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Everything posted by kumapanda

  1. Does anyone find it strange that Chapman's results page haven't shown rejection statuses since 2014 and it's by postal mail? I mostly see accepts and waiting lists. I have no idea what to expect from Chapman or if I'll ever hear from them.
  2. I went to check SJSU's website and it looks like you were right. I may have missed it when I went to double check on it back in December. https://legacyweb.mercy.edu/academics/school-of-health-and-natural-sciences/department-of-health-professions/ms-in-communication-disorders/ Mercy in New York, right? The website said it wasn't required.
  3. I panicked when I got an email from PSU this morning, only to see that it was telling us again that emails will arrive at end of March. Half of me is relieved (no rejection!) but other half of me is annoyed (can you just tell me already?). I suppose no news is good news.
  4. My gpa was somewhere between 3.5-3.6, but my gre scores are average.
  5. How long does it take for Radford to update your application status online? I got the acceptance letter last Friday, but website still says application is under review.
  6. If that's the case, then I think I'm definitely rejected. My gpa is nowhere their preference and I didn't even get an interview. If I'm waitlisted, it's likely because the faculty recognizes my name.
  7. No. I called the department yesterday and they said they'll be sending letters for the next few weeks. So far I've been seeing people with acceptance letters on gradcafe, but no rejections or waitlists. I haven't received an acceptance letter myself, so I'm going to assume I either got rejected or waitlisted.
  8. Do you know when csulb is sending their second round of acceptances? I've seen people post acceptances, but have yet to see anyone rejected or waitlisted.
  9. Be president of Mars and find the cure for cancer.
  10. Sorry to hear you didn't get into Syracuse . I hope you get in somewhere and maybe UW Eau Claire will take you off the waiting list, but for now, all we can do is wait.
  11. Just got rejected by Syracuse through email. I didn't get an interview with them, so I saw it coming, but still, somewhat disappointed.
  12. I'm not sure when to hear from Syracuse, but PSU sent an email a few weeks back saying we should be getting responses by end of March.
  13. I'm feeling that right now. I applied to 10 programs, but only 2 answers back with one of them accepting. Two of the other schools had interviews but I didn't get anything, so I'm starting to think I was rejected by those two. But yeah, I'm trying to be patient and wait before I make any decisions.
  14. I'm also interested in learning more about Radford's program. What are the pros and cons for Radford? I'm from the west coast, so I'm not sure what the living cost is for Radford or what type of environment to expect. What are their teaching styles and how is managing time and clinic hours? Are you placed in clinics your first semester or do you focus first on research or lectures?
  15. Is anyone planning to attend the program this fall? I was hoping this thread could be a place where we can exchange information about the program or ask each other questions related to it. I wasn't able to attend their open house back in February, but I would love to find out more about Radford. Is there a facebook page for Fall 2016 students? Radford was one of my top choices for grad school, so I'm more than flattered to be accepted. Congrats to everyone that got into the program!
  16. I want to know too. I saw a few people posting acceptances from CSULB, but I haven't received any words from them.
  18. I never saw or received the doodle poll for Syracuse. Where do you access it?
  19. @cosmicmorgan Oops! You're right, I looked at the wrong signature! Sorry for that.
  20. I didn't interview with them. My mail only said they were planning to send the invitations for interviews in waves the following week, but not a word from them after that. I think I called them too, but I can't remember their response (this was 1-2 weeks ago). I guess I can wait and hope for the best.
  21. Thanks for the encouragement! Keeping my fingers crossed to get in somewhere. I see you applied to Syracuse like I did. You know when we should expect them to respond back? I got an email saying they were going to interview me, but I never got an additional email after that for more information, so I'm afraid of being rejected... I checked my spam box as well, but nothing from Syracuse.
  22. Got my first rejection letter today from CSUSM. Wasn't even offered an interview. I really hope I get into at least one program this year
  23. Woke up and got my first letter back from a CA school. Got rejected by CSUSM. It wasn't a top school on my list, but I'm still bummed out. I wasn't even offered an interview as some other people did.
  24. Has anyone heard from Chapman, CSULB, or CSU San Marcos? I saw people post that they got interviews/acceptance emails, but I haven't received anything from them asides from an interview with Chapman. I checked my status with CSULB, but it's the same as ever.
  25. Email said invitations were going to be sent in waves, so I suppose I just have to wait. I wake up every morning to look at my phone first thing because I'm really anxious for news? We have weeks until March is here.
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