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@Cat_Robutt what kind of skin/makeup things are you into? i'm...very much into makeup and getting more into skincare (pretty stereotypical femme here, i'd say :P).

in other news, i think i've found a place! it's a bit on the high end for my budget, but i've come to realize that i've been spending my money pretty badly. with more limitations, i'll be more than comfortable. i'm just freaking out a little about the first few months..gotta make my stipend stretch for a month and a half, but i'm sure it's possible. 

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2 hours ago, Effloresce said:

@Cat_Robutt what kind of skin/makeup things are you into? i'm...very much into makeup and getting more into skincare (pretty stereotypical femme here, i'd say :P).

in other news, i think i've found a place! it's a bit on the high end for my budget, but i've come to realize that i've been spending my money pretty badly. with more limitations, i'll be more than comfortable. i'm just freaking out a little about the first few months..gotta make my stipend stretch for a month and a half, but i'm sure it's possible. 

Congrats!!!! I guess... I can do some makeup but... summertime in Florida makeup? I dunno. No clue. How does waterproof work?

1 hour ago, janetjanejune said:

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny That is very tough news. I know it is hard being so far away from family when this is going on. Find ways to let your emotions out: run, cry, scream, lay in bed all day. We're here to help too. I'll be praying for you and your mother.

<3<3<3 this is really sweet. Y'all are all so sweet.

49 minutes ago, sjoh197 said:

I am a master budgeter. It is one of my better qualities.


I thought having an extra bone was?

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7 minutes ago, Cat_Robutt said:

I thought having an extra bone was?

Hahahaha! Okay I laughed out loud at this. 

And thanks for the encouragement @janetjanejune. I removed the post that I made (mom was diagnosed with cancer) since posting that stuf fon an anonymous Internet forum is a bit weird. 


Also, @Effloresce try using Mint! It's an app that I use that tracks your expenses and also is used to make budgets. That's about the extent of my budgeting skills though :P Sjoh posted some great tips a few pages back though. 

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15 minutes ago, Cat_Robutt said:

Congrats!!!! I guess... I can do some makeup but... summertime in Florida makeup? I dunno. No clue. How does waterproof work?

<3<3<3 this is really sweet. Y'all are all so sweet.

I thought having an extra bone was?

Shit... I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

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9 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Hahahaha! Okay I laughed out loud at this. 

And thanks for the encouragement @janetjanejune. I removed the post that I made (mom was diagnosed with cancer) since posting that stuf fon an anonymous Internet forum is a bit weird. 


Also, @Effloresce try using Mint! It's an app that I use that tracks your expenses and also is used to make budgets. That's about the extent of my budgeting skills though :P Sjoh posted some great tips a few pages back though. 

Major hugs to you! It's awful (gone through it with both parents unfortunately) but feel free to PM if you want to chat off anonymous internet forums. You're gunna need some love and care too.

@Cat_Robutt oh you're funny :D cracking up over here. Waterproof works by smearing all over my face then refusing to come off when I want it too. Today major big step for me - I left the house with red lipstick on!!! I don't know how hot girls walk around town, I got so much more attention dressed up slightly vs my usual sweaty post gym leggings and hoody self. It was pretty freaky and not at all pleasant. Think I'll stick to the leggings and hoody for the time being!

@Effloresce Budgeting is super straightforward if you make it easy on yourself. Happy to send some advice if you want it! 

Edited by hippyscientist
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Ive filled an entire sterilite drawer tower with makeup. Im getting into skincare too! Youre gonna want a really good primer! A primer spray and a setting spray will be goid and lightweight. I use the nyx brand but am thinking of investing in skindinavia. 


Ive heard that spraying setting spray between layers will lock that shit in!

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4 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

Major hugs to you! It's awful (gone through it with both parents unfortunately) but feel free to PM if you want to chat off anonymous internet forums. You're gunna need some love and care too.

