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    Clinical Psychology PhD

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  1. Just found this additional list Oregon State University (non-clinical only; Kathy Becker-Blease) University of Tulsa (Lisa Cromer) University of Regina (Bridget Klest) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (community health, Robyn Gobin) University of California, Santa Cruz (non-clinical only; contact Eileen Zurbriggen) University of California, San Diego (contact Carolyn Allard) Alliant University (contact Constance Dalenberg) Nova Southeastern University (contact Steve Gold) Saint Louis University (contact Terri Weaver) Towson University (Master's degree only; contact Bethany Brand) Penn State-Erie (Master's in Applied Clinical Psychology, Melanie Hetzel-Riggin) APA-Div 56's list of trauma psychology graduate programs ISSTD's list of academic supervisors with trauma focus List of "feminist-friendly" graduate programs and internships in psychology
  2. TBH I crossed off any schools from my list that required it... did not want to take another test. But I had solid grades and majored in psych. I think schools take it most into consideration when you don't have a demonstrable psych background (e.g., are changing fields).
  3. I thought I'd post the top of my list of potential mentors whose work is relevant to my interest in contextualizing experiences of traumatic stress (fairly broad). I applied for Fall 2016 matriculation in PhD programs. I currently attend University of Denver, in their child and adolescent clinical psych track. Not sure if the table will be formatted okay-- I'll post a list afterward if it's wonky. Obviously this is not an exhaustive list of folks working in Trauma, more people who had interests strongly in line with my own. Feel free to post other trauma-related researchers! Sidenote for folks applying this round, this is an example table of how I tracked all my potential mentors. I vaguely ranked them based on how close the fit was, and only ended up applying to four. Some stuff isn't filled in, but feel free to google them! I'd also mention Jennifer Freyd (University of Oregon; interpersonal and institutional betrayal trauma), who I did my undergrad work with, but I'm not sure she will be taking students-- actually not sure about anyone on this list for the coming application cycle, except Dr. DePrince at DU, who is interested in taking a student this year. Person Email School City Match? Interest 1 Anne DePrince Anne.Deprince@du.edu University of Denver Denver, CO 1 individual characteristics/context --> violence/abuse exposure + clinical symptoms 2 Andrew Rasmussen Fordham social-ecologial effects of forced migration/ trauma in humanitarian disasters 3 Patricia A Frazier Minnesotta NOTE! counseling psych program; interface of counseling psychology and social psychology; identify factors associated with adjustment to stressful or traumatic life events. 4 Maryam Kia-Keating UC Santa Barbara socio-ecological!!! culture, immigrant/refugee youth, violence/trauma, PTSD 5 George A. Bonanno Columbia Post-traumatic resilience 6 Inger E Burnett-Zeigler i-burnett-zeigler@northwestern.edu Northwestern Chicago depression, barriers to treatment in racial/ethnic minorities / low-income 7 Sharon Lambert slambert@gwu.edu GW DC internalizing behavior in low-income/"urban" youth; neighborhood effects 8 Esteban V. Cardemil Clark University Worcester, MA Mental health care disparities for minorities, prevention and treatment, cultural adaptations, depression 9 Albert Farrell Virginia Commonwealth University impact of exposure to community violence and peer victimization on adolescents’ development; and identification of protective factors that promote the positive development of youth in high risk environments (e.g., those living in communities with high rates of poverty and violence). 10 Vickie M. Mays maysv@nicco.sscnet.ucla.edu UCLA 3 minority mental health 11 Lauren Cattaneo George Mason applies a community psychology orientation; within the area of intimate partner violence, focused on the key constructs of empowerment and survivor-centered practice to explore the best ways to assist survivors. 12 Laura McKee Clark University Worcester, MA internalizing psychopathology (e.g., depression and anxiety) develops in at-risk children and adolescents.
  4. I don't have them, but my colleagues who have to take comp exams keep an excel file with different tabs for different subjects (e.g., biology, cognitive, etc.), and then have columns of citation, main points, methods, etc. Schools probably differ, but our comps are open-book, so people use these excel docs as efficient ways to find relevent articles to cite, then go back to the actual article for more detail. Obviously customize the excel to your preferences/needs. I *thank goodness* don't have to do comps, so I just skim stuff for classes, sometimes don't read at all and just look at the abstract while we are discussing in class (efficiency, folks). If things are relevant to my research area I have a file I keep things in. I've tried Zotero, but I haven't gotten the hang of it. Otherwise, I just heavily rely on my cohort to keep track of stuff, clarify what I don't understand, etc. We have a running group text that I find super helpful.
