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We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016


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9 hours ago, Cat_Robutt said:

It's so funny the things I miss here when I'm out for a few days––I leave, we're talking about Sims, I come back to free the nipple lol :P I'm just surprised no one has mentioned chafing yet, what with the reliably reasoned discussions we have. :lol:

In regards to chafing, I highly suggest coconut oil :D

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I know this isn't the venting thread but I'm coming here anyway. Today my advisor told me to start over on my research. I've been going to him at each stage to get him to sign off on what I've done to prevent this from happening and today he sat down with me and said I've basically not done anything he said (?!) and to do it all again. My software license has expired, the laptop I borrowed has gone and this was 3 months worth of work for my masters thesis! I have a month left and he expects me to do it all again, and analyse the data and write it up. Goodbye life.

Also, got told I have a grade 2 tear in my ligament in my knee, I'm not allowed to squat for a minimum of a month, I have to have daily treatments and I just want to cry. :(


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1 hour ago, hippyscientist said:

I know this isn't the venting thread but I'm coming here anyway. Today my advisor told me to start over on my research. I've been going to him at each stage to get him to sign off on what I've done to prevent this from happening and today he sat down with me and said I've basically not done anything he said (?!) and to do it all again. My software license has expired, the laptop I borrowed has gone and this was 3 months worth of work for my masters thesis! I have a month left and he expects me to do it all again, and analyse the data and write it up. Goodbye life.

Also, got told I have a grade 2 tear in my ligament in my knee, I'm not allowed to squat for a minimum of a month, I have to have daily treatments and I just want to cry. :(


oh god, i'm sorry. is he set on that decision? that would be horrible to make you do your research again and rewrite...

also sorry about your knee. :( at least it's an incentive to get some rest, right?

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2 hours ago, hippyscientist said:

I know this isn't the venting thread but I'm coming here anyway. Today my advisor told me to start over on my research. I've been going to him at each stage to get him to sign off on what I've done to prevent this from happening and today he sat down with me and said I've basically not done anything he said (?!) and to do it all again. My software license has expired, the laptop I borrowed has gone and this was 3 months worth of work for my masters thesis! I have a month left and he expects me to do it all again, and analyse the data and write it up. Goodbye life.

Also, got told I have a grade 2 tear in my ligament in my knee, I'm not allowed to squat for a minimum of a month, I have to have daily treatments and I just want to cry. :(


I can't even imagine how incredibly frustrating and perhaps panic inducing that must be. Give yourself a night to be angry about it and eat a pint of ice cream, then come back and look at things with a fresh set of eyes tomorrow to figure out how to proceed.

Can you talk to your advisor again (or someone else in your lab group) to figure out if you can salvage at least some of what you've done so far? Will analysis setups, experiment design, etc. carry over to a redo that will make things go faster a second time around?

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I was just venting. It's not as awful as it sounds, but it's not ideal. I've had to resynchronise my video footage, sent my video to Asia to get it created, hopefully get it back tomorrow and re-match the environment and skeleton. Hopefully it won't take more than about a week if I pull long days. Thankfully I don't need to relearn software or anything but it's just frustrating!!! 

I am buying ice cream, donuts and wine tonight. @Effloresce haha no excuse for bench gains :D I can train like a bodybuilder instead. 

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2 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

I was just venting. It's not as awful as it sounds, but it's not ideal. I've had to resynchronise my video footage, sent my video to Asia to get it created, hopefully get it back tomorrow and re-match the environment and skeleton. Hopefully it won't take more than about a week if I pull long days. Thankfully I don't need to relearn software or anything but it's just frustrating!!! 

I am buying ice cream, donuts and wine tonight. @Effloresce haha no excuse for bench gains :D I can train like a bodybuilder instead. 

i'm glad it's better than it sounds! good luck!!

also ice cream, donuts and wine sounds amazing. 

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1 minute ago, Effloresce said:

i'm glad it's better than it sounds! good luck!!

also ice cream, donuts and wine sounds amazing. 


Sound amazing, yes, but I'm not sure about altogether. :D 

I'm sorry to hear about that @hippyscientist. :( At least it doesn't seem like it's a complete wash.

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5 minutes ago, Neist said:

Sound amazing, yes, but I'm not sure about altogether. :D 

what do you mean? i'm having dreams of taking a spoonful of ice cream then a bite of a donut, and washing it all down with a sip of moscato :P 

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26 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

what do you mean? i'm having dreams of taking a spoonful of ice cream then a bite of a donut, and washing it all down with a sip of moscato :P 

This is exactly my plan! Well...malbec or cabernet sauvignon instead of moscato. I'm wallowing in self pity this evening then productive action starts 7am tomorrow. 

How's everyone else's days going? (That feels so incredibly grammatically wrong)

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2 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

This is exactly my plan! Well...malbec or cabernet sauvignon instead of moscato. I'm wallowing in self pity this evening then productive action starts 7am tomorrow. 

How's everyone else's days going? (That feels so incredibly grammatically wrong)

perfect! i will reveal that i'm not much of a drinker, so I don't know much about wine. :P

my day's going okay! not much to do in lab except an ELISA so it's just sit around and hang out during incubations. i've sent a lot of housing emails and i think i've found a place! just finalizing some details but i may put a deposit down soon. :) 

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2 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

perfect! i will reveal that i'm not much of a drinker, so I don't know much about wine. :P

my day's going okay! not much to do in lab except an ELISA so it's just sit around and hang out during incubations. i've sent a lot of housing emails and i think i've found a place! just finalizing some details but i may put a deposit down soon. :) 

Yay housing is exciting! It's such a relief when you find somewhere. I'm hoping the place I move into is as nice as I've heard. Home's are important :) 

I don't drink that much, but am particular about what I do drink! The joys of being from a drinking family... unfortunately I have expensive taste haha

What is an ELISA?