@Cat_Robutt oh you're funny :D cracking up over here. Waterproof works by smearing all over my face then refusing to come off when I want it too. Today major big step for me - I left the house with red lipstick on!!! I don't know how hot girls walk around town, I got so much more attention dressed up slightly vs my usual sweaty post gym leggings and hoody self. It was pretty freaky and not at all pleasant. Think I'll stick to the leggings and hoody for the time being!

@Effloresce Budgeting is super straightforward if you make it easy on yourself. Happy to send some advice if you want it! 

i'd love that advice! i'm currently freaking myself out more than i should be! thank you. :) 

also i love a red lip! and i totally understand what you mean about the more attention when dressing up thing. i really dislike it.

@Cat_Robutt what hippyscientist said is exactly true haha. but personally, i have a pretty straightforward makeup routine..neutral eyeshadow, winged liner, mascara and a colorful lip..but then there's also the foundation, concealer and primers too :P

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36 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:


Today major big step for me - I left the house with red lipstick on!!! I don't know how hot girls walk around town, I got so much more attention dressed up slightly vs my usual sweaty post gym leggings and hoody self. It was pretty freaky and not at all pleasant. Think I'll stick to the leggings and hoody for the time being!

I have tried to dress in a more conservative fashion as time goes by. I seem to draw plenty of unwanted attention since I'm usually dressed up "always." And my ample chest and butt seem to make it soooo much worse.

And for some reason lots of men like to come up to me and comment on my hair and use it as a conversation piece... or they try to touch it.

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1 minute ago, sjoh197 said:

I have tried to dress in a more conservative fashion as time goes by. I seem to draw plenty of unwanted attention since I'm usually dressed up "always." And my ample chest and butt seem to make it soooo much worse.

And for some reason lots of men like to come up to me and comment on my hair and use it as a conversation piece... or they try to touch it.

That's the thing - I was in jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and a knitted cardigan! It's not like I was showing tons of cleavage or anything - just brushed my hair and had make up on. Thankfully I have excellent RBF so I think that tends to scare most people off. I can NOT do with people coming into my personal space bubble without invitation.

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59 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

teach me your ways O_O


Although budgeting apps can be great in their own way... If you are not actually good at budgeting yet, these apps will only act as a crutch that will eventually fail.

Rather, I would suggest starting with a personal finance book... Like "How to manage your money when you don't have any"


Its a small investment for important skills that you need for the rest of your life.

My partner (the engineer) makes all of the money in our household. He has no idea what happens to it, where it goes, when the bills are due, what the bills even are. I do all of it... Not because I'm controlling, but because he's super terrible at it and is still learning how to budget correctly. He is much happier now that his debt is going down, all of the bills are paid on time, and he is still well fed and doesn't have to worry about overdrafting because he bought another videogame.

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8 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

That's the thing - I was in jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and a knitted cardigan! It's not like I was showing tons of cleavage or anything - just brushed my hair and had make up on. Thankfully I have excellent RBF so I think that tends to scare most people off. I can NOT do with people coming into my personal space bubble without invitation.

I don't like it when people try to touch my hair. Or tell me to donate it?

And honestly... The more conservative clothing hasn't changed anything other my own feelings about myself. We could all probably walk around in potato sacks and get bothered lol.

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3 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

I am a master budgeter. It is one of my better qualities.

I don't budget. I hoard money like Smaug hoards gold. Except I have way less of it. And I'm about to drop $65 on new bike tires so my current tire doesn't blow up and crash and kill me while commuting.

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6 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I don't know how you all manage to dress so nicely! Are you going to sort of dress up while a student, or no?

I will because I always have and I likely always will.

I met many "important" people who have changed my research and study opportunities, many of which I met by chance at the time. I am happy that I was well dressed and professional looking, rather than in sweatpants and a t shirt. Would this have changed anything? IDK. But i never meet anyone unexpectedly and then wish I didn't look sloppy... Because I don't look sloppy unless I'm in the field. (And if you don't look sloppy in the field.. Then you're not doing it right lol.)

