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Everything posted by joro

  1. I can give you a bunch of suggestions, but you should definitely figure out what you'll be using it for and your budget. A MBP may be stylish and the OS is nice, but you can spend half of that money on a laptop with the same specs.
  2. Yeah, but I guess he'll do the same thing last year. My application will reach a certain point in the application process and if the department needs my LOR, then they'll contact me for it. Although, it would be a whole lot easier if he just submits it. But I'm giving it till January 5th before I potentially snap and try to get a straight answer from him on when he'll finally submit it.
  3. I received the same thing from one other school. Came with some nifty little things too.
  4. I'm living a nightmare...
  5. You might also want to consider taking grad courses and doing exceptionally well in them. I guess that's why you're considering taking a certificate program? There's also a possible option of applying to a lesser known grad school, then transfer to a program with more prestige.
  6. I only sent it if it was required. One of my applications stated that I shouldn't send a CV if it wasn't asked and doing so would only look bad or slow down my application process.
  7. I feel your pain...I'm still waiting on mine. I suggest giving that Professor a call next week. I believe they start looking at applications on Jan 5.
  8. Computer Science - Computer Graphics Why? I like computer graphics. I also enjoy drawing, photography, animation, and long walks on the beach. My goal is to eventually work in the motion picture industry as a technical director for a few years then work my way into r&d or become a visual effects supervisor.
  9. I think I received my first rejection notices in February. Was not a happy month for me. Probably will not be a good month for me again this following year if my LOR isn't submitted on time.
  10. Wow, that doesn't sound good. You really need to take care of yourself. And I know how you feel about the LOR writers because I've been having my own problems with one.
  11. joro

    Cover Letters

    I have written a few in the past, but I don't think they were good enough so I'm going to start from scratch. Anyone have advice or very useful sites that they normally use for writing a cover letter?
  12. I have gained an excessive amount of weight and got sick more times than I normally would. I started applications last year. I was lean, a bit muscular, and athletic before the start of my applications. I am 5'10 and went from a size 32 waist (it was somewhat loose too) and now wear a size 36 (which is a bit tight). I am not exactly attracting the ladies now and I don't think I was before either. Once I am over this whole missing LOR problem, I will get back to working out. I don't want to start grad school in an unhealthy state.
  13. I've already entered his name in the system and I actually don't have anyone else. The Professors at my school don't remember me all too well. I was the quiet guy in the back that would just do the work unless it was a class I really liked. The Professors from those classes are writing me a letter. My department is actually small too and so I would normally take classes taught by the same Professors.
  14. I'm very irritated by this whole thing. I have at least a 80% chance of getting into my first choice program and one of the schools most companies I want to work for hire from. And without that letter, they will not look at my application. I would settle for any letter at this point. I had one school last year that basically said they will take me as long as I can produce that missing 3rd LOR. I was also offered $9k (not sure if it was a fellowship or scholarship) from the school... I want to bug him, but I don't want to bug him to the point where he says he will just not do it. Still holding onto that glimmer of hope...
  15. I would go sit outside his office, but it's actually vacation for that school starting next week. And if he's in his office, he's either on the phone with other University Professors or teaching classes. I will be calling him on Monday though, I think the number I called was his cell.
  16. Day 3 and still nothing. I have a feeling that it will be a repeat of last year. So grad school may be out of the picture for me if he doesn't come through.
  17. It's okay...I am glad that you got yours submitted though.
  18. It is and after being told that he would be submitting it yesterday.
  19. I woke up this morning hoping that I would wake up to a bunch of emails saying that a letter has been submitted and guess what!! Nothing!!
  20. Still nothing...even after talking on the phone and being told that they will be in today.
  21. No hurrah for me yet. He still hasn't submitted the LOR...
  22. I don't know exactly how much, but I originally applied and for 12 applications this time around. Sent GRE scores to all 12 schools too. Last year, I did just about the same thing. Also had to pay for transcripts to be sent. I would hope that it works out okay this time around.
  23. Just got off the phone with him. He said he apologizes for not responding and that he felt that it was more urgent that he work on the letters than to respond. But he will be submitting them all today. I was very nervous talking to him on the phone that I wrote out a script of what I was going to say. I will update you guys when or if it gets submitted. No more stomach infections and liver implications for me if it is submitted!!
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