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Everything posted by Yanaka

  1. @la_mod so there is justice after all!! Congratulations!!!
  2. I don't know anything about linguistics, but when I played the game I often had lucky guesses based on how some words looked like. I was just wondering why there wouldn't be something else such as little explanations or something to give it a goal?
  3. I’m super curious about the topic. What makes them so angry, exactly? I get sadness, but being mad means that it’s more than being sad you’ll move away. I don’t know anything about that reaction!
  4. That’s what I usually say. But they still have that dead eye xD
  5. Ha! I need a partner just for that reason. I'm just so worried about having them travel in the cargo.
  6. Definitely a read for tomorrow thank you for your insight, people!!
  7. I don’t know—you say Mama, I don’t necessarily think Mamacita! *laughs at freakyfreud*
  8. Hi all! Tonight after my roommate made me say that I got into Rutgers, her friend asked me the unanswerable question: “what do you research in literature?” (Insert here groan, annoyance, and wish to answer “what do you think?” to this Chemistry graduate.) I’ve been asked this multiple times, including by people who are not familiar with academia at all. I don’t know how to answer. It’s like when I was vegan and people asked me what I eat (and still now as a vegetarian!): huh, food? What’s the answer? For a rude chemist who doesn’t get literature, and for someone who doesn’t know what people do in graduate school? That should help me with family members, too! (Insert here the drunken uncle who asks you what’s your purpose on earth and if I’ll still be paying for his retirement)
  9. Hey! How did you travel with them In the cabin? You had someone flying with you, right?
  10. Thank you, @HomewardBound! I did only apply to that one because I was strongly encouraged to, so I'm pretty relieved it worked out!I think they will send out answers next week.
  11. You’re just missing an “i” in your pseudonym for senior! Aahhh you’re right.
  12. Days off are indispensable. I get so much salvation through just one day of not thinking of school. Usually Fridays are those days (even though I work in the afternoon), and even Thursday evening after class. I Netflix and chill so hard!! No guilt.
  13. SO TRUE. I've gone from "wowza I feel so validated!" to "but my cohort is so much smarter than me." in a few hours today. And I'm friggin scared! Ugh.
  14. Ahh! #prayforwarelin
  15. Did you get any other acceptances?
  16. I think I heard early. I had a question about official transcripts, and he gave me the good news in his answer!
  17. Semi international! I'm here! Yeepee!
  18. HA! Hopefully the Jäger bombs will flow this weekend! Tonight it'll be a steady flow of pizza.... hahaha! I feel so rich already. Can I buy a whole barn and elephants, do you think?
  19. I was so confused that I posted in the wrong thread! I switched to French this year, but I was in the Comp Lit batch last year, so I wanted to share here... I got into Rutgers!! For the French Ph.D!! Fellowship and assistantship... !!!!!!!!
  20. I didn't even see that I posted here!! hahahaha. Thank you!!!! I still feel dizzy!
  21. I know this has nothing to do with you guys, but since I used to be a Comp Lit hopeful and lurked here, I must inform y'all that I got into Rutgers's French Ph.D! I can hardly believe it, I should wait until I have actual emotions to post. Currently I'm in a smiley-cloudy-whut state of mind!
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