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Everything posted by joro

  1. I was hoping that when I woke up this morning that my LOR would have been submitted. I don't know what I will do if it isn't turned in on time. For the applications that shows if there has been any activity made by the LOR still shows that "...has not started".
  2. Research > GRE scores If you have published research and tons of good research experience, I would not worry too much.
  3. Not to scare you or anything, but this is the reason why I am reapplying. All my applications were missing that last LOR and most of the departments said that they will not review my application without it. Sadly, I am going with the same LOR this year because he assured me that he will have it finished early and ready whenever I need it. Well...I need it now or by tomorrow and still nothing. Am I wrong for trusting him again?
  4. joro


    But that's not all we have here. We also have the governator!!
  5. Welcome to the UC applications, they all (most anyway) have this required Personal History statement.
  6. Flash backs of horror for me. The same thing happened to me last year with one school who flat out said that they will not review my application without it. I got accepted into 2 schools with a missing LOR and accepted into another if I could just produce a 3rd LOR. I'm not sure what it is with Professors and going missing when we need the LOR submitted. I would hope everything is okay and that she probably just became really busy (finals coming up?). I would try to get in contact with her by any means necessary and explain the situation. Good luck to you and I hope she does submit it in time.
  7. This is what I'm worried about right now. One of my deadlines determines some funding and I made that clear to the LOR. Exactly one more week till d-day for me.
  8. I did that last year and just gave up after it became a few days, then weeks.
  9. I guess I need to post more to get my good luck charm working. The Professor still hasn't responded and now I emailed one of the RAs I know who is currently working with this Professor for a contact number. But he hasn't emailed me so I have thoughts that he asked the Professor if he could and the Professor told him not to.
  10. Congrats!! Just wondering what the rest of your stats look like though.
  11. Congrats!! At least you finished your undergrad. I had a friend in my undergrad program who was in his 40s.
  12. I actually wanted to do a PhD straight after undergrad, but didn't make the deadlines during that year. The following year I was going to do that and applied, but then decided that I probably should do the MS route instead. My applications didn't do as expected and so I am reapplying again. I will be 24 when I start my MS and may pursue or change to a PhD if I get heavily involved in research (and absolutely love it).
  13. I was thinking about applying to a school like that. I read the rules they have in place such as dress code and how you should have your hair. In the end, I decided not to apply.
  14. That is how I was reassured last time..."Oh don't worry, the schools expect late LORs". But just how late exactly? Maybe 1 - 2 weeks late, but it can't be 2 - 3 months I'm assuming.
  15. joro


    Applications: 10 If my applications are complete and nothing is missing then these are my predictions: I will get into my first choice school. Accepted: 4 Denied: 6
  16. I will be sure to post even more to make it to the top 10 for December.
  17. Congrats, I hope this is the same case with my own LOR.
  18. I would have to agree with this too. To add on, if you've done significant research and have published papers during your undergrad. Yes, you are competitive and don't need to ask.
  19. Wow, I would hate to think what she would do if you asked her to not write a letter. Maybe she'll treat you even worse.
  20. I have 2 very dependable letter writers and one who is very busy. Still no word from the 3rd and final one and my letter is due in 15 days.
  21. Columbia might also be a long shot, but I'm not in anthro either.
  22. The diversity essay puts you in line for diversity fellowships (I think).
  23. Go to the ETS website and you should be able to search for the codes there in this order: -Search school code -Search department code The school admissions site should also have the codes readily available.
  24. When you submit your transcripts, they will see this anyways. You are required by most schools to include transcripts from all undergrad institutions. I have taken one class from a community college and was required to submit a transcript for just that one class.
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