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I feel like my life is a crazy mess - I can't figure out how New York does their electric/sewer billing, new Internet company doesn't want to let me pay my bill, my cat's sick, and I'm still following around the graduate students here like a lost puppy dog since I can't do much on my own yet... whereas you are all "I can't decide whether I should join 2 or 3 professional organizations." hahaha! Please pass the duct tape! :)

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18 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I feel like my life is a crazy mess - I can't figure out how New York does their electric/sewer billing, new Internet company doesn't want to let me pay my bill, my cat's sick, and I'm still following around the graduate students here like a lost puppy dog since I can't do much on my own yet... whereas you are all "I can't decide whether I should join 2 or 3 professional organizations." hahaha! Please pass the duct tape! :)

I have plenty on my leg if you want some? 

Adulting is difficult. Adulting is a bunch of people faking it until they convince everyone else around them that they're not held together by duct tape. 

Just today I sat in a grocery store parking lot, eating a chocolate donut, drinking wine out the bottle while my friend tried to jump start her car and we had to ask some guys for help. We might come across together here, but really we're all crazy messes. You'll get there.

Re: billing - can you ask your landlord for guidance? Internet company - ring them and be pleasant but firm, cat - that sucks, look before you walk bare feet anywhere, grad students - they'll understand you've barely been there 5 seconds. Before long you'll be the one the newbies are following around.

Duct tape all round :D

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16 hours ago, MarineBluePsy said:

In regards to chafing, I highly suggest coconut oil :D


9 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

And for those of us with an allergy to coconut oil, try some heavy duty anti-perspirant! :D

LOLZZZZ y'all are the best. I love everything coconut, so why not smell tasty enough to eat....during running....I'm so proud of my pard and I: we finished the 9 week couch to 5k program and we are running an actual 5k next week! It's for cancer survivors, so my dad-in-law is going to be there cheering us on from the sidelines 

4 hours ago, hippyscientist said:

This is exactly my plan! Well...malbec or cabernet sauvignon instead of moscato. I'm wallowing in self pity this evening then productive action starts 7am tomorrow. 

How's everyone else's days going? (That feels so incredibly grammatically wrong)

How are you?! Has your day gotten any better?

4 hours ago, Effloresce said:

in simplest terms, an ELISA is an assay to detect and quantify proteins, antibodies etc. i'm testing some mouse sera to see the titre levels against sandfly midgut proteins!

I....what...wait...what? This sounds amazing but what?

2 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

On a completely opposite note... things are all finally falling into place for me. I got my TA info. An apartment finally opened up at the complex we want to move to... 2 days before we want to move. I got an awesome $15 lamp on craigslist. And I'm finally replacing parts of my wardrobe that really don't fit or that I've had for so long that they don't match my more conservative/professional style now. Spent $60 at the 2 thrift stores and came back with 4 express, talbots,  and h&m shirts, a skirt and an awesome polka-dot dress. And I found someone to buy all of my tarantulas for sale. 

Woohoo!!!!! You should dress up, even if you just stay in for the day, and gaze at your awesome self in the mirror.

20 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I feel like my life is a crazy mess - I can't figure out how New York does their electric/sewer billing, new Internet company doesn't want to let me pay my bill, my cat's sick, and I'm still following around the graduate students here like a lost puppy dog since I can't do much on my own yet... whereas you are all "I can't decide whether I should join 2 or 3 professional organizations." hahaha! Please pass the duct tape! :)

Are you near New York City @Pink Fuzzy Bunny? One of my close friends live there; I could possibly hook y'all up and she may be able to answer your queries. Also, how's your cat? What's going on? 

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40 minutes ago, Neist said:

Your wine'ing was foretold by fate! :D 

It's hard for me to decide because my work is very interdisciplinary. I think the ALA (huge library organization) covers all library bases; I'll just join their relevant subgroups. There's really only one bibliographic association in the US, and as professional bibliographic work is sort of the dream, that one seems apt. After that, things get blurry. I could join several history or digital humanities ones...


