interesting to see the varying tones in rejection letters so far. University of Washington's was pretty nice in my opinion, but the one I got today from CSU Chico was extremely short and to the point.

Your stats are awesome. I can't believe you've been rejected by some of those schools.

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Neuronparty, I had a thought. Maybe factoring in the cost of another application season is something to think about. $$ is important to me, but I also know I don't want to take 5 more classes. If you don't mind the coursework, maybe considering the cost of applying again is something you should factor in.


Yes, that is true! I have been thinking about that too. I am waiting a little longer before I cross that bridge. I have more programs to hear from before I make any official decisions (I only have definitive answers from two so far). I may take that route and try to boost my resume more in the next year if I don't get in to my other programs. Otherwise, I will carefully consider UND a little more. So far I'm not too crazy about it due to the 5 courses. We will see though!

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Has anyone heard anything about the St. John's program?  I was recently accepted but I cant find much info on it other than the schools webiste.  It is 48 credits so I was wondering if the program is typically finished in 3 semesters?  Let me know if anyone knows any info! :)


How did you hear from St. John's? I also applied there but haven't heard anything yet. I am on the west coast, however....

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