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Everything posted by katieliz456

  1. Yeah, I definitely think they should limit undergrad programs. It seems like there are two (relatively simple) options: 1- Restrict acceptances to the CD major when high school students apply to the university. If they specify "CD" as their major, the school will only accept, say, the top 30 applicants. The other "qualified" people still attend the university, but must choose another major. 2- Require undergrads to take a year of prereqs (A&P, stats, physics, English, pre-calc, psych), then have them apply to the CD program. This is how the nursing program works at my school, and it seems to be an effective system.
  2. :D CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! ;D Any idea which option you would choose?? (Also, i totally freaked out so much when i read your fantastic news that i spilled my dinner on myself... in the middle of the library... cuz i'm classy like that )
  3. Sorry for not clarifying-- SLPA stands for SLP Assistant. They mostly work in elementary schools. There are a handful of states, I believe mainly in the Southwest, that use them. For SLP undergrads, you do 2 semesters of clinical practica during your senior year, and take a couple extra classes about ethics and report writing. Non-degree students can take the certificate classes, too, kind of like levelers
  4. I think that would be a good idea (either a 4+1 or a 3+2 type program). I know out in the Southwest, though, a lot of the girls opt for the SLPA certificate, so it is important that there is an undergrad major for them. Even though an SLP bachelor's degree might seem kind of unemployable without going to grad school, I really don't think it's any "worse" or less employable than majoring in any related field like Linguistics, psych, child development, etc.
  5. Yeah, it seems kind of unfair :/ I know that at my undergrad, Speech & Hearing students take some classes that are technically graduate level/500 level-- language acquisition, audiology, aural rehab, and speech science. These classes are combined with grad students who don't have the transfer credit. I think they should at least recognize that we have already completed graduate level work successfully. I'm also doing a double major in Family & Human Development, and while those classes are fascinating, they are ridiculously easy at my school. If i had just done an FHD major, my GPA would probably be a 4.0! (Random poll: did y'all have to take physics for your undergrad requirements? We had to, and that darn class was even harder than my AP physics class from high school! )
  6. The "Results" board seems so quiet today :/ I was hoping for some more news before Spring Break...
  7. Sooooo I'm extremely sleep deprived, and I definitely read that name as "Dr. Moron"!!! I was thinking "Yikes, that's a tad harsh!" ahaha. Slowly losing my mind over here =)

  9. It's been confirmed that we will know the final decision by Friday, March 15 via either email OR snail-mail.
  10. Welcome to the forum! Congrats on the interview-- that is an awesome step! It sounds like you are super passionate and enthusiastic about being an SLP, and I'm sure that will show in the interview:) Keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed for you!
  11. Grrr. i freaked out when i saw someone post an email notification for TCU on the results page, but then I called the department who confirmed that results would be sent via snail mail and that the wouldn't even decide until next week (Spring Break) not cool.
  12. Good call. I started SOBBING when I got an interview invitation! haha thankfully I was at home... my roomies thought i was crazy, though I actually love being at work/in class because it's the one time that i'm not obsessively looking at my phone or email
  13. Also, the ASU professors all seem to be EXTREMELY enthusiastic about students (undergrad and grad) doing research with them, whether or not you are actually doing a thesis.
  14. Ahh, that makes sense. I had no idea how the Iowa program worked, except knowing that it's the top-ranked! Rankings don't seem to matter much for those of us who "just" want to be clinicians, but I feel like it is still a personal factor to consider. ASU definitely will give you great clinical experience, though:) I got to shadow an ENT/SLP team at Mayo this summer, which was pretty sweet. AZ has a lot of older/retired people who need medical care, and is a "hotspot" for high-risk pregnancies (NICU babies with swallowing issues, hearing problems, etc). Then there is also the rapidly growing Spanish-speaking population, so jobs will be in very high demand when we graduate
  15. I believe last year they had interviews a week later... not positive, though. If you don't mind me asking, why do you favor ASU over a school like Iowa??(congrats, btw!!)
  16. i wouldn't have applied to what I thought of as a "safety" school. It was the most expensive fee and actually required two separate applications. I recently learned that, although their average GPA/GREs are low, they only accept a very small cohort. Also, I won't hear back from them until very late March, when I will have already chosen from my preferred schools :/
  17. Yeah, it doesn't seem idea, especially because i hope to start a family (relatively) soon after i finish my master's, and I'd rather not be "stuck" working full-time in a sketchy area. I think my plan right now is to workworkwork as much as possible before starting in the Fall and save enough to at least cover living expenses and books. Hopefully I can get a TA/RA position, or at least work weekends doing respite or working retail or something while i'm in school :/
  18. Yeah, the main thing I hear about seems to be the loan forgiveness programs (similar to the ones for teachers) if you work in an inner-city/rural school for X years, etc. :/
  19. I'm hoping they send them out before ASU's Spring Break (next week). I was chatting with one of the profs on the admissions committee and she said something to the effect of "oh, I'll make sure to put in a good word for you!", implying that decisions haven't really been made yet.
  20. Oh gosh, I had a whole set of Google Docs created back in, like, August! I had one table showing how much money I'd spent applying to each school (GRE, transcripts, application fee, visits, etc.), another table to use as a checklist for ensuring materials had been sent&received, and a third for decisions
  21. Halfway through the week! Hoping for some more (good) news by Friday!

  22. I'm so ready to make a final decision & know where I'll be next year! Decisions, please hurry up :)

  23. I had to do a writing sample for one of my interviews. They gave us a clinical scenario/case study and asked us if we would use Treatment Approach A or Treatment Approach B, and why. They said they were mainly looking for general writing ability, grammar, spelling, conventions, etc. rather than specific clinical knowledge.
  24. Eeeeek! you're almost to the single digit countdown! The end is FINALLY in sight!!
  25. I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry it took them SOOOO long i'm glad that you at least have some "closure", though =)
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