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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Hello, thank you for your reply. In terms of speeches/interviews and conferences, I already turn down a lot of the requests I get so that's fine. I always do a couple of those however because I am starting to get paid for it and that's helpful for a uni student. For the project I am co-coordinator, I cannot give up at this point, the project is ending at the end of this month and two other coordinators are relying on me for this. I have a lot of my plate, but the fact that I am able to say "no" to a lot of the requests I get helps me to manage most of it.
  2. I met with her. She was nice and helpful but I felt embarrassed when she realized that I am a first-year master's student, I could see the shock in her eyes. I think I was too early in my path to be asking her questions about a potential Ph.D.
  3. Adelaide9216

    SSRC 2018

    Master's or doctoral level? I got SSHRC at the master's level, currently a scholar.
  4. The worst part is that I am doing this research assistantship that I have little time to devote to in reality. But I am still doing it because it's a great experience, especially if I am thinking of doing a Ph.D. afterward. It's an amazing opportunity that my supervisor has provided to me. The thing is that the literature review that we were supposed to complete in four months has now turned into an 8-month thing and we're going to produce this article for Christmas. It took longer because my supervisor and the research coordinator were very ambitious and when they both realized that I struggled with the whole process because it was entirely new to me, they decided to expand it so I could just go through this "learning curve" you know. At first, I was even asking myself "Why did she give me something to do that is so challenging intellectually speaking?" I could tell that she has a LOT of faith in me, and I feel afraid to dissapoint her. Now we're analyzing some articles, doing some triangulation (two people looking at the same articles and then comparing what we understood/got out of it critically speaking) and I don't know if I am doing this right. I'm the type of person who needs a clear A to Z guidelines whenever I do something, otherwise, I feel like I am not in control and start to get anxious. I'm realizing that research is always like that and I have to get used to it if I want to apply to a Ph.D. On top of that, I am the co-coordinator of a program at my uni and we are struggling with the funding of it because the past coordinators have literally left zero info for us on how to carry the program along in terms of funding. I'm trying to remain calm, and my colleagues are remaining calm (which is extremely helpful for me) but I am starting to get worried about it. And I am doing a lot of talks, speeches and media interviews while being in school. I get more and more public exposure for the activism and the volunteer work I do and I expect that someday, I will receive some hate (which I haven't so far, very surprisingly). But I need to get prepared for that, people are going to get tired of seeing my face on TV and in media. So far, I manage all of this pretty well, but I feel a little bit of pressure, even though it's tolerable.
  5. I see that I am not the only one who feels overwhelmed. This forum is like self-care to me at the same time. I'm one of the two students in my master's program to be doing a thesis option, so I barely see any of my class colleagues. We're definitely going to debrief at the end of the month. I feel kinda bad because I had a meeting with a professor this morning to discuss a potential Ph.D. partnership, and when she realized that I am a first-year master student, I could sense some surprise coming from her. The meeting was still helpful and she was very kind to answer my questions and talk about her discipline (which differs from social work) but I feel embarrassed to be thinking about a Ph.D. so early. When I contacted their department, I was told to contact professors to discuss my ideas of topics for a Ph.D. but I feel like I should have waited a couple more months.
  6. I think your application is already pretty strong!
  7. I got an A on that paper. Phew. One month left to this semester. Anyone wanting to chat about their experience as a first-year graduate student?
  8. Hello, I've heard horrible stories re: street harassment in France (I will present to a conference there at the end of August). The stories I have heard won't hinder me from presenting, but I was wondering what have your experiences been in regards to traveling in other parts of the world as a woman or as a woman of color. TY
  9. Hello everyone, I've been hearing a lot of people saying that doing a PhD is hard because there is no guarantee that you will become a professor one day after graduating, to what extent is this true in social work in Canada? Any thoughts?
  10. Is it normal that they haven't released the names of the funded projects on their website ?
  11. She did send her LOR the day before the deadline. I was able to send my application. Phew!
  12. Hello, I am meeting next week with a Prof to discuss a potential PhD collaboration for me. Any advice? I know I should maybe bring my CV but what else? What should I ask?
  13. I think there will be those kinds of politics no matter the work setting in all honesty...no?
  14. Hello, does anyone know if SSHRC or FRQ offers scholarships for students to take part in short-term trips (between one week and less than three months) for the dissemination of findings? I'm a master student. Thanks!
  15. I've also learned to say no to things or opportunities in order to get through my MSW. I get a lot of requests for different kinds of projects and I say no to most of them because my degree is my priority for the moment and I want to succeed.
  16. You're not the only one feeling this way. I was reading an article the other day saying that graduate students are at high risk for depression and anxiety. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I am assuming there are counselling/therapy services at your uni. I live with a mental illness, but even if I am in recovery for many years, I still do a couple of things to make sure I don't fall back into depression/anxiety. I do yoga on campus. I always go to bed at 10pm no matter what I have left to do. I always allow myself to have that time to rest. And I take 3 meals a day and do not allow myself to be checking emails or anything else while I am doing that. I listen to a lot of music also and take a lot of walks just to be thinking about other things. I go shopping every once in a while and reserve time to watch funny tv shows with my family. I also have a good agenda and whenever I get up in the morning, I give myself goals of things that I need to do in that day so that I don't end up feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. And I try to always do things in advance and prioritize tasks. I'm a highly anxious person and that's how I've managed to feel less anxious. Whenever I start anxiety coming in, I sit down, and I just write down everything that needs to be done and prioritize and the fact that I see it on paper and divided into small chunks helps me a LOT. I know this comes across as simple, but for me, it has been incredibly helpful because I have a very heavy schedule.
  17. I did a little bit of reading (I sometimes skim through other students that have completed their master's or doctoral thesis in my field out of curiosity and to learn the process of academic research for myself). I was very disappointed but not surprised to find out that earlier this year, a student has done a research project on the topic I was contemplating. This is someone I don't know btw. And her methods are more-so what I had in mind for a potential doctoral research. I looked at her work, went straight to her conclusions and limitations to see if there were any gaps in research that I could explore in my own research project. Is that a good way to find new angles to a research topic that might already have been studied? Or should I choose a totally new research topic for a PhD?
  18. Ah ok! Sorry for the confusion. Good luck, I hope you get it!
  19. Hello! I haven't applied to this, I can't anyways because I am not a doctoral student but I believe that most of these scholarships give out their results around April, no?
  20. I was selected to go present my master's thesis topic in France in August 2018!!!!
  21. Agreed. One of my professor was an indigenous man and he taught us indigenous history in Canada. He brought his wife as a guest speaker on residential school because she is a residential school survivor. In that context, it was totally appropriate. But what OP is describing sounds unprofessional to me.
  22. I just love learning from everyone here. I am a MSW student, I am considering applying for a PhD and this forum is gold to me. Also, in my MSW, I am one of two students who have chosen the thesis option and I feel like people here can understand me better in regards to this program choice.
  23. Hello, does it make sense for a prospective student to have the same research proposal for multiple different programs (but programs that aren't in the same field)?
  24. Is this for a PhD or a Master's program?
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