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Any late Dec/early Jan applicants? Waiting is so difficult!


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11 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I wish that there were some kind of standard to know when to expect an offer. For one of my schools, the application is not due until January 31. Yet I got invited for an interview/visit on December 17, and got an offer today (January 14). Yet I have not heard back from some "safety" schools whose applications were due back in November! Who knows?! :wacko:

This happened to me. I got an invitation today (1/14), but on the website it says that applications will not be reviewed until after tomorrow (1/15).


I hope it's not a mistake as it's from one of my Ultimate Baes™ and I nearly died when I got the invite (plus, it has my name on it), but I don't know.

Edited by highborn
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5 hours ago, med latte said:

Okaaaaay, January 15th! Deadline day for several of us. The clock starts now.......and I'm already exhausted from the wait!

Let even higher levels of anxiety commence in 3... 2... 1...

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43 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

Let even higher levels of anxiety commence in 3... 2... 1...

I just checked the status of the application of the school I'm currently attending... 

They said they haven't received the transcript from here. To here. Which isn't supposed to be necessary if you're applying here. Hm.

Think I'll call someone.

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I had to upload a scan of my official transcripts for one part of my application, and then physically send them in for a "proof of degree" portion of the same application.... So at least I know they got them, twice. 

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1 hour ago, sjoh197 said:

I had to upload a scan of my official transcripts for one part of my application, and then physically send them in for a "proof of degree" portion of the same application.... So at least I know they got them, twice. 

I did that, too. Wasn't necessary because I'm already here, but I did it anyway. 

Official transcripts in this age of digitization seems so dated, at least when it comes to the application process. Cornell accepted scans of my official ones, as did RPI. Both of course require mailed transcripts if you matriculate, but official, mailed transcripts for all applicants seems like it'd just create an enormous amount of paperwork and sorting.

At least I think it would.

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Got another email from Sarah Lawrence, which turned out to be another advertisement, like the Northwestern email. I know that all my applications say mid-late Feb are interview notifications, but I can't stop myself from compulsively checking! Two people have already posted interviews on the survey, which makes me nervous as well.

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5 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:


Also, I'm stealing that phrase, please and thank you.

Thanks bun bun! I'm still stoked about it. I've never had a Skype interview before so now I'm kind of freaked out blahhhh i've basically been mentally attending the school for months now. i want to go to there

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11 minutes ago, emb1994 said:

Sent in 9 applications in late Nov/early Dec...won't hear anything until March, so I'm distracting myself by watching SVU from the beginning.

That should keep you busy for a while!

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It hasn't even been a week since since my deadline, and my emotions are already all over the place...one moment I'm feeling confident, the next I'm certain I'll be rejected. Someone here suggested an induced coma until March.....where do I sign up for that?  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really not doing well with this whole wait thing. I know it's only been 25 days since I submitted my application, and the department waited two weeks before checking and emailing everyone that their application is complete (which makes me think they started reviewing on or after that date)... but I'm still losing it. I got a few more results from Gradcafe by searching weird keywords and I found out they send their rejects via email early March. Other concentrations in the college do their interviews mid Febuary, but it says interview by email. I know they do recruitment weekends so I'm trying not to freak out that I haven't heard anything yet. And everyone who applied in early Dec is hearing back! 

P.S. Is anyone else annoyed by the phrase "No news is good news." So yes, I agree that hearing nothing means you're still in the running... but it isn't *good* news. Good news is an acceptance, or a friendly email or phone call from a PoI. No news is just another few days of anxious waiting. :( 

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4 hours ago, Foreveronward said:

I'm really not doing well with this whole wait thing. I know it's only been 25 days since I submitted my application, and the department waited two weeks before checking and emailing everyone that their application is complete (which makes me think they started reviewing on or after that date)... but I'm still losing it. I got a few more results from Gradcafe by searching weird keywords and I found out they send their rejects via email early March. Other concentrations in the college do their interviews mid Febuary, but it says interview by email. I know they do recruitment weekends so I'm trying not to freak out that I haven't heard anything yet. And everyone who applied in early Dec is hearing back! 