Wineing is excellent! The ALA sounds like a no-brainer, as does the bibliographic association. Maybe hold off on the others until you have a slightly clearer picture? Your dept may have some ties? Are there key conferences/seminar series/keynotes etc which you need to be a member of a professional organization to attend?

Oooohhh I just got an email for a free conference at my old university in June and the topic is fully my research area. Yay :D A chance to catch up with old acquaintances before moving

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny Thank you! I used to run all the time in high school but dropped it in college, and now I'm learning how to be active without having an eating disorder, and it's really exciting! I'm just grateful my dad-in-law can be there––he's a cancer survivor, and the organization helped him when he was in treatment, so it's all warm and fuzzy to be able to give back via admissions fees and the like. 

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Ugh... $350 for a parking pass to the University. And it's only 3 miles away. 

Oh how I wish I could just take the train there everyday. But alas... my courses will run past dark and the train runs through the ghetto. Maybe with our new campus carry policy starting... I can get my CC and feel safer. 

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@hippyscientist. Sound advice. I might have to settle with four groups. One organization's bibliographer is one of the faculty members in the program I'm attending, but another program has a special interest group more in line with my topical interests. I guess it's good that most organizations have cheap student membership fees?

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny, you just have to embrace the chaos and roll with it. :) Not great advice, but sometimes the insanity makes life fun.

Also, the task for this evening? Writing up an actual CV. All of the programs I applied to asked for resumes, not CVs, so my CV is somewhat 'meh'. Plus I've presented at two conferences since, and it's probably time for an update. One of the reasons I'm planning which organizations I want to join is because I want to preemptively list them on my CV as I won't be using the CV until the fall anyway, much after I've joined.

Edit: Why did my quote boxes bork? I hate you Grammarly... Aw screw it. I'm deleting them.

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I got my housing info! I've already found my specific window on Google Street view and read the 122 year history of the building. And it's literally across the street from my lab. Is it possible to be too close? 

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2 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

Ugh... $350 for a parking pass to the University. And it's only 3 miles away. 

Oh how I wish I could just take the train there everyday. But alas... my courses will run past dark and the train runs through the ghetto. Maybe with our new campus carry policy starting... I can get my CC and feel safer. 

Could you bike? 3 miles would be a quick bike ride, and a great way to stay in shape. I was commuting 12 miles round trip every day for awhile in undergrad. Once I got in the habit it was really therapeutic. 

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7 minutes ago, pterosaur said:

Could you bike? 3 miles would be a quick bike ride, and a great way to stay in shape. I was commuting 12 miles round trip every day for awhile in undergrad. Once I got in the habit it was really therapeutic. 

I would, but not in the dark through the ghetto lol.

That $350 isn't worth me getting assaulted or dying. Seems dramatic, but I get harassed almost every time I leave my apartment now as it is.

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3 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

Ugh... $350 for a parking pass to the University. And it's only 3 miles away. 

Oh how I wish I could just take the train there everyday. But alas... my courses will run past dark and the train runs through the ghetto. Maybe with our new campus carry policy starting... I can get my CC and feel safer. 

I know that feel. $852 here... I have a three-tier commute right now so I'm regretting living so far.

There isn't a bus? I've never been on a train but for three miles it seems like a bus might be more convenient. Or at least as a backup so you don't have to ride your bike through the "ghetto" at night.

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6 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I know that feel. $852 here... I have a three-tier commute right now so I'm regretting living so far.

There isn't a bus? I've never been on a train but for three miles it seems like a bus might be more convenient. Or at least as a backup so you don't have to ride your bike through the "ghetto" at night.

I've thought about the bus here, but its really sitting and waiting at the stations at night I'm not too sure about. UH I right in the 3rd Ward and there's a lot of crime in the area. They keep the campus really safe, but the minute you step out, the area nosedives.

I have people follow me home in broad daylight (especially with the rampant homeless population). So I'm also worried about walking home from the bus station. A 15-20 minute walk. Idk. Maybe I'm too paranoid.

