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@nightfarmer The community on here has really helped me feel less alone during this application cycle, and you all seem cool :D My mom doesn't get it and thinks I spend too much time on here (which I do), but it's what's keeping me from driving everyone in my non-virtual life up the wall with application stuff. Do what's going to be best for you.

My netflix seems to have got a tonne of awesome shows recently and "my list" is getting pretty full. Lots to watch with long nights in the lab data processing :D 

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1 hour ago, piglet33 said:

@nightfarmer The community on here has really helped me feel less alone during this application cycle, and you all seem cool :D My mom doesn't get it and thinks I spend too much time on here (which I do), but it's what's keeping me from driving everyone in my non-virtual life up the wall with application stuff. Do what's going to be best for you.

My netflix seems to have got a tonne of awesome shows recently and "my list" is getting pretty full. Lots to watch with long nights in the lab data processing :D 

Right?! I've told my mom about some of you way too many times. "One of my friends did...." "Oh, how do you know them?" "I... uh...."

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13 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Right?! I've told my mom about some of you way too many times. "One of my friends did...." "Oh, how do you know them?" "I... uh...."


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2 hours ago, piglet33 said:

@nightfarmer The community on here has really helped me feel less alone during this application cycle, and you all seem cool :D 

Even though I've lately only been able to drop in briefly and read, not post a whole lot (work has been busy busy--which is good for a distraction, at least), I definitely agree. Here's hoping things come out well for all of you!

But: I have (2!) skype interviews tomorrow. They're a few hours a part, so, yay for time to breathe/eat, but: eep! Luckily, I have incredibly supportive professors, who talked me through the whole thing (well, or what they think it might be, since interviews are pretty rare in my field), offered office space for a quiet place to do the call, and so on. I already sent thank you cards, but now I feel like I need to send more, or like, party balloons. I don't know. So much gratitude, and very little that can really express it.

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One of my schools hasnt even started LOOKING at my application!

Why are they doing this to me, I'm going to be the best thing thats ever happened to them if they give me a chance!


I have my penn state recruiting weekend and i am freaking out. Havent even STARTED looking at papers to bring up. It seems like only 1 day is formal, so thats good. 

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@haltheincandescent Sounds like tomorrow will fry your nerves quite a bit... best of luck!


And yes... definitely send out party balloons. I feel the same way about my professors... they are the main reason I was even a reasonable applicant for graduate school. I just have no idea how to express my gratitude :(


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I don't really think it matters. I sent mine out after they submitted their letters. I also just sent an update email (since I've heard back from half of my schools) then I'll send another one when I decide. I mean, put yourselves in their shoes... they don't care about being thanked, they just want you to do well :)


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12 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

@haltheincandescent Sounds like tomorrow will fry your nerves quite a bit... best of luck!


And yes... definitely send out party balloons. I feel the same way about my professors... they are the main reason I was even a reasonable applicant for graduate school. I just have no idea how to express my gratitude :(


Thanks! The first one is a little less intimidating--younger scholars, just two to talk with--so hopefully that one will go well and I'll be warmed up for the next (with the whole admissions committee, made up of a lot of really big names in the field). Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about it now, though. 

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I've been reading this thread on and off all day to pass the time while I wait to hear back from my own programs (which will probably not be until mid February at the earliest). I don't personally know many people going through this process right now and it is comforting for me to see that I'm not the only one going crazy. I'm more of a lurker but I wanted to thank you all for inadvertently entertaining me by allowing me to creep on you. I'm hoping that by posting here I will feel less like a stalker. I'm pulling for all of you. :) 

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1 hour ago, haltheincandescent said:

Thanks! The first one is a little less intimidating--younger scholars, just two to talk with--so hopefully that one will go well and I'll be warmed up for the next (with the whole admissions committee, made up of a lot of really big names in the field). Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about it now, though. 

The whole admissions committee will be Skyping you?! Holy crap, man! Good luck!

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10 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

The whole admissions committee will be Skyping you?! Holy crap, man! Good luck!

Yeah, it's like 7 of them. Also only twenty minutes, so I feel like it will only end up being them and me each introducing ourselves, with that many people, but we'll see! Thanks again!