That doesn't mean I'm dressed to the nines. Just business casual with brushed hair and light makeup. I do a lot of thrift store shopping to keep my closet full. Solid colored shirts and printed skirts, lots of light dresses, etc. Bb cream instead of foundation. Chapstick instead of constant lipstick. Leave my hair to do its own thing.

My hair and makeup routine takes less than 20 minutes. And my shower takes less than 10. Makes for a pretty easy morning.

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On 6/3/2016 at 6:16 PM, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I don't know how you all have mastered the art of public transit. Tonight I sat in the back of the bus with my headphones in just chilling, when suddenly I was at the bus garage and the driver turned the lights off on the bus! He said he didn't see me. So I had to walk back to campus... my Fitbit said it was 5.5 miles. And THEN take another bus to my car. AND THEN drive home.


Ah well, now I know :P


Hilarious!  LOL!  I've always been afraid of this happening and it's likely made me pay extra attention when on public transit.  A 5.5 mile walk in decent weather isn't bad, but if it were raining or triple digits?  Forget it! 

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny Thanks for the heads up. :)

I dress nice because I adore fashion. Not only do I have a huge interest it in, my mood is heavily affected by what I'm wearing. Business casual with modest makeup, I'm ready to work. Cute casual outfit with bold lipstick, I'm ready for a day out. Sweats and a t-shirt, I'm ready to workout or go to bed. Folks tend gender me more correctly the better I dress. I get ma'am'd way more in a dress, boots, and makeup than barefaced, lacrosse jersey, basketball shorts (my go-to activewear). 

You don't have to be interview ready every day in grad school. It really depends on your program. For my GA position, I'm supervising undergrads in an office setting and acting as a university rep for outside businesses/organizations. Much different than a classroom and lab.

That being said, I'm a newbie to beauty & health products. Still figuring out a regimen that works for me.

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8 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I don't know how you all manage to dress so nicely! Are you going to sort of dress up while a student, or no?

Lol I definitely don't dress nicely - I'm 99% time in yoga pants and an oversized hoody. 0.5% is jeans and a top and the other 0.5% is "smart". My field is super casual so all the conferences I've been to you're fine in jeans and a pretty top. That'll be my go to outfit in grad school, or leggings and a tunic until I get the lay of the land. I'll figure it out once there but there's no way I'm getting smarter than jeans and a top unless I really have to. 

No make up unless I want it and even then it'll be concealer, foundation and bronzer/blusher. Nada mas.

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On 6/1/2016 at 3:28 PM, sjoh197 said:

Our research group had a PhD student in the middle of a project, and my advisor brought back all of these rocks from Australia. Cost thousands of dollars to go collect them and ship them back. He told the PhD student to run some geochemical tests on the rocks... which requires the rocks to be crushed into a fine powder. 

In the middle of a large research meeting, it came out that he had crushed the entire rock. Now anyone im science knows that you don't use the entirety of your sample to run one test, when you have lots more tests to run. (lol) He didn't do this for one rock... he did this for all of the rocks. Every single one. Gone. Forever. Thousands upon thousands of dollars ground up into dusty powder... No billets, no thin sections, no nothing. So it became a running joke throughout our research group that you couldn't really be doing too bad so long as you hadn't crushed all the rocks.

So Fuzzy, just try not to crush all the rocks. 

OMG, how did he survive?! I would imagne everyone just throwing rocks at that guy....:o

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I also dress nice because it makes me feel good! I love makeup but I'm not very experimental. @Cat_Robutt I love recommending stuff! Instead of a foundation, I would recommend a BB cream. They are usually lighter and have built in sun screen. For eye shadow I use the naked palette 2, I have hazel eyes. My face gets oily so I use a setting powder to prevent my face from getting shiny. For lips I use blistex chap stick. This gets my lips nice and smooth. I have three different lipsticks that I rotate. Urban decay manic, too face melted coral, and a light pink clinque lipstick. Btw I'm fair with cool undertones, and my lips are super pale. I need color ha. My hair is a reddish brown. I can recommend face washes as well!

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