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12 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

I've thought about the bus here, but its really sitting and waiting at the stations at night I'm not too sure about. UH I right in the 3rd Ward and there's a lot of crime in the area. They keep the campus really safe, but the minute you step out, the area nosedives.

I have people follow me home in broad daylight (especially with the rampant homeless population). So I'm also worried about walking home from the bus station. A 15-20 minute walk. Idk. Maybe I'm too paranoid.

I guess I don't understand... are you going to AND from campus in the dark? If you're only going home at night and the campus is safe, why not pick up the bus on campus and take it home?

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28 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I know that feel. $852 here... I have a three-tier commute right now so I'm regretting living so far.


Cornell parking permits are a little absurdly expensive, aren't they? That's what I've heard, at least.

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4 minutes ago, Neist said:

Cornell parking permits are a little absurdly expensive, aren't they? That's what I've heard, at least.

Yes! And the kicker is that it doesn't even guarantee you a spot. If I paid $852 a year and got a parking space right outside my building with my name on it, I'd jump on it! But the lot is so far away and so packed that it just isn't worth it.

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16 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

And for those of us with an allergy to coconut oil, try some heavy duty anti-perspirant! :D

Oh you meant your armpits?  Yeah I wouldn't put it there.  I figured you meant your nethers.  Perhaps you can use jojoba oil and its very similar to human sebum.

14 hours ago, hippyscientist said:

I know this isn't the venting thread but I'm coming here anyway. Today my advisor told me to start over on my research. I've been going to him at each stage to get him to sign off on what I've done to prevent this from happening and today he sat down with me and said I've basically not done anything he said (?!) and to do it all again. My software license has expired, the laptop I borrowed has gone and this was 3 months worth of work for my masters thesis! I have a month left and he expects me to do it all again, and analyse the data and write it up. Goodbye life.

Also, got told I have a grade 2 tear in my ligament in my knee, I'm not allowed to squat for a minimum of a month, I have to have daily treatments and I just want to cry. :(


Wow, I just don't have words.  {{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}

7 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I feel like my life is a crazy mess - I can't figure out how New York does their electric/sewer billing, new Internet company doesn't want to let me pay my bill, my cat's sick, and I'm still following around the graduate students here like a lost puppy dog since I can't do much on my own yet... whereas you are all "I can't decide whether I should join 2 or 3 professional organizations." hahaha! Please pass the duct tape! :)

I'm with you.  Things totally blew up for me a couple of weeks ago and I'm not even sure duct tape will help.  I can't believe the vet hasn't been able to help your cat yet.  Can you get a second opinion?

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Man you guys are awesome. Wallowing in self pity has finished, it's time to get cracking on this work.

@sjoh197 I mean it's a hit, $350 isn't cheap but if you're that concerned, it sounds like a dollar a day might be worth it for your peace of mind.

5 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I know that feel. $852 here... I have a three-tier commute right now so I'm regretting living so far.

Yikes that's insane! Both cost of parking and the three-tier commute. For that amount of money there should at least be a commuter lot in a fairly accessible location with enough spaces for everyone who's paid that kinda money. I get that driving to campus is going to add more traffic, and the sheer volume of cars is a problem for most campuses but I'm baffled at how they can justify that sort of cost.

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11 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I guess I don't understand... are you going to AND from campus in the dark? If you're only going home at night and the campus is safe, why not pick up the bus on campus and take it home?

It's not the campus station... its the stations I have to get off at in between. Unfortunately, there's no bus that runs directly from campus to anywhere near my house. 

I think it would be nice to be able to use public transit... but I don't know who to actually talk to about the safety of the stations. At least the train station is actually on the edge of campus property and only transfers in the middle of downtown which is pretty safe. IDK.... just can't decide if I should just drive. It's not like the public transit is free, so I'd still be paying $1.20 a day to get to and from campus. 

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3 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

It's not the campus station... its the stations I have to get off at in between. Unfortunately, there's no bus that runs directly from campus to anywhere near my house. 

