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Everything posted by grad_wannabe

  1. During my master's round of apps, interview invites came via email. I had one phone interview and one via Skype. Per the (three) acceptances, two were phonecalls from my POI's (I listened to those voicemails over and over...) and one came via email. I remember clearly that I got the acceptance email while I was watching the Oscars with my parents, so that was in late February. I was sitting on the couch and checked my email on my phone during a commercial. I saw the "We are pleased to welcome you to..." message, froze for a minute, and then went upstairs to check on my laptop. I sat staring silently at it for a solid few minutes, until I went downstairs to tell my parents.) The funding offers came a few days later, via USPS mail.
  2. Can I ask how this was made clear? I visited most of my prospective campuses last October and met with several POIs, I'm hoping that helps my apps but I'm still playing the waiting game...
  3. I just checked one of my application status pages ... where they have listed the WRONG gre registration number. I emailed the department coordinator five days ago. No response. I just sent a "contact us" email through the application portal itself. If I don't hear back by the morning I'm going to call the office.
  4. You may need to spring for some of your interview travel costs yourself. I'd save your coin until you get some invites.
  5. I resolve to pay down my credit card debt as much as possible in the next six months, just in case I get into a program and have to kiss this 40-hour paycheck goodbye. I resolve to actually finish some of the 15+ books I've started in the last month.
  6. I'd repost your inquiry to the Engineering boards, or the International House of Grads.
  7. According to the results search, one of my top programs sends out early acceptances: end of Jan/beginning of Feb. These two weeks to go seem both interminable and uber-fast at the same time.
  8. Similar story here. I grew up in LA/OC in SoCal and it's just not my cup of tea. I don't like being outside. I don't like the sun. I like cozy fires and bars that are 100 years old (hence my applications to schools in New England, NYC, and the UK). I've applied to four schools in California though, because my parents are aging and I want to be close to them if I can. This past holiday season, on my trip back home, I tried to get more into the Jet Set era of Los Angeles. The art, the architecture, the history. Watched 'Los Angeles Plays Itself' on Netflix. That actually kindof got me into the mood of "okaaayyyy I can see living here again."
  9. One of my gmail tabs lit up with one of my top program names. Turned out it was a "Happy New Year!" email. I haven't gotten ANY emails regarding financial aid stuff, housing, ID numbers, anything, from anyone. Crickets.
  10. I'm from a humanities/fine art background and I've applied to an anthro/STS program. I'll let you know if it works out!
  11. I tend to lean towards the communicative side, so I would email your POI. Something like, "I just wanted to let you know of an exciting material development in my research..." I think it can read as happy and enthusiastic, not pushy!
  12. I generally find the comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper to be pretty insightful into grad school life. Not exactly a "helpful" resource but very revealing.
  13. holy HELL I didn't even THINK to do this and I just looked at it happened to me too! damn why didn't I update this sooner?!?
  14. Many of my programs are SO different, plus like jujubea said a lot of other factors entirely outside the program are at play (family, lifestyle, everything really). Five+ years is a long time to live anywhere, so ... I have no idea. All of my programs are my top picks for one reason or another.
  15. One of my gmail tabs today lit up with an email from "The UC Berkeley School of Information." My heart leaped into my throat as I clicked on it. It was a spammy 'happy new year' email from the larger program in general. womp womp.
  16. I work in an MBA program, in the marketing unit. They're all lovely and dedicated people.
  17. I'd recommend that you get someone who works in your field, with similar qualifications as the ones you are pursuing, to edit your SOP.
  18. These are entirely different things. "Which one is more tasty -- an apple or an orange?" Maybe check out the alumni news of a couple MBA programs and MA Comm programs, see what kinds of careers they have and whether that's what you want. A lot of marketing, by the way, is about statistical modeling, a very different way of working than you would pursue via the MA.
  19. I work at an MBA program and the overwhelming majority come in with work experience. You said you have three years' worth - if you can tailor your description of your experience to emphasize your assessment of the business aspects of the work (like an interest in strategy, innovation, management, organizational behavior, etc.), that will help.
  20. Single-spaced, and at 11 pt font to squeeze it in! Word count is preferable, I agree, though one of my apps required a 5000 word count and the other just 1500!
  21. Agreed with FaultyPowers -- there's usually an unwritten grace period of about 7 days for LORs.
  22. Mostly 2-3. Some programs specified length as either shorter or longer, but I kept to 2-3 for the most part. Edit: and it was about 50 percent background, 30 percent research interests, and 20 percent match with that program and POI (though I tailored the other 80% of content to match that specific program as well.)
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