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Everything posted by EscapingBrexit

  1. At least a few people received their American financial aid offers today.
  2. I'm also curious about this. I guess we'll soon find out!
  3. Hey, I literally mean the GradCafe results page: https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=Georgetown?
  4. Congratulations!!! Did anyone get an interview for the McHenry Scholarship?
  5. Another LatAm admit on the results page
  6. Imagine finding out by tweet, insta DM, or someone turning up on your door! ???
  7. Honestly if a school phoned me I would either have a heart attack or not answer because it might be spam. There will be no in-between. ?
  8. What do we think is due in next? Georgetown/Tufts/SAIS?
  9. Huuuuuge congratulations!
  10. At this point I can't even remember which scholarships I applied for ?. There were so many!
  11. Good luck! ?
  12. It was a personal email from a Professor. He said that official notification should come over the next week!
  13. I received my second admit today - GWU!
  14. Usually a few people here get them!
  15. Yesterday's results were weird. I'll wait to see an acceptance before I think it is really happening.
  16. Another rejection on the results page! MSFS/SSP
  17. I shall return to the rock I have been living under then ?
  18. Has anyone tried logging into their account?
  19. Congratulations on the Michigan admit, whoever you are!
  20. If they were coming out today, wouldn't we see more results by now? I don't want to jinx anything either ?
  21. Urgh time to panic everybody
  22. I'm pretty sure I read something during the process where they explicitly said fellowship interviews are not indicative of admission. Maybe it was another school. I know Georgetown said that about one of their fellowships. It can't hurt though, right?
  23. Now that we are in results season, I imagine there are going to be a lot of digital 'accepted student' events. I know American SIS has quite a few events, together with 'SIS Grad Day' on 3/20. Hopefully we all get into a few different programs! With that in mind, obviously there is brand name and funding, but I think it is going to be quite hard to work out which school has the right 'fit', remotely. Does anyone have any thoughts on what the events will be like? I imagine a few schools will be pouring resources into these events to attract students, I just can't see myself getting the warm fuzzies over something online... I shall keep hoping, though!
  24. I was asked a few set questions and then a few about my background, the rest was pretty informal. I really enjoyed it. The questions were like 'what's the hardest professional decision you've had to make in the past year and why' or something like that.
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