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Everything posted by EscapingBrexit

  1. Do we think tomorrow is the day for MSFS? I really like Georgetown. I hope it works out for everyone!
  2. This is one of the most useful posts on GradCafe. Thank you for your honest opinions, and good luck with everything!
  3. I've been doing the sums. I received financial aid from all schools so far, with Tufts offering what I think is the most attractive package at around 40% tuition. Yet Elliott, despite offering a smaller amount of aid, works out cheaper and all the classes are in the evening (though that sounds like a way for me to burn out quickly). SIS (Cheapest) GWU (Cheaper than Tufts) Tufts (Affordable) SAIS (Too Expensive) Still Georgetown and HKS to go... At the moment, I'm keenest on Tufts because my partner and I like the area.
  4. Cool! Congratulations SSP people! ?
  5. Wait what MSFS decisions? Or SSP?
  6. Has anyone received good funding from Georgetown this year? (SFS)
  7. Congratulations and commiserations, everyone!
  8. At this time of night?! That's crazy.
  9. You might find more on UK schools on The Student Room. There is a growing amount of grad school stuff on that UK forum. Good luck with King's and Edinburgh, two great places to be. A few friends have been to them and loved them both.
  10. Are we supposed to get stuff in the post/mail from our schools? Like after you receive an offer online?
  11. I'm just glad I don't work in admissions this year!
  12. Siiiiiigh. Thanks for the update!
  13. Still nothing on the MSFS side, right?
  14. That's awesome, very interesting career path for sure! Excited to see how you get on.
  15. Which part of State or the DoD are you thinking? On the Leahy Law side or?
  16. No way!!! Huge congratulations! ???
  17. I really don't think the magazine means anything. It could be alphabetical for all we know. Hell, for many of us this magazine will likely be the closest we get to attending HKS ?. I think I'll keep mine as a reminder of what could have been ?
  18. I really hope it is before the 20th!
  19. Also in to MALD with a pretty decent funding package. Very relieved as I've really warmed up to the program! Happy I hope everyone else made it too!
  20. Last year it was 3pm apparently, going off the 2020 thread. Amazing find, @emmalihua!
  22. This thread last year had 35 pages, 860 replies, and 142k views. We have rookie numbers at the moment
  23. Everyone gets that email, going off previous years. Over the coming days, it will change slightly as more info is slowly added to it until admissions day. I don't expect to hear back until the week of the 21st or 29th, but I could be wrong and they might do things differently this year! I just think with more applications that we are highly unlikely to get a result sooner than that. But hey, that is just based off the previous few years. Harvard is gonna Harvard.
  24. Last year the Financial Aid email we all just received came out on the 27th of Feb. The results were released on the 19th of March. There are usually a series of blog posts that come out when they are getting close, too. I think we have a while to wait yet, folks!
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