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    JustPoesieAlong reacted to a_sort_of_fractious_angel in How do you explain what research in literature is?   
    For kindly non-ac people/friends/family, I've switched from version (1) "I focus on transnational identity formation at the intersections between contemporary Caribbean and 20th- and 21st century American literature" to version (2)  "so, you know how you have a story you tell about yourself and your life? And maybe a story or two about your family - where you all came from and whatnot? I look at how people tell those kinds of stories about themselves and others through books."
    No one has ever knew what to do with version 1 but version 2 seems to go over OK with everyone who is not hip to the things. One time, my mom's friend cautiously offered up a book she had read for her book club as a kind of "I have read a book in which a person discusses their identity" and I was like, "yes. good. yes. brilliant. you got it."
    For the science people, I like to tell them that they do research and we do scholarship. At which point, many are like "so that is the same thing?" And I'm like "no, n00b, it is not. I am a scholar - I scholate things. You merely research them. Leave me to my books." If I have a book at hand, I toss it to them and say "you figure it out because, honestly, I'm not sure."
    For the drunk uncles - honestly, I just double down. They're always like "you're never gonna get a job" at which point I remind them that "where I'm going, I don't need jobs."
  2. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to evanmarie in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    honestly, I saw results coming in from Alabama and Delaware and just e-mailed the DGS very politely about a timeline. In both cases I found out I was on the waitlist. If it's a school you know usually doesn't decide until later, wait it out, but if you are expecting (or seeing some results) just e-mai;l.
  3. Like
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from hibiscus in 2018 Acceptances   
    No need to apologize for doom and gloom! This is a painful process, and I myself oscillate between extreme hope and bitter despair every half hour. I am so happy to hear you got into your first choice. Congratulations!
  4. Like
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from FishNerd in 2018 Acceptances   
    I'm so glad for you two! It's wonderful that you'll both be able to pursue your careers in the same place! 
  5. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to Crow T. Robot in Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) / Projected Rejections   
    @colin_cloute, I have no useful information to offer here, but I just wanted to say that your display name rules. Eddie Spense 4evr.
  6. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to E. Coronaria in 2018 Acceptances   
    If it helps, I wasn’t a Delaware admit. I got in last week. Chin up! You’ll get in— you just have to sweat it out a little longer. I certainly didn’t have a perfect application, so ANYTHING is possible. 
  7. Like
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from E. Coronaria in 2018 Acceptances   
    No need to apologize for doom and gloom! This is a painful process, and I myself oscillate between extreme hope and bitter despair every half hour. I am so happy to hear you got into your first choice. Congratulations!
  8. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to E. Coronaria in 2018 Acceptances   
    I’m in, y’all. Thanks to everyone who coached me through one or two uncharacteristic meltdowns. I’m a tad bit ashamed of my doom & gloom behavior, so I’m not going to specify where. It was my first choice program and I plan to accept. Thanks to all the first rate humans on this forum! ❤️
  9. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to CulturalCriminal in 2018 Acceptances   
    For the TAMU folks, it is a good program that many of my friends are hoping on getting into. Likewise, I’d say placement is good afterwards (quite a few folks working as profs in the Aus/San Antonio and DFW area have phds from there). 
    I say it’s odd because of two reasons: location and undergrad population.
    It’s at least two hours away from the more forward thinking TX metropolitan areas (DFW, Aus/SA, Houston), which means the immediate area outside of the typical University neighborhoods can be a bit conservative (in the evangelical way). That said the actual campus and sorroundings are safe and mostly hospitable to the kinds of ideas that tend to come with having spent 6+ years in a discipline driven by empathy.
    As for the undergrad population (who you’ll be teaching), there are certainly liberal- and moderate-thinking people. That said, the immediate image most Texans conjure of the student body is white, conservative frat boys who come from family’s that are (at least in their area) considered wealthy. Though I think that is a tad unfair, I will note that it is one of the few public universities in this state that isn’t recognized as a Hispanic serving institution. Likewise, while it certainly isn’t as conservative as Baylor of Stephen F Austin, it certainly isn’t as liberal as UT or Texas State.
    all of that said, it’s a good program with cool profs and grad students. 
  10. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to unicornsarereal in Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) / Projected Rejections   
    So, um, Berkeley, I'll take the rejection whenever.
  11. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from mk-8 in Self Care in Grad School   
    For those looking for a feasible workout routine on a tight schedule, I highly recommend T25. I think it's one of the Beachbody routines. 25 minute workouts, plus a short cool down. I literally have no time for anything else, so this is definitely the one for me. There's a modifier who takes you through a lower impact option, since it's heavy on the jumping. 
