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Everything posted by joro

  1. I'm going through that exact same nightmare right now. I'm glad you got yours sorted out!!
  2. I know he's busy, he's normally out of country doing research and at conferences. But it would be nice for him to send me a little email saying that he's working on it even if that part is a lie. I will probably give him a call next week after making sure he's in the country at least.
  3. I wouldn't mind blogging a bit about my admission experience.
  4. I know they're nice (yet very busy) guys. My LOR is out of the country from time to time lecturing and working with other researchers. I try to email him when I know he's back in the US and I try not to bug him too much about it. I want to assume he's working on it, but it would be nice for him to at least let me know that he's working on it.
  5. One of my LOR is not responding to my emails and it is driving me insane. Over the summer, he asked me to send my SOP to him so that he can start on writing a letter for me. I sent it in September and have heard nothing since. I emailed asking for any kind of update, but still no response. I got sick last year cause of all this stress and I fear it will happen again.
  6. Just calm down!! You'll be fine, but make sure you try to take the practice test ETS sends you. If they don't send it, download it from here: https://onyx.ets.org/423powerprepTestTakers.htm
  7. I include my employment information if they ask for a resume/CV or if there's a section to put it. I don't really mention it in my SOP because I don't think it's related to my specific area of study.
  8. My practice tests scores were a lot lower on the Princeton test than the ETS.
  9. Take the practice tests that ETS mails you. That will be a pretty good indication of the score you'll be getting on the test.
  10. I used the book and got a decent score . Of course it isn't the only book I used.
  11. That is actually for all schools in Texas I think. I had that same question for UTexas-Dallas.
  12. I'm pretty much done with all my applications. Submitted everything online, just need to mail things to 2 schools (UC Santa Barbara and Texas A&M). The materials are just sitting in my car, I just need to go to the post office to have it mailed. Right now, I'm just waiting for all my LORs to be submitted which is more stressful to me than anything since someone else is in control of that.
  13. I'm not applying to UPENN, but I'm applying to other schools where they mention a GRE minimum/average required and GPA. My GRE is a 1250, but my GPA is a 3.11 (yuck ).
  14. I remember taking the sample test from Kaplan (free of course, not sure why they're charging people now). I accidentally bubbled in the answer on the wrong line. Ex. I bubbled in the answer in line 10 when it was for question 9 (line 9).
  15. The diversity statement is used to figure out funding for the student (Diversity Fellowship?). Since it is optional at Yale, I'm expecting it to be the same thing and used towards funding.
  16. My real quant score was 60 points higher than the practice, but my real verbal score was 40 points lower than the practice. As far as the writing is concerned. I memorized a template for both parts and just did it that way. My writing score was a 4.5.
  17. You fill out your FAFSA no matter what. Then you can list schools to send the information to. When I was accepted into USC last year, I was trying to figure out the same thing. I sent in my FAFSA form and all I got was a loan from them. I ended up not attending and reapplying this year because it was way too expensive for me to attend. You should try looking at external fellowships and scholarships. There's a thread that lists a few you can apply to (assuming you qualify).
  18. During my first year off, I found a job as a research assistant at a local private University. I'm currently on my second year off because I didn't really get in anywhere last year. This year, one of my Professors contacted me and asked me to work on a paper to submit to a conference. I was also contacted by another person, who I contacted a few months prior about a position, asking for my resume to submit for a position at his company. Maybe you can contact a Professor at Pepperdine and ask what you can do.
  19. I don't think that is a proper way to end it. That sounds more like an ending for a cover letter for a job. I had a similar question a few months ago and I got a pretty good amount of responses. Just do a search for my thread.
  20. You will need to make sure that the rest of your application is strong. If you plan on reapplying next year, you might want to find someone to help you with the math portion. Maybe there's something about the math portion you just don't understand. You can take all the practice tests you want, but if you're still scoring in the same range for math then your way of studying is obviously not working out for you.
  21. You might be thinking Computer Science.
  22. First off, are you trying to do 2D or 3d animation? I would look at CCAD, SCAD and Ringling. My preference goes to Ringling, Calarts, SCAD, and AAU in that order. I don't know much about CCAD, but I do know someone who goes there. Other schools that come to mind would be Expression College, UCLA, and USC. Also check out schools in Canada: Vancouver Film School.
  23. I took the GRE last year and the percentages were: 58v, 86q, 58aw. I just reordered the test scores and my percentages are now different: 60v, 85q, 63aw. Should I be worried since I already submitted my applications and entered the percentages from last year? I didn't think it would change like that.
  24. I got a similar response back from a Professor. He explained that he can't choose students until after admissions, but he will be on the look out for my application if I get passed admissions. Unfortunately I didn't...haha.
  25. I copied an artist's work for an art class about a year ago. I don't remember the name of the artist I copied and was hoping someone from here would. The following is the drawing I did using a grid (notice the eraser marks). I thought it was Rubens, but I'm having problems finding the same one to verify.
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