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Everything posted by tonkathewombat

  1. UConn SLP 2019 https://www.facebook.com/groups/335399380196115/
  2. I haven't been able to find a facebook page! What is the link?
  3. Hi! I'm also going to the University of Connecticut and I'm so excited to meet everyone! I also took an online class through them a few summers ago and it was a very positive introduction to the program.
  4. Anyone know of a place to take Speech and Hearing Science online in the summer? I'll need that before my program starts.
  5. Does anyone know if some schools have a way of helping students meet each other before the program begins (besides open houses)?
  6. I'm waiting on two in-state schools: UConn and Southern Connecticut State University. I think they'll tell us in two weeks once their spring breaks are over... but this week would be really nice.
  7. Thanks for your response! I'm surprised yours says complete. You didn't send the recommendations to both places, did you? I know of two other people whose applications say incomplete as well.
  8. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone who has applied to UConn can give me any information on how the application on the Hobson (apply yourself) portal still says "incomplete." I am positive that we only had to submit our recommendation letters through CSDCAS and not Hobson as well. However, I am paranoid about how the Hobson application has been listed as incomplete (due to missing recommendations) for so long. I thought that they would have at least overrode the system by now, since at this time last year, people were being notified of acceptances. Going off of that, does anyone have any information on when we might hear back? I was expecting to hear back around now because of the grad cafe survey results from last year. But maybe because this is the first year UConn is using CSDCAS, they won't be notifying us until March. Thanks for any insight you guys might have!
  9. I do have grades to update, but I'm not sure if I should spend the time on it. Should I call each school and ask?
  10. Thanks for the reply. My transcripts are all verified, but that was before my fall grades were finalized and before my spring classes that I am in now showed up on my transcript. This fall, I took Physics of Music as the physical science prerequisite, and I am currently taking Intro to 2nd Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics, two classes that are nicely related to speech path even though my school doesn't have comm. disorders. Just wondering if it would be beneficial to have the grade from physics and the name of those classes on my official transcript. I did input them to CSDCAS, but they weren't on my transcript yet.
  11. Hi all! I applied to UCONN, Southern, and MGH. I wish everyone good luck over the next few weeks as acceptances hopefully start coming in. Does anyone know if we have to submit a new transcript for Academic Update on CSDCAS? I haven't yet. My friend who also applied to MGH called them and was basically told that it doesn't matter because they won't look at your application twice.
  12. I applied to 3 schools. I didn't feel the pressure to apply to a ton since I'm not surrounded by other people applying. (My school doesn't have a comm. disorders major). Good luck!
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