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Everything posted by Katie6

  1. Yes, I declined my offer from Michigan. I didn't get any funding in the first round. I also didn't want to wait around for the second! Which, they said, would be in mid-April. UNC has a deadline (of 15 April), and they were my first choice, regardless. Easy decision. I also declined my Texas offer, but I did that awhile ago. In regards to scholarships, I don't know anyone that got anything from the first round. No one on the prospective student page got anything on FB (or admitted if they did), and no one did in a Whatsapp prospective group I was a part of. I know the second round for admissions went out recently, I saw people post in the FB group. Here's the link for that group, if you're not already a part of it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/UMSIProspective2017/. I'm not sure when the third one will go out... I wouldn't hesitate to contact them. Things are getting close!
  2. @poopyhead I got into UNC, which is where my heart was set on, and I actually officially accepted on Tuesday! So I'm officially graduate school bound. Again, I'm sorry. That's really sucky. Especially because they didn't even give you any idea!
  3. @poopyhead Oh no, I'm so sorry!!! That's really disappointing. I'm sorry!
  4. I agree with @3dender. Your cons for the second school are much worse than for the first-- I think cons are what should really be a person's deciding factor. I think location is really important-- and with that in mind, the first school wins! Sometimes your "gut" is more logical than your brain. Rankings don't matter as much at the program level. The prestige of the school will carry you further than the prestige of a certain program at a less prestigious school. I think you know what you want to do! I'm in a similar boat, and it's hard. It definitely is. But, at the end of the day, what do you want to do/where do you want to be. Don't do what you think you should do!
  5. Hi @Wayne Yang, I applied to UMich and was accepted to their Information program (but I am planning on going for archiving). I just wanted to let you know not to be discouraged, I know a lot of people who haven't heard back from them yet! They don't have a deadline, so they are much more relaxed and slow in their admittance. Congrats on Cornell! That's excellent. I also applied to UT at Austin (again for archiving), but I am either planning on going to UMich or UNC. Good luck!
  6. Nor I, @mcgatay! I'm almost 100% I'll be going to the school that's the closest to me as well!
  7. @FailedScientist No problem! Good luck!
  8. Yes, I love Roanoke! It's both hip and quaint. A small city, you could say. And yes, another thing to consider is weather-- VT can have cold winters with heavy snow, though this past winter was quite mild. We only had a light (2 inches) snowfall in January. The summer can be hot, but no hotter than Georgia! Like @Need Coffee in an IV said, you really can't go wrong. They're both great schools. I think location and cost would be the deciding factors.
  9. Hi! I don't know if you've already made a decision, but I just made a comment on a recent VT post. Please check this out for more information. I made a list (definitely a pro list!) of VT. @Lycaon pictus is right in his general ranking, but for science and technology, VT is the clear choice. UVa is more prestigious overall, but UVa is a liberal arts school, and VT is not. It's like comparing apples and oranges. If you want to compare engineering and science, VT is better. We have more programs, are more highly ranked, are hired more frequently, receive higher pay, and are received more welcomingly from companies. Location is definitely something to consider as well. VCU is in a city, while UVa and VT are in towns. Charlottesville is a lot larger than Blacksburg (though VT is almost double the size of UVa-- 1000 vs 2000 acres). Another thing to consider is weather-- VT can have cold winters with heavy snow, though this past winter was quite mild. We only have a light (2 inches) snowfall in January. VCU and UVa are probably similar in climate. The summers would be the same at all three places. Also, VT (as far as I know, as I work with many international students), has a larger international student community, and is generally a more welcoming place than UVa. The culture/atmosphere at all three schools would be vastly different-- the small town college experience, where the university is number would be VT. VCU and UVa are located in self-sufficent places. Blacksburg, on the other hand, wouldn't exist without Tech! There are about the same number of graduates at VT and at UVa, but VT is a larger when undergrads are accounted for. VCU is larger than both in terms of graduate students, though around the same size as VT for undergrad. I hope this is helpful! Remember, I do currently attend VT and I love it here! I know I am much happier here than I would have been at UVa. I didn't apply to VCU as I didn't want to go to school in a city. I am definitely biased-- however, I had an internship this past summer in Charlottesville and spent three months there. While it was during the summer, I did experience 'the college life' at UVa. I am so glad I picked VT!
