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Everything posted by EscapingBrexit

  1. Wowwww! I take back everything I said ?
  2. There can't be that many schools left now that haven't released results? Harvard, Georgetown, Tufts obviously. Expecting another quiet week here.
  3. It would be helpful to know where you are from, @SampleText, for funding purposes.
  4. If you are averse to US applications then I particularly like the GHEID & KCL options listed, and the idea of a joint degree at Sciences Po just sounds like an amazing experience to me. I think you've highlighted some of the best courses. I think LSE & UCL also have decent courses but I could be wrong.
  5. Wow that's crazy! I hope you get your dream funding package in the coming days.
  6. At 10pm on a Saturday night? Are they insane? ? Congratulations!!!
  7. Those are some pretty compelling offers from top programs, congratulations! I really liked the idea of SIPA before I realized I'd make for a terrible New Yorker ?. Fingers crossed we hear from Harvard soon. The more I consider Fletcher, the more I like it. The location, the law angle... I quite like American too. They've been responsive so far.
  8. Does anyone know when MALD results are due? Just scheduling my crazy Gradcafe days for the week ?.
  9. Cost neutral is pretty fantastic! And SAIS is such a good school! I'm also waiting on Georgetown, but also Harvard and Tufts for some New England variety.
  10. Nicholas is a great school, honestly! I was very interested in Remote Sensing and Drones for Environmental purposes, and they are basically the best in the world for that (drones). You should all feel so proud of getting offers from any of these schools. Make sure you try and attend any admitted students events online before making your decision. Isn't Duke really good at Energy too? All of these programs are great. I'm almost jealous of your options! ?
  11. So I'm not applying to Env programs anymore, but in previous years Yale wasn't necessarily seen as the best program, whilst Duke was known to be excellent. I highly recommend you read some of the previous year's threads and advice to compare each school's strengths and weaknesses. I wouldn't necessarily be taken in by the Yale name. It is a great school, of course - all the top 4 are. Just make sure you get that additional context.
  12. Is anyone closer to making a decision? I have 3 important schools to hear back from, but American looks by far to be the most affordable choice at this point. Delighted to have been accepted to SAIS & GWU though!
  13. Wow, that is huge! Massive congratulations.
  14. I got a small amount of funding, but unfortunately not enough to make this an option! Time to see what else happens and potentially negotiate.
  15. I'm not sure on London, even though I'm from the UK. I feel that LSE's programmes are often rather impersonal with large cohorts compared to the US in particular, but I could be wrong. LSE is an excellent school though, and they do some really interesting, very specific programs. DC would be a really good option for you, and from your profile I think you would be a great fit for Georgetown SFS, and may well get decent funding. I'm in contact with a lot of DC orgs in the 'peace space' at the moment, and there is always a lot going on there. I hope to be in DC in September. I also work with some people in Geneva, and you can't go wrong there. I've just heard it is a really, really boring city, but obviously that specific program is great. You'll do well wherever you go, I'm sure, but definitely consider some more DC-based and American programs. Some schools have specific conflict resolution degrees.
  16. I figured we should probably have a place for the potential Fletcher mafia to talk. How are we feeling? I've really warmed up to the MALD program and Boston in general. It looks like a great place to live. I think someone said results will be out in mid-March, but that might have been a GradCafe-fuelled nightmare dream.
  17. Good luck everybody for tomorrow! I hope we all make it. ?
  18. I mean, if it gets to September, maybe they have to let us in. ?
  19. Tomorrow is definitely the day, right?
  20. Thank you so much for letting us know! Longer to wait then.
  21. Are you saying 50k a year debt or 50k total debt?
  22. So I'm in Michigan, perhaps more will arrive elsewhere in the coming days? It's the HKS Magazine - articles on what students are doing, what alumni are doing, and so on. I'm not reading anything into it. But it is odd! I made the mistake of looking at Boston/Cambridge with my partner on street view, and I've totally fallen in love...
  23. MPP! It was the strangest thing to find in my mailbox. So tantalizingly close, yet so far... SO LONG TO WAIT TOO!
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