  12. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to midwest-ford in Self Care in Grad School   
    My friend and I have this simple mantra: "Food, water, sleep." Basically, if I'm feeling extra despondent about my work--as in, stressed about irrational things and jumping to irrational conclusions about my future prospects and worth--I think about whether I've had enough to eat, enough water, and enough sleep. It sounds way too simple, but I swear that nearly every time I've been teetering on the edge of something, I've realized that I need food, water, or sleep. It doesn't take away the normal stress that comes with academia, but it does help me identify situations in which I'm completely overreacting because I'm not in the right state of mind. Even the worst, most stressful times (hello, PhD application season!) have felt more manageable after I've taken care of my basic needs.
    Lately, I've also been using the water tracking feature on my Fitbit. While I can't always get 10,000 steps a day, I can always make sure I get enough water, and I know it's helping me in other ways, too. 
    I've been going to the gym regularly this year, which is good, but I think I'm beginning to realize that working out is a time commitment, and it will never be something I can do quickly or fit into my schedule without affecting other stuff--and that's okay. I feel like I spend a lot of time thinking "Okay, I'll get up earlier to go to the gym so that I'll still be able to get to campus at exactly the same time as when I don't work out," and that absolutely never works. But staying physically active is an entire component of my life, just like cooking or working or spending time with my boyfriend. It will have an impact on the rest of my schedule, and it should. This was a huge realization for me, and it's helping me be okay with reorganizing my schedule so that I can prioritize physical health. 
  13. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to BlessMeWithSnow in 2018 Acceptances   
    Just saw this on the admissions board - loved it.

  14. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to Wabbajack in 2018 Acceptances   
    I can't believe I received an email on super bowl Sunday, but I just got an acceptance email from my POI at the University of South Florida. The email said that the DGS should reach out in the next few days.
  15. Like
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from bumbleblu in Let's Distract Ourselves!   
    Yup. Two dogs and a cat, actually. Oh, and a husband and kiddo. So maybe it doesn't count ?
    Really though, I can't imagine not having my puppers with me during grad school. They're very supportive of my academic endeavors.
  16. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to klader in 2018 Acceptances   
    Hi, all! I've been away from the forums, but I'm back to announce that this morning I got a call and was admitted to the University of Michigan's Joint PhD program in English and Education!!! And, also, yesterday I received an invitation to Purdue University's student recruitment event for the English department... But I haven't been accepted or anything yet? 
    Has anyone else been invited to the Purdue prospective student event? I apologize, because I have not been keeping up with the forums.
  17. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to Crow T. Robot in 2018 Acceptances   
    Congrats, @M(allthevowels)H and @FreakyFoucault!!!!!! 
    I am late to this party, but..... I also got accepted to Rice!! Couldn't return the DGS's call since I was at work and almost nobody in my office knows I'm applying to PhD programs... but I am very excited! I've visited Rice before for a grad symposium and I adore their department.
  18. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to FreakyFoucault in 2018 Acceptances   
    I got accepted to Stanford . I’ll call Northwestern back this weekend. 
    I’m melting guys. 
  19. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to M(allthevowels)H in 2018 Acceptances   
    Nope, still says "Received." The email just came through though, so they can't take it back now!
  20. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from FreakyFoucault in 2018 Acceptances   
  21. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from jpbends in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    Whew. That helps me to calm down some until then. Thanks for sharing!
  22. Like
    JustPoesieAlong reacted to M(allthevowels)H in 2018 Acceptances   
    Ya girl got into Rice!!!
  23. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from Narrative Nancy in 2018 Acceptances   
    Just got word that I will be awarded a fellowship from TAMU! I think it's a pretty swell offer. I'm trying not to get super sentimental, but Texas is my home state and I'm feeling drawn to the idea of going home...
  24. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from bumbleblu in 2018 Acceptances   
    Just got word that I will be awarded a fellowship from TAMU! I think it's a pretty swell offer. I'm trying not to get super sentimental, but Texas is my home state and I'm feeling drawn to the idea of going home...
  25. Upvote
    JustPoesieAlong got a reaction from Axil in 2018 Acceptances   
    Just got word that I will be awarded a fellowship from TAMU! I think it's a pretty swell offer. I'm trying not to get super sentimental, but Texas is my home state and I'm feeling drawn to the idea of going home...
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