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    2017 Fall
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  1. Hi Jasbee, I work at UPENN and I am close to people in the department. Told me all interviews have gone out. I also received an email from the admissions coordinator. If you want to ask yourself, email Clay: http://www.med.upenn.edu/ngg/NGGExecutiveStaff.shtml Ben
  2. Has anyone received rejections from either NYU neural science or Brown NGG? Still waiting for UPENN psych (if anyone has info here or has been rejected let me know) Interviews: UM Baltimore, UM College Park, Icahn School of Med (Mt. Sinai), Georgetown, Drexel, Thomas Jefferson, CUNY Rejected: Penn NGG
  3. Just heard from UPENN NGG directly, the last of the interviews will be going out within a week! hoping for another from my top choice!!
  4. Agreed, I wouldn't give up hope. I know people on the admissions committee and told me that they are still reviewing. Their process is to review in teams of two and if those two cannot determine it goes to a tie-breaker third. Apparently this process isn't done at the same speed for all people on the committee. We still have hope! Applied (11): UM Baltimore, UM College Park, Mt. Sinai, UPENN, Brown, NYU, Penn State Hershey, Georgetown, CUNY, Thomas Jefferson, Drexel Interviews (4/11): UM College Park, Mt. Sinai, Georgetown, Thomas Jefferson Rejected (0/11):
  5. So have all the interview for BU been dished out?
  6. Unless I'm incorrect i believe the previous poster was incorrect and correct themselves, I don't believe BU has put out invitations yet.
  7. Past month has been anxiety ridden
  8. Very similar situation for myself also, I just chose not to report my psych gre. My neuro/bio percentile score was like 90th percentile or something like that but my social was around 20-30th
  9. I just received a message from McGill that invitations will go out between now and mid-February, sorry no more clarification
  10. Could anyone who received a drexel interview private message me with their poi?
  11. Could Drexel interviewers pm me with poi's??? Also any word on BU or Fordham?
  12. Has anyone gotten formal rejection letters? I have only gotten one rejection from my POI but haven't received any formal rejection emails or letters. Is this abnormal?
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