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Everything posted by Yanaka

  1. It's good to report them. Last year we were a few posting that we got into Trump University, but they were deleted
  2. What's up with all these trolls, this year? It's going to mess up the projected calendar for next season.
  3. Congrats! You sure are having a great season!
  4. Nah the issue isn't the placement, but rather it was the cohort not being great. She said their French wasn't good, and they were obnoxious in class (you know, the I-think-what-I-say-is-relevant kinda participation). But it's been a while since she graduated, so maybe it got better! I was just curious if it was her bringing me down because I am waiting for an answer from Rutgers...
  5. I was going to ask about Pitt. A friend of mine spent two hours complaining about how, looking back, it wasn’t a great program. I don’t know if she was just being negative because she’s frustrated she can’t find a job, or if it’s accurate.
  6. Sounds like they waitlist everyone and after reviewing all apps, they send offers to some of those “saved” on the waitlist?
  7. All these good news are getting me so pumped!!! Congrats!!!
  8. someone else on another thread had a call! Good news it seems!!
  9. Of course you should call back! Let us know!!
  10. Haha when you have precious information about Ivies, you need to have credentials and/or experience on the forum to be believed!
  11. How blissful it must feel to get into your top choice! Congrats!
  12. This week or maybe next week I think Rutgers should let us know... Uuuuugh I'm restless!
  13. That's a pretty impressive performance!
  14. Yay! That’s pretty good news!
  15. I have those too, but I know now that they’re hormonal. It gets pretty severe, and I’m in the process of seeing a specialist. If you think it could be your case, you can pm me! Assuming you’re a female haha. In any case, be kind with yourself in these moments. You’re okay! Well it’s okay not to be okay, I mean!
  16. Shellalegaled by a call from NJ that didn’t look like spam. I called back, and it said something about a no-call list. Googled the number alone and the number with Rutgers, and nothing came up. Boo!
  17. I’m sorry you feel that way. Could it be because you don’t know what’s going to happen as long as you don’t have an answer?
  18. Congratulations everyone who received good news!
  19. I got into another conference! Welp!
  20. We ran out of there so fast. I wanted to be in the heat of it, but the fireworks and the fact that I was squished freaked me out too much...
  21. My head is pounding with the amount of happy beer we had!
  22. The soccer thing sounds like a lot of fun!! I like those sports that make you run miles without you noticing haha
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