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Okay, I just wanted a place to rant for a moment. I know that for Jan 4th applications, I still (likely) have a bit of a wait ahead of me. There are literally no acceptances for my field on gradcafe. There are only early t0 mid March rejections with two late LATE Feb acceptances from '07 and '10 for the same department but an entirely different concentration. Right now I'm working on my thesis from a new state. It's hard to focus without my cohort and with the added stress of waiting to hear back. I moved because the Bay area was way expensive and now I'm also looking for jobs here. 

For those of you still working on your thesis, how is it going? Is anyone working on a thesis remotely or with limited adviser contact?

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4 hours ago, haltheincandescent said:

Yeah, it's like 7 of them. Also only twenty minutes, so I feel like it will only end up being them and me each introducing ourselves, with that many people, but we'll see! Thanks again!

Sheesh man, good luck!! 

I have woken up freaking out this morning, convinced that I'm not going to get in to my top choice so think I'm going to be spending most of today in the gym....ahhh.

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5 hours ago, piglet33 said:

Sheesh man, good luck!! 

I have woken up freaking out this morning, convinced that I'm not going to get in to my top choice so think I'm going to be spending most of today in the gym....ahhh.

Freakout mornings are the worst! That's when you just sit in a comfy chair, eat some pancakes and bacon, and give the universe the middle finger.

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6 hours ago, Foreveronward said:

Okay, I just wanted a place to rant for a moment. I know that for Jan 4th applications, I still (likely) have a bit of a wait ahead of me. There are literally no acceptances for my field on gradcafe. There are only early t0 mid March rejections with two late LATE Feb acceptances from '07 and '10 for the same department but an entirely different concentration. Right now I'm working on my thesis from a new state. It's hard to focus without my cohort and with the added stress of waiting to hear back. I moved because the Bay area was way expensive and now I'm also looking for jobs here. 

For those of you still working on your thesis, how is it going? Is anyone working on a thesis remotely or with limited adviser contact?

Waiting is so. Hard. Especially when you don't have anyone in the same position as you waiting it out! 

And yes, I'm working on one! It's going pretty well so far. When I started it last summer, I had to work on it while my advisor was in Africa for the whole summer. So her email access was limited! Since it was only the beginning of the thesis though, it was mostly literature review work I could do on my own. 

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48 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Freakout mornings are the worst! That's when you just sit in a comfy chair, eat some pancakes and bacon, and give the universe the middle finger.

Oh if only i could have pancakes and bacon! Doesn't fit into my programme at the minute though. Oh well that's what heavy weights and shooting games on the playstation are for!!! It's so awesome to be able to come here and know you guys get it 

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7 hours ago, Foreveronward said:

For those of you still working on your thesis, how is it going? Is anyone working on a thesis remotely or with limited adviser contact?

It's going slowly. I scratched out maybe a third of the writing load. And I'm working both remotely and with limited adviser contact. You?

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4 hours ago, piglet33 said:

I have woken up freaking out this morning, convinced that I'm not going to get in to my top choice so think I'm going to be spending most of today in the gym....ahhh.

That's how I feel every day haha. A biiiiiiig cup of coffee, a Spanish tortilla (eggs, potatoes, and onions), and a book usually help. :)

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Seem to be fulfilling the whining portion of the thread today so apologies!

I'm so envious of people who know they have somewhere to go. I just want to know now. My apps have been submitted since mid-October. I'm tired of waiting! I also get the rest of my Semester 1 results this week so I'm a ball of nervous energy. Well actually, I'm a ball of apatheticness currently. I should be appreciative of the lull in my craziness but I want to get working again. Believe it or not, thesis writers, I'm a little bit envious! My research doesn't start until March and I'm sure I'll be complaining on here by then about how much work I have to do but agh i can't even formulate sentences today.


Edited by piglet33
must apologise for whines
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Your deadlines were in mid-October and you still haven't heard back? I'd have lost my sanity long ago...


I did apply for a fellowship that was due in mid-October and I won't hear back until April... but fellowships aren't nearly as big of a deal as getting in somewhere.

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny just like sjoh197, my deadlines have been all over the place. From 1st November to 1st Feb. Weirdly it's the 1st December deadline (my top choice) that I've heard nothing about. Both the november (interview) and february (fellowship nomination) ones i've heard exciting things from. 

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