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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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I just posted the University of Chicago acceptance. I've had a very lucky two days!

From the looks of the e-mail (and the fact that there's no other U Chicago posting yet though the email was sent two hours ago), I doubt they sent all the acceptances at once.

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I got an email from a cornell professor telling me that they expect decisions to be reached in the first half of march. The professor has been credible thus far, I can't find reason to doubt them...I've been claiming from the beginning that those cornell acceptances were a hoax

thanks for sharing this.

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I just posted the University of Chicago acceptance. I've had a very lucky two days!

From the looks of the e-mail (and the fact that there's no other U Chicago posting yet though the email was sent two hours ago), I doubt they sent all the acceptances at once.

congratulations tan, that's an honor. i hope they haven't finished sending out acceptances - chicago is my top choice. ill be standing by my email...

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I'm claiming the official northwestern rejection. No email, just checked their website after I saw a guy in applied mathematics or something do the same.

Thanks for the information and sorry to hear about the rejection. Has anyone else checked his Northwestern account whether there is a decision link? There is still none at my account, so there might be still a bit of hope..

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Thanks for the information and sorry to hear about the rejection. Has anyone else checked his Northwestern account whether there is a decision link? There is still none at my account, so there might be still a bit of hope..

yeah, we're in the same boat.

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I just checked Northwestern and there was a decision link for me. Rejected, which doesn't really break my heart. It wasn't that good of a fit and I'd rather go to Yale's MA if that works out.

Yeah, it was fairly emotionless for me as well. Weird. If it starts to look like I won't get anywhere (sneaking suspicion that it is headed that way) then I will be a disaster.

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Guys, you need to calm down a bit. Cornell told us the same thing last year, and I got wait listed on February 11th, which I believe was a Wednesday last year. The letter came from the DGS, not Tina Slater. Graduate coordinators are going to say March so that you stop sending them emails. I said that acceptances didn't come out until April 1st when I worked as a graduate coordinator, and we sent our first set of acceptances out in January.

Stop over thinking the results board. You're all going batty.

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Guys, you need to calm down a bit. Cornell told us the same thing last year, and I got wait listed on February 11th, which I believe was a Wednesday last year. The letter came from the DGS, not Tina Slater. Graduate coordinators are going to say March so that you stop sending them emails. I said that acceptances didn't come out until April 1st when I worked as a graduate coordinator, and we sent our first set of acceptances out in January.

Stop over thinking the results board. You're all going batty.

I just called a school that gave people on this forum acceptances yesterday with "Hi, I'm a PhD applicant. Did all the acceptance letters go out already?"

Response, "No, we have a rolling admissions process and final decisions have not been made."

Me: "Do you know when final decisions will be made?"

Her: "Within the next couple of weeks"

So, according to your logic, she just told me I would see a reject letter in a couple of weeks because the offers have been completed?

Edited by lev calderon
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I'm not saying that you are going to be rejected, but I would not keep your hopes up. The reality is most schools don't do rolling admissions. Last year, Northwestern was telling people decisions were not finalized after the visitation weekend had already come and gone. The reality is that most schools don't send out rejections until late for two reasons: 1) They want the possibility of accepting additional people if they have a particularly bad yield. 2) They aren't a priority. The graduate coordinator has a lot of day-to-day operations, and sending out rejection letters is not on the top of his or her priority lists.

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Yeah, it was fairly emotionless for me as well. Weird. If it starts to look like I won't get anywhere (sneaking suspicion that it is headed that way) then I will be a disaster.

Sorry to hear that. Just hang on though, don't feel written off yet, there is plenty that can still happen.

I just logged in and I don't have a link...my laughable/desperate Northwestern wait continues.

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Oxon, you and I are totally in at Harvard. I can feel it in my bones. And everyone else here will get into their top choice school with full funding and we'll all meet at some conference 10 years from now and laugh about how stressed we all were.

Can you try to feel some full funding at Princeton or Oxford in your bones for me? ;)

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Congrats to the Chicago admits! I just got waitlisted there, but I'm not too bummed because it appears to be no ordinary waitlist. First of all, they said it's small. Also, they want to put me up with a current grad student and then spend an entire day meeting with faculty members, having a sherry hour, and going out on the town with current students.

Admits: if you decide not to go, please tell them ASAP! In the meantime, I am going to plan how I will win them over on March 12th. :)

You were right. You definitely have a shot at Chicago. I wish the best of luck. Although it's unlikely I am going to get in due to "fit," I will lay it down asap in case i do.

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