  10. My response is a bit biased as I am completing my undergrad at Virginia Tech-- however, Virginia Tech IS one of the top engineering schools in the nation, but as is Georgia Tech. While GT ranks higher, I have seen statistics with VT students receiving higher salaries and quicker job offers. VT also has more engineering options, With that in mind, I'd suggest comparing some other factors that you might not be thinking of. 1. Location-- Virginia Tech is located in the middle of nowhere South West Virginia, in a wonderful little town called Blacksburg. Roughly four hours from D.C., two and a half hours from Charlottesville, Va., two hours from Charlotte, N.C., and roughly six hours from Atlanta, Ga. If you're an outdoorsman, VT is for you. There are dozens of hikes close by, many part of the AT. McAfees Knob, Dragon's Tooth, and the Cascades are the most popular. Virginia Tech is also off the New River, a fun place for tubing. Where you decide to settle may help you decide-- they're both on the east coast, but VT is obviously more centrally located. 2. Community-- No other school has a more welcoming sense of community than Virginia Tech. Seriously. 3. Type of University-- While both are technologic institutes, VT is also a land grant university (thanks Lincoln!) Virginia Tech is beautiful (if you haven't visited, you should!) 4. Cost of living-- Blacksburg is cheap. I've known some people to pay as little as $250 a month for rent, and the more expensive apartments are no more than $750. Beer and doubles are $2 at happy hour. Compare this to Atlanta prices. 5. Size-- Virginia Tech is almost 5,000 students larger than GT. It's also a large campus, but everything is no more than 25 minutes from end to end of campus. There are almost double the amount of graduate students (11k) at GT than at VT (6k), however. VT is more than 2,000 acres, GT is only 370. 6. Food-- VT has been ranked number 1 for dining for multiple years. There are 4 dining halls on campus, with many other food stops. We have food trucks, steak, lobsters, hibachi and sushi, Pizza Hut, Dunkin', Chick-Fil-A, and ABP all on campus (and eligible for half price with a meal plan). Food shouldn't be a huge concern, but if it is, you can't go wrong at VT. 7. Cultural/atmosphere-- Virginia Tech is a big fish in a small pond (Blacksburg), Georgia Tech is a little fish in a big pond (Atlanta). Might be something to think about. While VT is in rural Virginia, all walks of life attend. I would agree that like community, there is a great sense of cultural at VT. Our ROTC program is one of the best, and VT is actually considered a Senior Military Academy. 8. Sports tradition-- VT is a huge sports school, with football being the main attraction. Though, we did just make it to the basketball championships for the first time in a decade! VT and GT are both in the ACC, and have played each other 14 times in football, with VT leading 9-5, though we did lose to them this past year. Granted, I am an undergraduate, so your experience may be different, but I know many happy graduate students. I have loved my time here, and I know I made the perfect choice coming here for undergrad!!! I am preparing for graduate school this fall, (between UNC and UMich), and I know both will be vastly different than VT. I hope this is helpful!
  11. Based on your con list, I'd say option 1. It seems like you're leaning towards that as well. I'm in a similar situation, and for once I'm going to use the "good vibe" approach-- and money, of course. It might be good to have a change of pace, too. A new environment for grad school is something to look forward to. It seems option 2 is fully funded, but as is option 1. If you get remove finances from your worries, then just go forth with the environment/community/area. I'd vote option 1!
