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  1. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from TakeruK in Why do schools...   
    This is true, but if you're the best candidate with the best fit but applying to schools 20 ranks ahead, that doesn't mean they won't admit you. After all, not even they know whether you'll be admitted to Ivy University X.
    The two most obvious reasons (which you can find on graduate school websites are):
    1.) For the graduate school to determine with whom they cluster
    2.) So that they can gather statistical evidence determining how many "also applying to Ivy U XYZ" applicants they need to admit in order to get their target class (this second one is Notre Dame's justification)
  2. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Since this is round 2 for me, I can't help but feel this is also the last round for a while, whether I get in or not... I can only change so much between March 2014 and application season 2014.
    Unless there's been a specific format, I've been using a header that goes:
    FIRST LAST (name) | UNIVERSITY ... | Ph.D. Political Science (or Government)
  3. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from fancyfeast in 160 V, 130Q (yes, you read that right) 6.0 writing -- doomed?   
    Best bet is to shoot the programs an e-mail (better yet, professors at the program). There's a chance that English/Humanities programs might not look at Q scores at all.
  4. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Arcanelady27 in Can you use the same LOR to reapply to a graduate school you were denied admission?   
    Yes, but be sure to consider then what's changing in this app cycle that could improve your overall profile. If not the LORs, then maybe the GRE score? Research experience? It's possible you could get in with the exact same application, but do you want to take that risk? If you're confident that your original LORs were good and that you can improve in other ways, then go for it!
  5. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Personal History Statement / Personal Statement   
    That's probably true for students coming from regional LACs too. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I think I'm going to take the dive today and finally start submitting apps (that weren't due already because of recommendation requirements). I'm afraid if I sit on it any longer, I'll just keep editing my statements until they're jagged and make no sense... Of course the problem is (and I'm sure you'll all understand), the SOPs are really the only thing we have 100% control over at this point, so it's scary to give up that sense of control over the future.
  7. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from jeudepaume in Faculty perspectives   
    I was also wondering if the faculty could offer a perspective on addressing "fit" in the SOPs. Namely, to what extent should we be very specific in both naming professors and identifying their past research (I'm trying to identify that line between fit and sucking up)?
  8. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    I never got it below 700 words, and final submission was closer to 800. But I seriously cut all the sucking up, flowery wording - which actually made for a better worded SOP (which has already helped my others). Short answer, no.
  9. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Horb in Should I take the GRE a sixth time?   
    Well Loric, it's a good thing you're not on the ad coms. Why are you getting so personal?
  10. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Monochrome Spring in Should I take the GRE a sixth time?   
    Well Loric, it's a good thing you're not on the ad coms. Why are you getting so personal?
  11. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from TheGnome in Quick thoughts on retaking the GRE   
    I don't think your GRE scores will play a role in keeping you out of anywhere. I think it's up to the rest of your application with the scores you've got there. I'm certainly jealous.
  12. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from poliscar in Career options for German Masters/PhD   
    Megan, es gibt keine Garantie, dass ein PhD dir die Möglichkeit geben würde, die deutsche Sprache zu beherrschen. Der Schwerpunkt des "Doktortitels" (mindestens in den USA) ist Forschung, nicht Sprachkompetenz (das gilt nur als notwendig in Bezug auf die Forshungsmöglichkeiten). Es wäre auf jeden Fall besser, dich nach Deutschland oder Österreich einzuziehen, oder vielleicht ein Masters zu machen, das um die Sprache und Literatur geht. 
  13. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from eponine997 in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Healthcare.gov haha
  14. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Faculty perspectives   
    Out of curiosity.. single spaced or double?
  15. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from tpop in American Politics or Comparative Politics on SOP?   
    Interesting perspective. And at times CP is just IR with state/regional comparisons. And sometimes CP, AP and IR are just PT in practice. I guess that's why in the end we all study PS...
  16. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from TakeruK in A limerick as the opening line of the SoP?   
    Could work. Why not "I would like to pursue a Ph.D. in X at University Y exploring [topics] A, B and C." And elaborate from there. You can get creative in how you describe your research interests and background, but you don't want the committee getting caught up in an opening paragraph that is taking up space more than selling you to them.
  17. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from silver_lining in Welcome to the 2013-2014 Cycle   
    Healthcare.gov haha
  18. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack reacted to Sigaba in "a list of other schools that you are applying to is most helpful to the department, although it is not required"   
    I'm going to drift out of my lane for a bit to throw in two cents.
    I work for an engineering consultancy.  Among our clients are colleges and universities. Many (read: most) of these institutions bench mark themselves against comparable institutions. This academic eyeballing is a way of keeping up with the Joneses although what is being compared doesn't always make sense to outsiders. From this practice, I'm inclined to believe questions like "Where else are you applying?" is a form of marketing research and not a cause for alarm. (For those of you who gain admission to schools that ask such questions, you could let the Powers That Be know the questions freak out applicants.)
    IRT the specific situation framed by the OP, I ask, why not list the schools alphabetically, either by school name or by city/state?
    @Loric, you've been in a bit of a tailspin the last week or so. How about giving yourself a break, cooling off for a while, and coming back strong when you've got it together again? (At the very least, stop digging yourself deeper into the holes you've started and stop giving guidance on matters that are beyond your expertise and your experience.)
  19. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Sigaba in "a list of other schools that you are applying to is most helpful to the department, although it is not required"   
    My guess would be that it plays a bigger role for the Graduate School itself so they know with whom they're competing for applicants.
  20. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Monochrome Spring in "a list of other schools that you are applying to is most helpful to the department, although it is not required"   
    You can do whatever you want, Loric. I'm certainly not looking for your approval. But you're the one who showed up and stirred the pot in a field into which you're not even applying.
  21. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from zudei in American Politics or Comparative Politics on SOP?   
    Interesting perspective. And at times CP is just IR with state/regional comparisons. And sometimes CP, AP and IR are just PT in practice. I guess that's why in the end we all study PS...
  22. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Pol in Should I take the GRE a sixth time?   
    Well Loric, it's a good thing you're not on the ad coms. Why are you getting so personal?
  23. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from Pol in "a list of other schools that you are applying to is most helpful to the department, although it is not required"   
    Loric doesn't much care for amicable conversation (). I don't even think Loric is a poli sci applicant, which makes this all the more interesting ().
  24. Upvote
    TakeMyCoffeeBlack got a reaction from wisescience in Best Political Theory Schools For My Interests   
    His lectures are great. Saw him give a keynote in Boston last year - it was pretty basic (toned down for general audience), but interesting and engaging.
  25. Upvote
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