  5. I would add that the reason most undergrad theses are PI-driven is because of limited resources. If you're working on a small project contained within an already-collected dataset or are tacking something small onto an existing grant, that is often much more accessible than obtaining funding yourself for a totally new project. Schools or foundations sometims have small undergrad-focused grants for this type of research, but it's going to be the $500-$1,000 range.
  6. Hi all. I'm going into my second year in a child clinical psych PhD program. I'm wondering if anyone has come across general year-by-year guides for what to focus on in each year. Based on our various handbooks and talking to more advanced students I have a vague sense, but I would love to hear what others think. One big thing I keep hearing about 2nd year (what I'm going into) is that you'll be tempted to take on a lot more, but to make sure you are realistic and don't say yes to every single opportunity. I feel like I've also heard mention that you should start to think about dissertation topics/fellowships, but is that too far down the line? Let me know what y'all think.
  7. I have zero clue what the grad programs are like, but University of Oregon's special collections has the complete papers of Ursula LeGuin, James Tiptree/Alice Sheldon, and smatterings of Joanna Russ, Samuel Delaney, and others I'm forgetting! Carol Stabille is the professor I'm familiar with whose done work with these collections, but she teaches in the school of Journalism. Probably not super helpful, but I saw Fem Sci Fi so I thought I'd pitch that in.
  8. Yeahhhhhhhh. Ugh. Thanks for all those thoughts though, these will be bumping around in my head at our next support/commiserate sesh.
  9. I might have read wrong, but it felt like you aren't clear about what the project is about-- and it is really hard to do a focused lit review without that first step. If you're trying to figure out what project to do, I think @hantoo's description is a good place to start. Try to get a sense of what literature exists, and what its general findings are. I keep a running excel doc with columns for the citation, the gist of the findings, things that are particularly relevent to my current project, and notes. This might be overkill for where you're at right now, but an idea. If you already know what project you're doing, it should be a little easier. You have a general sense of the story you need to tell to justify your research. Usually why the general problem is important, and how your work is filling some gap. I usually start with google scholar or a field-specific database and find some relevent articles then follow their citations / the papers that have cited them to grow the circle outward. Also, your advisor probably expects to have this be an ongoing convo/discovery process. They sound understanding and realistic from what you posted!
  10. Sigh, they should tell people that when they are choosing schools. Our department is TINY, so pivoting or adding another advisor isn't really an option. My friend is basically trying to get the heck out of dodge if this other school will take him. It's a bummer, though because he'll have to start over, essentially.
  11. Hi y'all. I'm using latent class analysis for my master's and basically I'm teaching myself. I'll be using MPlus, so I've been watching their instructional vids and free slide handouts, and have poked around in some of the literature. I have a stats professor I can consult with but I want to be prepared/not leaning on her too much. Does anyone have any super helpful resources for becoming more familiar with this method?
  12. @fuzzylogicianTotally understood, re: reviving old threads for the wrong reasons. I don't feel super comfortable sharing the details of my friend's situation, but it's definitely something I'm struggling to support him through. I tried writing it out a bunch of different ways but it keeps getting too identifiable. I guess a more generalized version of the question is: What would you suggest someone do if they don't fit with their mentor on many of the factors you listed AND there are rumors of the person having a bad track record around diversity before you came to the department? The even harder additional bit is having an 80% sure offer to transfer to another program...
  13. Hmmm.... I was kinda hoping y'all would say "Nah, just forget about it." Now I have to seriously consider it. My area is interpersonal violence/abuse/trauma, which tends to be pretty in-your-face clinical. Though I'm doing a focus on developmental cognitive neuroscience, so maybe I can pull in some imaging stuff somehow. Sigh. Though, I will say my advisor basically said I should bang out my master's before I apply for fellowships, so that takes a little weight off.
  14. Congrats, that's awesome!!!!
  15. Yeah, I don't know how reviving old threads works, but I feel like mis-matches between mentors and mentees based on culture could be an important thing to discuss. I have a friend who is really having a hard time because of this (slightly different situation, not an international student) and is HEAVILY considering transferring because of it.
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