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About magfish

  • Birthday May 24

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Social movements, sexuality studies, historical ladies, knitting, singing broadway musicals at the top of my lungs, reading, writing, chocolate.
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    1 Year MSW

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  1. Hi all! Good luck on your applications. Just wanted to drop a line and say if you have questions about the York 1 year program, I’ve just started and am happy to try to answer them. I can also talk about St Thomas’s 15 month BSW! Let me know and good luck. I know how much of a nightmare this process can be (holy shiiiiit) but remember that an acceptance or a rejection does not determine who you ARE, nor how good you could be as a social worker. Most of the time it’s a shitty numbers game. I know that isn’t that helpful, but you have many months of stress left to go - try not to burn out on it too early!!
  2. I know this is a probably assumed conclusion, but as an update for future applicants: I received an official rejection from Carleton Monday the 17th by email. Hilariously, I got it while sitting in a class and had to stop from rolling my eyes and saying “duh”. But I suppose that’s the date where it’s too late to actually enroll so they just officially rejected the rest of us ‘still waiting’. Good luck to future applicants! Feel free to hit me up if you have questions about York (or St Thomas & their 15 month BSW!)
  3. Hey all! I was just wondering if there's anyone in this thread (or knows anyone who could maybe message/email me or get in touch) who's a current student at York who'd be willing to answer some questions about the program? Specifically - do students tend to take electives during the school year or the summer? Are there even any good elective choices in the summer?? Trying to decide if I should hold out or just take them, it doesn't honestly seem like it'd be too bad of a workload to take three mandatory classes in the fall plus one elective, especially if I could then have next summer off! (Speaking of - do we need to finish the graduate paper by the end of winter or do we work on that in the summer too?) I'm really not thrilled by the options for electives listed on the site right now so any insight into how good the classes are, what's worth taking (I'm looking at social administration and not really sure what it would entail!), and what isn't. Also - if anyone knows anything about the directed readings and if that's actually a viable option worth doing, that would be useful too! Thanks friends!
  4. Heads up - this is the thread specifically for MSW programs! Congrats, but this isn't really related to this thread specifically.
  5. Hi all, A couple quick updates re: York and Carleton, for 1 year students looking for more insight! So, I got accepted off the York waitlist yesterday and was immediately able to view my offer in the myfile "decision centre". It looks like it comes with about $16,000 funding which is incredible - I believe $10,000 of that everyone gets and then there's another $6,000 scholarship for good grades (I finished my BSW with an A average, I believe). The grad assistant explained that this does NOT come with the need to TA, in fact they recommend MSW students do not so they can focus on their studies. Pretty good deal if you ask me! I emailed Carleton as well just in case they know of any movement on the 1 year program waitlist. It doesn't look good - the response I got from Stephanie (the graduate administrator) says: "There is no movement on the waitlist as we have are above our target. If we move to the waitlist at all, it would most likely be in August. I am sorry I do not have better news for you." So, that's not ideal news... If you're waiting on Carleton I would suggest making other plans. I'm not sure how much more movement York will see but hopefully this means they're moving on the waitlist now so maybe some more of you will hear! Anyways - just thought I'd let everyone know in case other people were confused about the funding (it was written very weirdly) or still waiting on Carleton. Good luck all!
  6. Hi all - long time no talk!! I just got off the York waitlist for the 1 year MSW!!!!! Got an email - I don’t have any more information yet but will keep you all updated. My myfile has changed to “admitted” as well!!! ❤️ Thanks for all of your support and good luck to everyone else waiting too!
  7. My York myfile still says “no decision yet” though I also can’t check physical mail till I’m home tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated!
  8. Forgot to let everyone know - a friend got her offer for Waterloo's MSW yesterday via email. Also mentioned that Waterloo ONLY does electronic offers, so keep an eye on your inboxes everyone! Good luck!!
  9. Hahaha - I have had the same thought I think their system may be slow but who knows. I have no idea!! I’m not even sure where I heard 40, just that I did. It does seem odd and too high... i keep telling myself that maybe a lot of people use carleton as a “back up” and end up at u of t instead? So maybe they have quite a bit of movement???? But I’m not sure how true that really is. It’s so hard to say. I might get desperate and email Stephanie and ask.... I’m still mostly trying not to process this (as a social worker i recognize that that is unhealthy but also have so much other things going on I just can’t deal with this) so I also might not. But I’ll keep you updated!
  10. hey smntoronto - hope you're holding up. question (since you're the only other waitlisted person I know) - has your status changed on carleton central yet?? the email said it would change to "hold for recommendation" but mine still says "review in progress". I dunno just seems weird!
  11. I’m not sure. I feel like I’ve HEARD 40 floated, which would be double the program size? Some schools do half (U of T) but I’m not sure for Carleton. :/ Thanks! I’ll keep yall updated.
  12. Well, it’s official. Just got the waitlist email from Carleton. My status hadnt changed yet but I’m assuming it will (as the email says) in the next few minutes. Congrats to everyone who gets in!! And I guess letms all cross our fingers that it moves at least a bit.
  13. Is anyone else still checking all the portals even though it’s a long weekend and nothing is going to happen??? I can’t help myself, hahaha.
  14. So - Carleton has always been one of the weird ones who send out one year and two year basically around the same time. In the midst of a biiiiit of anxiety over all of this I read back through the last three or so years threads (well, I searched them for "carleton") and then did some skimming. The way I (think) it mostly works: rejections for both one and two years go out first, via email and also are updated on carleton central. They all tend to go out around the same time, which makes a bit of sense. If you don't even meet their "bare minimum" or whatever they have decided they just reject you. Those went out at the beginning of the week and if you haven't gotten one by now that is somewhat of a good sign. Then, in previous years, both one and two year candidates started to have status changes. Most people who reported a change from "by department" to "by grad committee" (or whatever) then later (within a few days) got an acceptance. They seemed to send out one and two years more or less indiscriminately. Alphabetically doesn't make sense nor does anything else anyone could guess as to. My assumption is they send out a chunk of each one day, then roll out more in waves. I assume at some point they will stop with the "initial round" of acceptances (which I'm going to assume also involves at least a few fast rejections whose spots then get sent out to someone else). Then, in the next little while I'm guessing the rest of us will see our waitlist letters too. I THINK it's possible that acceptances happened on either side of weekends (including the long weekend) in previous years. Again, this makes sense. This process can't just all happen at once, at least I don't think so. At this point we're well past end of day in Ontario so I'm going to guess nothing now means we should all try to abandon checking the site every ten minutes until at least Tuesday. I'm going to go ahead and do my best to hope that a few more of us are going to hear positive things early next week. Beyond that... I'm going to hope lots of people who get in also get in other places they would rather go, and that the waitlist has more movement than U of Ts does. Anyways. The admissions committee is human just like us, and I'm doing my best to think that maybe we will still hear good things next week. <3 Fingers crossed for all of us still waiting!
  15. Mine is still "review in progress by department" - but I would take that change as a great sign! The other people who've said theirs changed to what yours did seem to have all gotten their acceptances as well! Hopefully you hear back soon with good news. Not sure what you mean? I haven't had the second status change - it still says "review in process by department". I think you're right that the change to "review in progress by faculty of graduate affairs" is a good sign towards acceptance. I haven't been rejected yet either, but I'm feeling pretty sure that the lack of change means I've probably been waitlisted. Which I mean, maybe not... but no change so far doesn't seem to be the best sign. Has yours changed to the second one?
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