P.S. Is anyone else annoyed by the phrase "No news is good news." So yes, I agree that hearing nothing means you're still in the running... but it isn't *good* news. Good news is an acceptance, or a friendly email or phone call from a PoI. No news is just another few days of anxious waiting. :( 

I actually hate the "No news is good news" too. But that's because my uni sends out rejects after acceptances (I think that's the case with a lot of schools) So no news is just a pending rejection.

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@Forveveronward, I feel your pain. It's only been two weeks since my deadline, and I keep looking at the calendar, wishing to fast-forward a month. I'm thinking about calling the office in a couple of weeks to ask when they send notifications. I can see from GradCafe that it is usually the end of Feb., but maybe if I call and ask I'll glean some insight on my status. 

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1 hour ago, med latte said:

@Forveveronward, I feel your pain. It's only been two weeks since my deadline, and I keep looking at the calendar, wishing to fast-forward a month. I'm thinking about calling the office in a couple of weeks to ask when they send notifications. I can see from GradCafe that it is usually the end of Feb., but maybe if I call and ask I'll glean some insight on my status. 

I think I'll do the same. It's probably too early to bug anyone at this point, but I'll definitely do it if I don't hear by the third week of February or so.

I know the logistics of reviewing applicants is time consuming, too. One of my applied-to programs didn't even complete my application until this week. I applied to that program over two weeks ago, which means the department didn't receive my materials until now. Then the adcom has to meet at a convenient time, possibly several times, and come to decisions.

I doubt I'll hear much for another month.

Edited by Neist
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2 minutes ago, RCtheSS said:

I submitted an application January 10, didn't get all my LORs in until January 15, and received an acceptance today.

What the hell is going on?! Still kind of shocked.

Ugh.... we all hate you lol.

But seriously, congrats! That's a super fast turn around. I hope it was to a program you really liked :D

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lol! This is only one program out of 12 total, so I'll continue to wait in anxiety with you all. 

To be honest, I like them a lot more since they included a scholarship award in the letter. :lol:


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51 minutes ago, Neist said:

I think I'll do the same. It's probably too early to bug anyone at this point, but I'll definitely do it if I don't hear by the third week of February or so.

I know the logistics of reviewing applicants is time consuming, too. One of my applied-to programs didn't even complete my applicant until this week. I applied to that program over two weeks ago, which means the department didn't receive my materials until now. Then the adcom has to meet at a convenient time, possibly several times, and come to decisions.

I doubt I'll hear much for another month.

Me either. I've had contact with one POI (informal interview) and silly me... I thought, "This is great! I bet I'll get more interest (via my academia.edu page, emails/phone calls, smoke signals, carrier pigeons, etc.) now!!!"  Nope. Nothing but crickets over here. I really wasn't expecting to know anything (good or bad) until the second week of February (rejections just in time for Valentine's Day!)...but having talked to one POI has made me even more anxious/nervous to hear from more. LET ME INTO THAT IVORY TOWER....before I completely lose it.

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So, I was on the phone just now, and trying to pull up an email to check something for the person I was talking to.  Sitting in my inbox is a message with the subject "Your Application Status."  I totally had one of those moments where I totally forgot what was going on, where I was, or what I was supposed to be doing.  I hear my name a couple times through the phone, which brings me back.  As soon as I got off the phone, I open the email, which contains a somewhat disappointing "Thank you for your interest in [our school].  Your application to the Speech-Language Pathology program has been sent to the department for review. Decisions are usually made within four to six weeks. You will receive an email once a decision has been made."

At least I know they're starting to look at applications finally.  I don't know what it's going to be like when I actually get the decision; I almost lost it just from the subject line, and this isn't even my top choice school (but I would still be thrilled to get in!)  Oh well, back to the long wait!

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33 minutes ago, mwickize said:

My application was due Jan 10th. We got an e-mail last week about the process being in full-swing. It's not a huge program, so I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER to hear back.

I hear ya.  Although I know they have hundreds of applications they're looking at.  I'm trying to be patient, but I just want to know already!

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