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9 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

Yay housing is exciting! It's such a relief when you find somewhere. I'm hoping the place I move into is as nice as I've heard. Home's are important :) 

I don't drink that much, but am particular about what I do drink! The joys of being from a drinking family... unfortunately I have expensive taste haha

What is an ELISA?

yeah, i'm relieved. but at the same time, i wonder if i'm making a decision too soon and that makes me a little anxious. i hope your place is amazing and wonderful!!

in simplest terms, an ELISA is an assay to detect and quantify proteins, antibodies etc. i'm testing some mouse sera to see the titre levels against sandfly midgut proteins!

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2 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

yeah, i'm relieved. but at the same time, i wonder if i'm making a decision too soon and that makes me a little anxious. i hope your place is amazing and wonderful!!

in simplest terms, an ELISA is an assay to detect and quantify proteins, antibodies etc. i'm testing some mouse sera to see the titre levels against sandfly midgut proteins!

Huh, that sounds pretty interesting! I love finding out what everyone does on these boards! What's the end goal with your mice and sandflies?

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21 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

Huh, that sounds pretty interesting! I love finding out what everyone does on these boards! What's the end goal with your mice and sandflies?

yeah, it's fun!

well, the mice were just used to produce antibodies..i injected em four times with sandfly midguts at different timepoints after blood feeding. i'm doing this work for a post-doc in the lab that's trying to look at protein expression in sandfly midguts after feeding in hopes of making a transmission-blocking vaccine. we study leishmaniasis, a vector-borne parasitic disease -- sandflies take up parasites in an infected bloodmeal, the parasites develop into their infective form after a couple days and are then transmitted when the sandfly bites a host. so he's hoping that antibodies vs midgut proteins might affect parasitic development in the midgut and potentially block or reduce transmission.

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@hippyscientist Sorry that things are going kinda rough :/

On a completely opposite note... things are all finally falling into place for me. I got my TA info. An apartment finally opened up at the complex we want to move to... 2 days before we want to move. I got an awesome $15 lamp on craigslist. And I'm finally replacing parts of my wardrobe that really don't fit or that I've had for so long that they don't match my more conservative/professional style now. Spent $60 at the 2 thrift stores and came back with 4 express, talbots,  and h&m shirts, a skirt and an awesome polka-dot dress. And I found someone to buy all of my tarantulas for sale. 

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4 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

@hippyscientist Sorry that things are going kinda rough :/

On a completely opposite note... things are all finally falling into place for me. I got my TA info. An apartment finally opened up at the complex we want to move to... 2 days before we want to move. I got an awesome $15 lamp on craigslist. And I'm finally replacing parts of my wardrobe that really don't fit or that I've had for so long that they don't match my more conservative/professional style now. Spent $60 at the 2 thrift stores and came back with 4 express, talbots,  and h&m shirts, a skirt and an awesome polka-dot dress. And I found someone to buy all of my tarantulas for sale. 

Yay I'm so happy things are working out for you! It's about time :) That's an amazing haul at the thrift store! 

@Effloresce that's cool! I'm more than familiar with leishmaniasis unfortunately. I fell asleep on a beach in australia and woke up covered in sandfly bites. Ended up in hospital with septicaemia and they thought I might have leishmaniasis too, but thankfully those tests ended up coming back negative. That was a worrying time!

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27 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:


@Effloresce that's cool! I'm more than familiar with leishmaniasis unfortunately. I fell asleep on a beach in australia and woke up covered in sandfly bites. Ended up in hospital with septicaemia and they thought I might have leishmaniasis too, but thankfully those tests ended up coming back negative. That was a worrying time!

oh dear :( i'm glad there was no leish, though!

i've been bitten a couple of times by sandflies (uninfected thankfully) at work, and it's not pleasant. 

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28 minutes ago, Neist said:

Anyone else miss the days when things at thrift stores tended to be cheap?

Hipsters drove up all the prices. :D 

I shop at 2 of the more expensive thrift stores here. But almost all of the stuff is brand name... banana republic, express, ann taylor, etc. And its almost all in great condition... no tears, stains, missing buttons, anything. 

I get so many compliments on the things I get there. 

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What's everyone's thoughts on the sweet spot for a proper number of professional organizations to join? I'm leaning towards three, but I could easily nab one or two extra. However, I don't want to join too many.

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2 minutes ago, Neist said:

What's everyone's thoughts on the sweet spot for a proper number of professional organizations to join? I'm leaning towards three, but I could easily nab one or two extra. However, I don't want to join too many.

I think mine will be 3 too - one international, one national and one interdisciplinary. 

I'm waiting until I start and can chat with other grad students in my program - the last thing I want to do is fork out the member fee for a professional organization where I'm not going to see huge benefit. I'd prefer to hold out and figure out where I'll get the most mileage - experience, conferences, networking etc.

Side note - my favourite wine was on special in the supermarket :D It was a sign.

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6 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

I think mine will be 3 too - one international, one national and one interdisciplinary. 

I'm waiting until I start and can chat with other grad students in my program - the last thing I want to do is fork out the member fee for a professional organization where I'm not going to see huge benefit. I'd prefer to hold out and figure out where I'll get the most mileage - experience, conferences, networking etc.

Side note - my favourite wine was on special in the supermarket :D It was a sign.


Your wine'ing was foretold by fate! :D 

It's hard for me to decide because my work is very interdisciplinary. I think the ALA (huge library organization) covers all library bases; I'll just join their relevant subgroups. There's really only one bibliographic association in the US, and as professional bibliographic work is sort of the dream, that one seems apt. After that, things get blurry. I could join several history or digital humanities ones...


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