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Everything posted by joro

  1. Oh no, my mistake. I meant housing costs. If I were to factor in everything else, then I'm looking at maybe $1100 per month?
  2. I was thinking about $25/hour + 40 hour weeks + about 12-16 weeks for the summer. Most of my friends during their internships made anywhere between $22 - $29 an hour during their summer internship.
  3. From my first choice - *looking at my portfolio* "Why on earth is he applying here? He doesn't even have a solid foundation of skills!!" From schools I got into last year - "Oh, so now he's reapplying after we accepted him last year? We weren't good enough for you last year and you've decided to use us as your safety school, eh? REJECTED!!!" From schools I got rejected to from last year - "How many times are we going to have to tell this guy no?" From new schools I applied to - "A colleague of mine told me about this guy who applied to their school. Let's reject him too!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
  4. Oh? Can you post that picture you found? My facebook picture is what my profile picture here is, except bigger.
  5. I haven't met anyone else with my last name other than my relatives. I did find a company that has the same name as my last name, but no idea how they came up with that.
  6. If you google my name only, then you'll come across: -linkedin -facebook (private) -twitter (private, I don't use it though) -research lab (where I worked for a year) -a bunch of tournament pages for badminton (Nationals, State, etc.) There's more, but that's just the first 2 pages.
  7. CMU is a great school, but I have a hard time justifying attending a school without any kind of financial assistance. If by placement, you mean will it help you get a job in the industry afterward? Then in this case I would say that the name of the school will help a bit. I have nothing to say about the program, but they did send me something in the mail last year about how I should apply to their program because of my GRE scores. The school is great, if you can afford it then you might want to go. What other schools have you considered? I'm guessing you graduated from Cal?
  8. I don't think any of my friends are applying to graduate school, but they know the crap I had to deal with last year and this year with my LOR. They're all waiting for me to finally hear from some schools. I don't know if I'll be posting it on facebook though, I may do it after I hear back from all the schools.
  9. Email grad admissions again or find out who you can email directly. See if they received it and if not, then have your LOR email it to grad admissions instead of submitting via the apply yourself system.
  10. Did anything get submitted?
  11. You should have sat outside his office till he finished them. I really hope he pulls through for you.
  12. If it's the only system, then get someone from the admissions to accept the LOR through email. After your LOR says it is sent, confirm by emailing the person they sent it to.
  13. joro

    Gradcafe Meet Up?

    Everyone will of course be spread around the country, but I think there will be at least a few small groups capable of doing a little meet up.
  14. joro


    First it depends on how fast your school takes to process your transcripts which I assume is a week. Then the time it takes to get to the school which I assume would be 3 days. Finally, the time it takes the school to process and enter your transcript into the system which is probably another week. I say it will take a little over 2 weeks, at least that's how long it took for my stuff. Why did you send it only 10 days prior? Unless there was a very good reason to send it 10 days prior such as changes in the transcript, then you should have requested them a month before. Take care of what you can at your earliest convenience so that you won't run into problems like this around deadline.
  15. Tons of dating advice. Maybe I should start posting questions of my own.
  16. It took me a while to piece that together. I thought Texas T&A was a rival school, then you guys started to make it a bit more obvious and it finally clicked.
  17. If your application due date is today, you still have a lot of time. digits2006 and I have been waiting for our letter of recommendation since around mid-December. I wouldn't worry too much until early Feb in your case.
  18. Don't post about going to grad school on your Facebook, Professors who will be writing you letter, and places you'll be applying to.
  19. I'm just throwing this idea out there and I would totally understand if no one would be interested, but I was just thinking that it would be nice to meet some of you guys (those in my area anyways). It could be something to do to take our minds off decisions and to get us away from the computer.
  20. I rarely get spam in my gmail account, but I do check it if I ever do to make sure it isn't anything important. It's funny that you mention this, but I received an email that ended up in my spam box a while back from a school that sent a confirmation after I had applied.
  21. My dream school said they will not be sending out decisions till late March or early April. I'm pretty excited now, yet scared at the same time.
  22. The problem I see is that it is possible that you're not in the correct mindset for doing quants. Are you looking for the correct answer or are you slashing out wrong answers? If you go straight for the correct one, you're likely to make mistakes. At least that's what I have for advice.
  23. I had a very weird dream about WashU and I woke up this morning with an email from them telling me that my application is almost complete with the exception of the 3rd LOR.
  24. You don't need a laptop and I think it would be more distracting to use in class. I think you should go through the first couple of weeks without it and decide if you really need it. Although, this probably all depends on your major. If you do decide on a tablet and you're a Mac person, I think there's one being released later this year.
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