I think it would be nice to be able to use public transit... but I don't know who to actually talk to about the safety of the stations. At least the train station is actually on the edge of campus property and only transfers in the middle of downtown which is pretty safe. IDK.... just can't decide if I should just drive. It's not like the public transit is free, so I'd still be paying $1.20 a day to get to and from campus. 

So if you're paying $1.20 a day for public transit, why not pay $1 a day ish and just get the parking pass?

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4 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

So if you're paying $1.20 a day for public transit, why not pay $1 a day ish and just get the parking pass?

I'm starting to feel bad for my car lol. It's got 175,000 miles on it and I'm getting disappointed in not utilizing my city's public transportation. I guess if I save that 20 cents in jar everyday I can put it towards a new car in the end. 

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3 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

It's not the campus station... its the stations I have to get off at in between. Unfortunately, there's no bus that runs directly from campus to anywhere near my house. 

I think it would be nice to be able to use public transit... but I don't know who to actually talk to about the safety of the stations. At least the train station is actually on the edge of campus property and only transfers in the middle of downtown which is pretty safe. IDK.... just can't decide if I should just drive. It's not like the public transit is free, so I'd still be paying $1.20 a day to get to and from campus. 


I have to admit, I'm pretty happy that I sometimes give off sketchy, eccentric vibes. Not in the "he's going to knife me" sort of way, but more in the "I'm not sure if I want to sit next to him on the bus" sort of way. I've walked around in some pretty unsavory parts of cities with little bother. Occasionally, someone will try to bum cigarettes off of me, but that's it.

I hope you figure out a solution that works for you. :( 

In other news, CV revision is taking longer than I thought. However, I admit I'm spending an unnatural amount effort making it pretty. Also, I'm still unsure how much I should delve into my professional experience. It is topically relevant to my academic interests, but it disrupts the elegance of the overall design. I'll figure something out. Next task in the queue is drafting essays for scholarships due in the fall, and I'm considering submitting a presentation proposal for an interdisciplinary history conference in the fall. I'd submit a paper I've already presented elsewhere, but it might be nice to get experience presenting at a larger, national conference. 

They probably won't accept my proposal, but it's fun to try! :D 

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I sure hope things are going better for you guys...

I took my cat to the vet two weeks ago because he has had an upper respiratory issue ever since the shelter found him 3 months ago. I adopted him three weeks ago, and he has only gotten worse since. He's seen three rounds of antibiotics and dewormer, also a nutritional supplement for herpes, but there's no reason why he would possibly be getting worse. I can't afford to do much more for him, and he's only a kitten. He keeps coughing up mucus and his eyes are so watery that he has tears running down his face constantly... and is sneezing once every few minutes. I don't know what to do...

But this takes the cake. I've been kind of homesick as of late, so I've funneled all of my anxiety and sadness into making a box to send back home. My mom's and sister's birthday is in a couple weeks (June 7 for both) and also Father's Day. I spent probably two weeks preparing a box that I was going to ship tomorrow. I splurged and bought two locally made paintings for my mom and sister and got nice wooden frames for them both, along with a nice book for my sister. I also filled a box with awesome car cleaning supplies for my dad, and outfitted the box with a chain and padlock so he can't open it until he gets his new car. I included a couple of cat toys for my parents' cats (one is a really nice cat bed), and also a host of other goodies like pure maple syrup, maple cream, and maple candy. I had it all packed in a cardboard box and made a WalMart run to get some more tape before I take it to the post office tomorrow.

I got back from Walmart to find standing water in my bedroom. It had rained all day and must've come in through my air conditioner which is installed on my ceiling (even though I'm on the first floor of a three-story building). It completely soaked the box and everything inside of it. The paintings (including frames) and book are completely ruined, and the maple candy dissolved into the water. And the best part is that my renters' insurance does not begin until June 1, so there's nothing I can do about it.

Add that to the fact that I have a constant insect infestation in my apartment that my landlord won't do anything about, and I'm really having a rough go of it.

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