  12. Of course-- I actually submitted my application in late September (I think the 27th)! My recommenders submitted their recommendations by 1 Oct. However, I didn't receive an email telling me my application was complete until the middle of December! I studied abroad over winter break, that's why I wanted my applications to be done EARLY. Doing that, however, has made waiting a g o n y. I heard back from UNC in Feb., and Texas and Michigan on the 1st and 2nd of March, respectively. So Texas and Michigan had my applications for five months! I remember when I got back to the US, I checked my application status on Michigan's website to see if anything had happened... and it said that my application had been completed in January. Long story short, I think Michigan takes their sweet time. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I know a LOT of people are still waiting on their Michigan acceptances. I think the first round (that I was part of) is for the people that completed their applications early. I have heard they normally do three rounds. Since they don't have a deadline for their offers, this makes sense. Most schools do however... UNC's is 15 April (like most other schools), so I need to know about scholarships soon! I hope this eases your worry!
  13. I am in a very similar boat!!! UM is really expensive!!! I'm out of state, so two years there would almost be as much as my four year undergraduate degree from an in state school!!! I would recommend waiting. Unless UW is pressuring you to accept now, nothing bad can happen if you wait. Just in case! I really empathize, too. Waiting to hear about funding has honestly been harding than waiting to hear of acceptance!
  14. Which one do you want to go to? I was admitted to Texas, UNC, and Michigan (got in 2 March), but I am deciding between UNC and Michigan. My choice is ultimately going to come down to finances, so as of now I'm leaning towards UNC, but I'm waiting to hear back from UMich about scholarships... What are you planning on focusing on? Is money an issue? I think those are the two most important factors to consider.
  15. Yay! Congrats! Is that your top choice?
  16. Hi all-- I might be heading to Michigan this fall (there or UNC). I'm going for information, so totally different field than the majority of you. @Bellz does the graduate housing not allow pets? I was looking at the graduate housing, which looks pretty nice! But I'm planning on adopting a cat at the start of my graduate career. Why did you all decide to go Michigan?
  17. Hi! I'm also choosing between these schools-- for a completely different program, however, but I'm still just as conflicted. I'm very interested in hearing what you decide. For me, it's going to come down to finances. I'm hoping I receive a scholarship from one of the schools, thus making my choice for me, but I'm not sure how likely this is. Good luck!
  18. I haven't heard anything-- I'm sorry. I know exactly how you feel. Waiting is the worst part. It'll probably come any day now, though! So don't lose hope!
  19. I actually just heard back from Michigan today-- good news! Now comes the hard part. If anyone has advice about going with your heart or following the money, let me know!
  20. @katokajmuso Great! Congrats! I'll let you know. Still not making any choices until I hear from Michigan, but as of now I'm thinking North Carolina.
  21. @katokajmuso I just heard back from the University of Texas-- I got in! Now I'm just waiting to hear back from the University of Michigan. @poopyhead I haven't heard/seen anything about UMD, nor the University of Washington. I'm sure things will start be announced rapid fire now! I've been checking the results page very regularly.
  22. I just heard back from UNC (on 13/2), but I'm afraid I don't know about UMD! I'm sorry! I would try looking at the results page on here. It could give you an idea.
  23. @katokajmuso Oh, that's perfect then!!! I hope you get in! I just found out I got into UNC! I got an email telling me to check the status on their website. I'm so happy!!! I'm still waiting for Texas and Michigan, but I'm so pleased about UNC!
  24. That sounds like a great idea to me! I'm actually a biology and English double major, but I've worked at my school library since I was a freshman, and I love it. Are you from Texas? I think that's how it works... but I'm not sure. I guess someone could just have an amazing package and not need an interview?
  25. Hey Katokajmuso!!! (Kato?) I am freaking out. I applied reaaally early (end of September), so I've been waiting for four months. I knew it would be awhile, but the waiting is really stressing me out! I really don't think I can wait till March. I really thought I'd be hearing back by now, or at least February! Texas is not my top choice, because it's quite far (I'm on the east coast), but I'm planning on going to whichever school offers me the most financial aid (which I hope is UNC!!!) Even if we hear soon, I don't think financial information goes out until later. So I won't really know for sure for awhile... Which makes me hectic. Are you still in undergrad? If not, how long have you been out? I am graduating this May.
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