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joro last won the day on July 19 2010

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About joro

  • Birthday 12/06/1985

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  • Location
    San Jose, CA
  • Application Season
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  • Program
    Computer Science / CG

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  1. I haven't been here in a little over a year. I need to start applying for a PhD soon...

  2. I have a friend who is in the UCLA MFA Animation program. She was accepted 2 years ago. I wish you guys good luck!
  3. Going to fail my exam on Monday...=(

  4. I have a friend in this program. And knowing that they only accept 4 a year is pretty crazy.
  5. They could do either of the following: -Reject you -Email you asking you to get that LOR in or to find a replacement before they review your application -Accept you -Email you asking you to get that LOR in or to find a replacement before they can offer you admission. These are some things that happened to me last year.
  6. For those who are panicking about late LORs. You have a ton of time and don't exactly have to have them submitted by the deadline. Schools know that Professors are late with these things, but you should try to get them in by January at least. The schools will bug you for the missing letter when it comes to that time. I didn't have all 3 letters in till mid-February.
  7. I think you have a good shot at a top 20 to 30 school at least. Without any kind of research experience, I'm not too sure you could get into any top 10 school (though I would still give it a shot if I were in your shoes). As an undergrad you could have probably got by without any real research experience, but they usually expect more research experience from those with a MS.
  8. I have a 3.09 GPA and managed to get into grad school. I did get into a top 20 school, but didn't want to attend and I settled for a school in the top 30s instead. I have a friend who goes to one of the top 5 schools and graduated with a 2.9 GPA alongside me. I've also been offered a Fellowship as a MS student for another school because they deemed me as a top entering student. Is it possible to get into grad school with a low GPA? Sure it is, but you should be pretty realistic about the schools you apply to based on your background.
  9. I'm in my first semester doing a MS. The ONLY Professor who I wanted to work with doesn't have funding at all and will not know till January (not that MS students normally get funded by an advisor here). I have conflicting interests with the other Professors here sadly and that Professor is actually the only one here I find interesting. Now the good side of things here would be that I made 3 excellent first year friends also who share the same interests as I do. So I'll be taking classes with them until we all graduate. The Professor I'm interested in also has given my friends and I a final project work on for his class so that we can try to get a small paper published. He already said he'd be my advisor, but doesn't have funds to support me and that I would have to be a TA. Hopefully things will look brighter next semester and he will be awarded a ton of funding. I'm also doing really well in all my classes and should have no issues this semester.
  10. I sat in on a HCI class that goes into talking about augmented reality.
  11. When you say you'll be working on a research paper. Does that mean you'll be published?
  12. first midterm in 13 hours for grad school

  13. If it is a top university, they will be aware of it.
  14. He did work as a Software Developer for 6 years prior to going to CMU though. Then it looks like he started a MSE in Software Engineering at CMU first and completed that before doing his PhD there.
  15. I have a friend who wants to go to graduate school. He's doing his BS at Neumont University which is a for-profit school and takes about 2 1/2 years to complete a degree. They're on the quarter system with only a 2 week break in between quarters and it's non-stop till they graduate. Can you go from a for-profit school to a grad school? He told me he wants to apply to the top schools such as MIT, Harvard, Columbia, ect.
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