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BooksCoffeeBeards last won the day on March 30 2016

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About BooksCoffeeBeards

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    English - Literature

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  1. I downloaded this PDF a few months ago, and I'm already finding it to be helpful! I have one evening class, but I also have two long days on campus where I take a morning class, and teach two classes from late afternoon-to-early evening. I can't stress enough what everyone is saying re: cooking, leftovers, a filling snack before/during class, or just being aware of all the options available to you and planning ahead. Luckily for me, ASU is right in the middle of Tempe, and there are some fairly affordable food options between my light rail stop and the buildings I need to go. But, that's not something I can do *every* day, and is only helpful if I am on a tight schedule that day, or am in between leftovers and a new set of meals. Additionally, I would say make sure you also have water with you during the long classes. During my MA studies, I would only drink water since any caffeine jolt to keep me focused would ultimately keep me up well into the night, and I would be regretting it in the morning as I ran off to teach. Above all, just get into a routine for preparing food and you should be set for evening class.
  2. *emerges from unpacked boxes* Well, it's been two weeks, and I'm starting to settle in to the new place with my GF. Jesus, Arizona is hot.
  3. I've donated, sold, or handed off SO many items, as well as clothing, during this packing/moving process. It's actually been a big relief since I will have to move mostly major furniture items (a couch, two IKEA book shelves, dining table/chairs, kitchen side table, and 4-drawer dresser), clothing, books, and DVDs. I thought I was going to be buried in stuff, but it turns out...not so much. How is everyone else's packing/moving business going?
  4. I lived in a small townhouse complex on the south end of town called Varsity Square. It's not within walking distance, but it is VERY quiet and very grad-student friendly (at least when I was there from 2007-09). I would say that if you're worried about avoiding undergraduates, it's going to be tough; it's better just to avoid the high-traffic areas when people usually go out for partying and drinking (Thursday-Saturday). After a while, you'll find that it's easy to avoid them or maneuver around them when you're out and about yourself. My point is that it will be hard to avoid them since the population of the campus itself is about the same as the rest of the town. But, it can be done, and you can likely find your own places to do things in town, or a short drive out of town.
  5. I have a feeling I will LOVE it at ASU, but I know I'm in for a bit of culture shock. I went to two mid-sized public universities for undergrad/grad (Eastern Michigan and Bowling Green, respectively); in addition, I just finished teaching at a Univ. of Michigan satellite campus (Flint), where they have about 12 buildings total. 12. That's about one corner of the ASU Tempe campus alone. But, I think I will enjoy it immensely. Like you said, they are very forward-thinking there, especially at the graduate level. I'm also excited to work within a department that seems to have more resources than normal for a humanities department.
  6. I chose to attend Arizona State because it was the only offer I got But for real, they were at the top of my list, just behind WashU-STL and CU-Boulder. They have an amazing Jane Austen scholar there who has already agreed to be my advisor throughout my PhD track! In addition, they have a good number of faculty who work with Critical Theory and Digital Humanities, which gives me a good group to work with as I blend DH with traditional aspects of theory and literary analysis. The faculty have been nothing but helpful and supportive as I start the big move from Flint, MI to Phoenix. I am going to Skype the DGS and my faculty advisor next week to discuss more aspects of the program, my plans post-PhD, and anything they can do to help with the big moving process. It's been surreal in the best way I can imagine. But, just like @HumanCylinder, I've been out of school for a while (7 years, to be accurate). I am worried that the transition to the other side of the classroom will be rough, considering how I am used to seeing myself as only an instructor (as far as my academic role goes). While I have complete faith that I can do this, I do have nagging worries, especially about bad habits from undergrad and my MA studies creeping back up...
  7. I just exited a faculty meeting announcing my departure, regardless of the outcome of this application cycle. Then, I got to email everyone with a BETTER reason for why I was departing! I shut my office door and cried, silently, by myself when i read the email. After 7 years and 3 applications cycles, with one waitlist 6 years ago to show for it, I was beginning to think this was a dead-end road for me. The amount of relief and joy that hit me has been difficult to describe, even over a week later.
  8. I sent you a message with their emails.
  9. Oh that's not sacrilege; they're few and far between once you get away from the east/midwest/west coast.
  10. I was thinking of doing this after I move, but there is also an IKEA right in Tempe... *foaming at the mouth*
  11. I am starting my PhD in English at ASU this August. My girlfriend grew up in the Phoenix area before her family moved to central Illinois, and she's excited to go back! I've never been to AZ before (just NM a few times the last few years), so I don't know what life in the desert will be like after 31 years in the upper-Midwest.
  12. I have 2 huge outlet malls within 30 minutes of me (both directions) - I'll be getting some more desert-friendly clothing from there before I move (and after I donate some older clothes I don't wear/don't fit me anymore). Almost any store usually has a LOT of stuff on clearance this time of year too - hit those sections up and you can find some pretty professional clothing on the cheap too. I usually do that at places like Kohl's 2-3 times a year.
  13. I'm finishing up my last semester as a NTT faculty member, and then spending two months packing and working online (test scoring) before I move to Phoenix/Tempe. In the mean time, I will be reading as much as I can, making a trip to central Illinois to help my girlfriend pack, and making some last rounds of visits to friends and family in Michigan.
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