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Everything posted by joro

  1. It sounds to me like you were saying that you will be going there. And the reply sounds like they also think that as well. I don't see many emails from schools, so I'm probably wrong.
  2. joro

    College Station, TX

    Thanks. I've been looking at the new ones being built and just anxiously awaiting my acceptance (if it is coming to me). I plan on moving in at least a week beforehand if I do get in. It's a long drive from California to Texas. Approximately a 29 hour drive...
  3. I'm not too scared about what they might find about me. Everything is set to private (facebook and twitter), but that doesn't guarantee anything. The first link to my blog is an awesome 3d rendered picture of the Grand Canyon which I made using a satellite photo.
  4. joro

    College Station, TX

    Also interested in places to live. Well, I actually plan on living in the on campus apartments since I've never really experienced "on campus life" during my undergrad. And the price for these apartments are less than half of what my undergrad charged.
  5. I think it would be creepy if you were accepted because a Professor wanted to "work with you".
  6. I know this isn't related, but on the news it mentioned that banks will use your facebook friends to determine whether they should approve you for any loans, credit cards, etc. Perhaps if banks go this far, then graduate schools will too.
  7. There are some schools that have the LOR as optional and some that don't even require it. A school that has optional LORs would be USC for a MS in Computer Science. Even if it is optional, I would still submit LORs anyways.
  8. I think I might be doing the same thing when I start writing my thesis next year and start applying for grad school again.
  9. I just found out that another one of my applications has an application status page... Status: No decision has been made
  10. So your LOR problem has been fixed and you got accepted into UBC? I'm really happy for you! I know how you feel about the whole thinking that I'd be waiting till March before hearing anything. I got an acceptance about 2 weeks ago and now I've gone a bit insane with the whole checking email and status pages.
  11. I admire your courage and wish I could do the same. I have one school in my list which is the school which bests fits me, but I applied to more programs which were stretch fits because I needed "back up" schools.
  12. I'm applying for a MS. My ultimate goal is a PhD, but there are only 2 schools I'm considering for it.
  13. My top choice is Texas A&M's Visualization Science program. It's the program I've been dreaming about going to for a while now. They have all the classes I would love to take, research in areas I'm interested in, and the alumni work in incredibly awesome positions at companies I dream of working at. Waiting till mid-March for an answer is becoming tough. I'm starting to doubt that I'll get in.
  14. What schools are you looking to hear back from?
  15. Whatever you say, just remember that academia is a small world.
  16. I am single and ready to mingle, but I did receive my first acceptance today so there is no plan B. Although, I'll create a plan C if you're cute
  17. I wouldn't worry so much about the GPA cutoffs. I was accepted into a school last year in my program which had a 3.3+ GPA requirement. I'm more worried about the GRE than the GPA for myself. I really wish I did at least break 500 for the verbal. I honestly expected myself to get a 550 easily, but I guess that wasn't the case when I took it.
  18. We have the same GPA and GRE scores! I have a 3.11 and a 760q/490v/4.5a. I don't think my stats are impressive either. Aside from this, I was pretty active in a few clubs at school (not an officer in any, besides one where I fixed up their website) and volunteer work. The only thing that might raise a few eyebrows might be my work as a RA at Stanford, but it was completely unrelated to what I want to do.
  19. Don't forget about checking the application site too!!
  20. joro

    Texas A&M

    I'm waiting to hear back from them, but I applied for the Visualization Sciences MS program.
  21. I would rather come from an unknown school which will offer you great research experience. I have a friend who graduated with me with about a 2.9 GPA + 1320 GRE score (740q, 580v, 5.0a). We didn't even graduate from a ranked school; our program is unranked. He did 2 research projects during his undergrad: a summer research program at another University and one with his Professor at our undergrad. I don't think he published anything. He was accepted to CMU's PhD program. I guess this is why I'm saying that it would be better to have great research experience.
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